this page is gold, I agree that incontrol is a tool. Like others have said he can dish it out but can't take it
Neural Parasite is the best troll move in the game. :lolPankaks said:
he lost. >_>Q8D3vil said:a new troll appeared on the NA server
he lost that game ?Pandaman said:he lost. >_>
I stopped taking pd seriously a while ago and that post shows why.Q8D3vil said:not sure if the post above is serious.
sp imo is garbage because of the clock missions ( normal speed ftl).Garryk said:Slowly making my way through the campaign while playing lots of 2v2s and 3v3s with some buddies. I've gotten to the point in the game where all the missions have become increasingly frustrating. The story is alright, but it seems like every mission is a race against the clock.
There is no time to enjoy the story moments in the mission because a wall of fire is closing in on you or Kerrigan is about to steal the dataz. I don't know how I would have beat the Moebius mission with Kerrigan if I hadn't researched Hercules dropships. The zerg spitters kept destroying my medivacs on the way to the last data center.
Attack-move MMM trivializes most everything in campaign. Use that and kick back!Garryk said:Slowly making my way through the campaign while playing lots of 2v2s and 3v3s with some buddies. I've gotten to the point in the game where all the missions have become increasingly frustrating. The story is alright, but it seems like every mission is a race against the clock.
There is no time to enjoy the story moments in the mission because a wall of fire is closing in on you or Kerrigan is about to steal the dataz. I don't know how I would have beat the Moebius mission with Kerrigan if I hadn't researched Hercules dropships. The zerg spitters kept destroying my medivacs on the way to the last data center.
Pandaman said:*incontrol takes shot at totalbiscuit*
*next day totalbiscuit announces new shoutcraft tourney out of pocket where every player gets paid*
lol incontrol.
Corran Horn said:Then the koreans came. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN
mescalineeyes said:well by that logic, inca was the 2nd best protoss in GSL season 5.
Pandaman said:by going 4:3. the wonders of seeding into a pool.
Corran Horn said:Cheesing some too, like 4 gate with hidden pylon against tlo.
I still don't like TotalBiscuit but that interview is retarded. Talking about the genius of hiring a model than deriding TB for switching games is fucking stupid. His defense of the comments on TL is equally stupid. "HE'S NOT 100% SELFLESS!!!" Yeah, and you coach for free and don't run commercials on your stream.PhoenixDark said:Ha, not long ago most people shat on TB regularly. InControl's impact on nerds is now indisputable!
Mairu said:I still don't like TotalBiscuit but that interview is retarded. Talking about the genius of hiring a model than deriding TB for switching games is fucking stupid. His defense of the comments on TL is equally stupid. "HE'S NOT 100% SELFLESS!!!" Yeah, and you coach for free and don't run commercials on your stream.
why would they nerf broodlords ?Jeff-DSA said:Just got back from a week long vacation. Caught up on NASL and despite all the bumps along the way, that final was incredible.
I'm not sure how I feel about iNcontrol. He's pretty prideful, but I think he's trying to be good for eSports and he tries to be good to his fans and followers. It's like he's selectively humble.
As for TotalBiscuit, I like what he does. I don't actively follow him, but he makes the game fun for certain segments of the audience that don't care about the deep intricacies of the game. I don't think he's ever set out to offend anybody either.
So did they nerf Brood Lords yet?
Pandaman said:*incontrol takes shot at totalbiscuit*
*next day totalbiscuit announces new shoutcraft tourney out of pocket where every player gets paid*
lol incontrol.
Q8D3vil said:why would they nerf broodlords ?
or did you mean the infestor broodlord combo ?
Jeff-DSA said:I'm just joking around. It's always an easy way to steer discussion...
Awesome Animals said:Broodlords need to be nerfed. They take out Marines and Siege Tanks too quickly ><
Awesome Animals said:Broodlords need to be nerfed. They take out Marines and Siege Tanks too quickly ><
Jeff-DSA said:They need to make it so units can walk through Broodlings.
ShallNoiseUpon said:I'll allow this if Zerg can get Ultralisk pathing like Colossus.
ShallNoiseUpon said:I'll allow this if Zerg can get Ultralisk pathing like Colossus.
Hugoboss21 said:is it that HARD to put ultras in front? lol
That's bogus.MrKnives said:I agree. Nothing should come between marines and their ability to destroy zerg.
MrKnives said:They are the dragoons of sc2
Yoshichan said:back from work... time to ladder... or is it?
Jeff-DSA said:They need to make it so units can walk through Broodlings. It's downright ridiculous that a single Brood Lord can keep a Thor pinned down because it can't walk through the Broodlings. They should increase the move speed of Broodlings to offset the effect of units walking through them though. It would at least allow for a group of Marines or Thors to engage Brood Lords, because right now there's only two Terran units that can even attack them (Ghosts and Vikings).
Yeah... but first, daily time!Pankaks said:It's always laddering time.
Jeff-DSA said:They need to make it so units can walk through Broodlings. It's downright ridiculous that a single Brood Lord can keep a Thor pinned down because it can't walk through the Broodlings. They should increase the move speed of Broodlings to offset the effect of units walking through them though. It would at least allow for a group of Marines or Thors to engage Brood Lords, because right now there's only two Terran units that can even attack them (Ghosts and Vikings).
Tanks with SC1 AI would change a lot of things.Won said:Tanks need to fire Marines.
claviertekky said:Tanks with SC1 AI would change a lot of things.
Hugoboss21 said:then i guess they get back their 70 dmg ;(
Not talking about damage here.Hugoboss21 said:then i guess they get back their 70 dmg ;(
Keikaku said:I just found out that the tourney I registered for is FULL of Masters and a Grandmaster or 2.
I am already dead.
Keikaku: "So... so many t-ttanks. He forced so many th-thors up my ramp. Then he did it in-game. Pluh-please make the nightmares go away."867-5309 said:So you are about to prove that you are actually a SC2 savant.
or this will be you in a few days.
claviertekky said:Not talking about damage here.
Didn't tanks in Starcraft 1 fire the first thing that moves where as in Starcraft 2, the AI got smarter so that no one tank fires the same unit?