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Staten Island Grand Jury Does Not Indict in Eric Garner Case

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Fuck the cops speaking publicly. How about everyone else? Why do we need special voices to note murder is murder? You know full well people don't come forward in PD because of the corruption/intimidation. Its been documented, and is always documented. Its a mafia at this point. Honest Q though, why do we need to wait for certain sources to deem that the sky is blue?

Why do black people need to vote in order to not have police killing them like animals?

Its about time black people come up with their own protection force. Black Panthers need to start doing private security for black areas, and if you ever have a problem, call them. Don't call the police. When you're black its a 90/10 chance you'll be killed anyway for breaking into the house you're reporting a crime. I mean, I'll wait out for Obama to do anything remarkable, or Eric Holder, but this is out of control, and has been.

Or a virtual world where our consciousness is uploaded to a computer. I don't have all the answers.

Neighborhoods do that in Oakland (since police response can be extremely poor), but it's not the Black Panthers doing the patrolling if you know what I mean. Only the rich can afford it.

What do you mean by this?

Grand Jury proceedings are sealed.

A criminal trial is public record.




As far as criminals go, this is about the least harmful as they come. Some white collar crook who runs every morning is a much bigger threat than a middle age obese man. The fact that cops quickly escalate the situation so violently when they clearly have the man outnumbered without him attempting to escape or become a threat is frightening. At what point do they actually punish an officer for crossing the line?
Grand juries are the easiest to manipulate, like someone said earlier all they need to do is plant one seed of doubt. That seed bekng "is there evidence that the officer used malice and really wanted to kill him?" I can see it now, most of them would go hmmmmmmmm he has a point


Oh alright. I was just wondering if the statistics of people killed by police were that high where people felt their lives were at risk.

Also I think I read the OP wrong and assumed this cop just was convicted but not even indicted? Nonsense.

Don't you see GAF members here saying they fear for their life? I've read more then enough on here, to feel sickened. I don't have stats on hand, but I'm just listening to their experiences and how they feel. And it's fuckin disgusting. And people should be ashamed that they are okay with their fellow Americans having to live this way.
What do you mean by this?

I feel this way too. It feels like the prosecutors are putting the victims on trial and acting as the defense for the officers. They arn't doing their jobs as far as actually PROSECUTING. They are stepping into the situations like "oh i don't know if this could even be a crime, so jury, please tell me if this is a crime."

How often do prosecutors pull that shit? Prosecutors are supposed to be the most hardcore people FOR indictment. It just seems like they don't care about landing an indictment.


Black people have to vote in order to not be killed by police, and have trials? There is nothing inherent in non-blacks to want to have trials for murder caught on video? Again, this is larger than voting. White people should be upset too, they just aren't, as a group.

We are getting killed on the streets like dogs, and you're saying that voting is what will change this? Hell, burn it all down if this is the case. We will rebuild it, with less pagan shit this time around.

I'm just searching for realistic ways to change this, and the powers that be that enable this sick pattern to continue don't really have much to fear as things currently stand.

"Burn it all down" and "scream in the streets" might feel good to talk about, but I fear they're not enough.
The choke hold should have never been used, even if he resisted. That is where some folks don't understand where you are coming from. Yes, we can acknowledge that he resisted. That him being detained was the result of an action he took. But his actions should not have led to him being choked out. Thousands of people get detained all the time, and aren't killed or put into this lethal technique.

100% agreement.


Black people have to vote in order to not be killed by police, and have trials? There is nothing inherent in non-blacks to want to have trials for murder caught on video? Again, this is larger than voting. White people should be upset too, they just aren't, as a group.

We are getting killed on the streets like dogs, and you're saying that voting is what will change this? Hell, burn it all down if this is the case. We will rebuild it, with less pagan shit this time around.


Voting isn't even a solution, when the system has been shown to not work. If people aren't coming out to help vote. If voting doesn't actually result in action. If you have shit like district lines being re-drawn, voter id laws to prevent people from voting (the system preventing minorities from voting).

Saying that "voting" is the solution, is pretty ridiculous. Yes, in an ideal world voting is the first step you take. That's the civilized society we live in (if it was actually civilized and worked). But do people think that hasn't already been tried? Like for decades now...

At a certain point, if society on the whole doesn't want to do anything, if voting doesn't work, then well...it is what it is. People have no right to condemn violence or riots, or complain about them, when all other avenues have been used and failed. This is a basic right to life issue.


Junior Member
Videos don't matter folks. A former cop on CNN just said that Eric Garner was threatening police by just standing still and not doing anything.

Yep, just standing on the sidewalk is threatening the cops.
Videos don't matter folks. A former cop on CNN just said that Eric Garner was threatening police by just standing still and not doing anything.

Yep, just standing on the sidewalk is threatening the cops.

Going to telecommute for work from now on. Spend as much time in bed as possible. Maybe I won't get killed by the cops.


I'm just searching for realistic ways to change this, and the powers that be that enable this sick pattern to continue don't really have much to fear as things currently stand.

"Burn it all down" and "scream in the streets" might feel good to talk about, but I fear they're not enough.

I said if what you said is true, it means that only black people have the capability of valuing their lives. -- so burn it all down and start over.

As I said, white people, any citizen, should be upset about what is happening. But they aren't as a group of a social movement. If citizens in the country made enough fuss, things would change. Its a simple solution. Instead of chastising people for being understandably angry at a problem that seems impossible to solve ( Your government doesn't care about your life ), why not try to be constructive.

What solutions will get more people to understand what the riots are about? How do we get everyone in the nation to understand that the Police Force / Justice System is the problem?


This is just sad.

Grand Juries you dont need alot of evidence to proceed to trial. Two times in the past week where a Cop killed an innosent man both Grand Jurys decided no trial.


Racism and police brutality are really two separate issues. Unfortunately there aren't any countries that have totally gotten past racism, and you might be correct that overall Europe is more racist than America. But there's nowhere else in the developed world where as many people are killed by police (even per-capita) as the US. We're a conspicuous outlier in that area, which says to me that something's uniquely broken here.

Absolutely. Cop culture is something I witness everyday. In fact I was even embedded in it for a while.

When you're a cop, you either tow the company line long enough that you believe it or you become ostracized by the rest of the cops and have to regularly fight with officers (lieutenants, captains) to keep your job. Ultimately if you choose the latter you wash out and have a blemish on your record for not being cognitively dissonant.

With that said, most cops don't understand that they're being racist or dissonant. The cop culture is all they know. The way they see it, each day may be their last and they're going to protect themselves at all costs. Fear drives them. When they see a black person they get scared.

Four people close to me who are cops have said that when they are in a black neighborhood they get scared and will do anything to protect themselves while patrolling that area.

It's unfortunate that an irrational fear of black people can be used as a reason for killing someone, but that's basically the reasoning behind these shootings. These cops will tell you they're not racist. They truly believe they're not racist.

The way things will have to go if there's going to be change within the police system is for both sides to work together. Like sit down every week and get to know these, "bad communities," and "bad cops." Policing and communities need to come together here and make it difficult to shoot someone or punch a cop. If both sides know each other, it'll make it that more difficult to demonize the other side. However right now, both sides see it as a us vs. them issue, however, one side has the law, the guns, and the education, and the other has no advantage.


I'm just searching for realistic ways to change this, and the powers that be that enable this sick pattern to continue don't really have much to fear as things currently stand.

"Burn it all down" and "scream in the streets" might feel good to talk about, but I fear they're not enough.

I agree that blind violence isn't always a solution. I'm not trying to say I want violence, or I advocate it. But it's like, if all other avenues have been tried, and failed...what else do you do. I mean, if you literally have a high chance to be killed and are treated like a second class citizen, this becomes a right to life issue.

So I'm just saying, I don't blame riots/violence being used when all these other avenues have been used and failed.

Violence itself won't fix the problem. But people generally don't want to live a society of chaos and where violence is the norm. People are more likely to step up and push for change, if violence continues and disrupts their life. Things are more likely to be dealt with, once it starts impacting others.

Again, it's not something people want. Black Americans don't want violence. No one wants violence. It's not something you just casually go to.

EDIT: for the record, I am generally against violence. It's just, I don't know what other solutions there are. Really, I'm just saying I can't blame people if it happens. That's really what i mean. I dunno what else one can do in this situation.


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I don't think grand juries have a judge

From the Wiki.

"Grand jury proceedings are secret. No judge is present; the proceedings are led by a prosecutor;[16] and the defendant has no right to present his case or (in many instances) to be informed of the proceedings at all."

That's fucked. What kind of half arsed system is that.


The way things will have to go if there's going to be change within the police system is for both sides to work together. Like sit down every week and get to know these, "bad communities," and "bad cops." Policing and communities need to come together here and make it difficult to shoot someone or punch a cop. If both sides know each other, it'll make it that more difficult to demonize the other side. However right now, both sides see it as a us vs. them issue, however, one side has the law, the guns, and the education, and the other has no advantage.

A little hard to do when archaic war on drugs laws make the people of the community a target. Or like in Ferguson, where the police make % off of fines. A Friendly BBQ will do great for photos on a webpage, but deep seeded fears of blacks due to media portrayal and stereotypes is going to go home with everyone. While there hasn't been a surge in annual police deaths, ever , black people are getting gunned down, and police that do it get off without any punishment.

None of this is resolved by sharing a biscuit. Police don't have a PR problem. Police are abusing and targeting certain communities, which responds to the violence. If police didn't abuse communities, communities wouldn't fear police. Simple as that.

Interesting post though.
From the Wiki.

"Grand jury proceedings are secret. No judge is present; the proceedings are led by a prosecutor;[16] and the defendant has no right to present his case or (in many instances) to be informed of the proceedings at all."

That's fucked. What kind of half arsed system is that.

This should be all the indication you need that the prosecutor wasn't really looking to prosecute the case at all.


How is it even possible for the cop to get off on this. The video evidence is right there! Shit was ridiculous before, this is mind-boggling.

Also, I wonder how large of protests we will be seeing after this one
This will be my last post in this thread as it has made me heated but when will civilians have the right to use of force if their life is in immediate danger from police? It is sad if this guy fought back he STILL would have ended up dead.


This will be my last post in this thread as it has made me heated but when will civilians have the right to use of force if their life is in immediate danger from police? It is sad if this guy fought back he STILL would have ended up dead.

Yup then they'd have even more cause to use deadly force. He'll his criminal record would have made him the villain.

Real shame.
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