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Staten Island Grand Jury Does Not Indict in Eric Garner Case

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Eric Garner's miranda rights:

He was forever silenced
His words were ignored
He didnt live to get an attorney
he wasnt served an attorney as police killed him


An additional 700 MTA police
And 2,200 port authority police
And another 1,000 bridge and tunnel police

If there would any good cops, theyd call in sick tonight. But no, theyre all hungry for overtime and the chance to bash the heads of their fellow residents.

Nope, for stuff like this, there are no sick cops. You are given an order to report or can be fired.

Here, awaiting the Ferguson verdict, we had officers that haven't done active patrol in years called to have their riot gear ready in the trunk of their cars ready to be called if things were to go south. Nothing happened but desk cops, detectives, commanders, everyone with police powers was on call.


So the answer is that Good Police are terrified by the police corruption Mammoth, but nope, no problems there. Just fyi.

Yeah, wasn't saying there is no problem there (sorry if it came off that way). There is definitely a problem. Rather, just trying to explain why they don't speak out, or what happens when they do speak out.

Even if cops speak out, it wouldn't get far because of how fucked the system is within the departments. Still, I think it's probably a case of people just looking out for themselves and not wanting to get fired. They only care about providing for their family, and keeping their work.

And that's pretty fuckin depressing.


Just saw the video for the first time and it just brought a tear to my eye - this is cruel, man. This is not how this world should work.
Because they like having jobs. Not trying to be an ass, but with how powerful the police unions are, they would be lucky to get a security guard job if they spoke out.

So it's almost as if systemic injustice and racism is affecting (intentional or not to the individual cop) police forces across the nation?

Maybe we should kinda concede that and try as a society to fix it?


It appears I did take it too literally, which is precisely why I broke out laughing.

I disagree with your placement of blame. The problem is both; the cops who blissfully exploit the system, and the citizens accept it.

But you speak as if the problem is one that can be fixed simply. Our courts are complicit in their crimes and our legislators and their unions anoint them of being individuals that are above the law. I believe until society at large views cops as the "other," as cops do with citizens, nothing will change.
I think we're talking past each other, so this will be my last post addressing this little misunderstanding.

The problem can't be fixed easily because the problem is that our society as a whole is complicit. American society deems black people less worthy of economic opportunity, of equal treatment under the law, and even less worthy of life. Not explicitly of course, but in every meaningful way.

I also fail to see what viewing cops as "other" would do to solve the situation. Don't black people predominantly already see cops this way, and aren't they the most mistreated?
I hate to say this, until the majority of white people in the country GENUINELY start giving a shit about these problems, it's not going to go away.

Black people can't change the system. No matter how much we protest, march, catch everything on video at 4k 60FPS, 7.1 sound. It's not going to matter. We're pretty much powerless.

Only white people who aren't racist fuckheads can do anything. Until the police start fucking with them at the level they do people of color ain't shit gonna change.


Yes talk like detaining a resisting individual is easy.

Never said it was. But how does that justify him using a technique that is banned? Again, they are trained to detain. And even if it is difficult, that doesn't mean they can default to a technique that is lethal....
Nope, for stuff like this, there are no sick cops. You are given an order to report or can be fired.

I dont think you understand what protesting means.

You walk out on your job and join the masses. Thats a protest. Thats a good cop.

Standing with the line of your blue buddies (getting fat fat overtime) means youre ok with killing black people for selling cigarettes.


Most cops manage to do it without killing the person they are detaining or using moves they aren't allowed to. Garner's death is on the cop. It's that simple.

Yeah, he acts as if cops don't detain people all the time without killing them. If you look at all the millions of cops in the US, and how often they have to detain people (in the larger context), the majority of them don't result in murder.

So not really sure why he's excusing this. Or why he's putting blame on the victim for resisting. Resisting should have led to being detained, not being put in a choke hold.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Fuck you, New York City. And fuck you NYPD.

While I'm not trying to put a price on life, this ruling is actually WORSE than Ferguson to me because Eric Garner did not provoke the officers, on top of that the entire event and its aftermath were also caught on camera which clearly meant jack-all-shit here.


If in a situation like this where there is photographic and video evidence cannot even make it to trial, then what chance do all the other incidents lacking these have?


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While I'm not trying to put a price on life, this ruling is actually WORSE than Ferguson to me because Eric Garner did not provoke the officers, on top of that the entire event and its aftermath were also caught on camera which clearly meant jack-all-shit here.

I agree.

I would still like to know on what basis did the grand jury decide not to indict. Does anyone know?


Kills Photobucket
I can understand why Darren Wilson wasn't indicted. Conflicting witnesses, evidence not supporting the surrender testimony of some witnesses etc.

This one is just disgusting though. I thought choke holds were illegal in the first place.


This almost makes me more upset than the verdict non-indictment.

It's literally pouring salt in the wound. It's as if they want a riot so they can kill more black people.


This. It's become a loophole for police accountability.

I wish he was. Obama has largely neglected blacks. :(

He was heavily scrutinized over his race during his first term. He couldn't make a single move without racists and the right wing ready to pounce on him as giving "special favor" to people of color.

But I wonder why he doesn't just do more now that he's leaving office, and really he should only care about his legacy at this point. He can't be voted in again anyways at this point.


I'd be really frightened for the people that take to the streets in this. The NYPD give zero fucks about shooting more people. If there are large scale demonstrations, or God forbid riots, the NYPD will make the Ferguson cops seem like models of restraint.
This will probably also end up hurting any initiative to get body cameras on cops in the near future, too. I can see a lot of potential supporters looking at what happened today and just throwing their hands up.
I hate to say this, until the majority of white people in the country GENUINELY start giving a shit about these problems, it's not going to go away.

Black people can't change the system. No matter how much we protest, march, catch everything on video at 4k 60FPS, 7.1 sound. It's not going to matter. We're pretty much powerless.

Only white people who aren't racist fuckheads can do anything. Until the police start fucking with them at the level they do people of color ain't shit gonna change.
Ive been saying this for a while. We only make up 13% of the population.
We need white people and other minorities to be more empathetic and see this as a threat to themselves as well.
Posted? They indicted the guy who filmed the whole thing.


#WeHearYou #NYPD


I'd be really frightened for the people that take to the streets in this. The NYPD give zero fucks about shooting more people. If there are large scale demonstrations, or God forbid riots, the NYPD will make the Ferguson cops seem like models of restraint.

Will only make shit worse. They didn't seem to kill anyone during the Occupy Wallstreet protests. If suddenly people end up dead because they are of color, then shit would go off like a powder keg.


This is so fucking crazy.. I'm beyond sad at this and so fucking enraged..

Now what? What can be done? What can actually happen now that would be considered just and progress?


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No clue, not that it matters what he does, GOP will stop it. Since you're going with that hilariously petty "your black president" nonsense. What did your white presidents before him do about it?

I meant 'your' as in belonging to America. Not belonging to a racial group.
I'm not scared I just don't resist if being cuffed. I was just talking about how someone said we need self defense against cops. That is just stupid. IE more people die.

The solution is to prosecute more abusive and corrupt police, not to tell the populace to lay down and take it. America failed this man just as much as the NYPD did.
my eyes went blurry when I read this
I cant even think straight

They're fucking executing people in the streets and getting away with it.

This isn't a new development. this isn't a rare occurrence. There is more ways to record these situations and it seems to fuckin empower them to get away with anything they can.


Post Count: 9999
CNN is claiming they didn't indict because they were asked to indict if it was done with malicious intent.

Who the fuck cares whether it was malicious.
So the prosecutor was in cahoots with the PD and intentionally went with a trumped up charge that would never receive an indictment.

At least indictments do not fall under double jeopardy, so if there's enough outrage he could get indicted on a realistic charge.
I literally just finished a court procedure class and just reread that 7 out of 9 grand jury members must come to a decision. So 7 people thought this was an ok thing


I think a lot of people, especially on the internet, are very quick to jump on the "fuck the police" bandwagon when there is cloudly and inconclusive evidence. This stems just from a mob mentality thing, a terrible misconception of police training and ability (ie the 'shoot for the legs' 'disarm them first' arguement)

I've tried to remain a little more neutral with these kind of things, especially when evidence is still coming in/inconclusive.

But after seeing that video? Cmon. How can anyone defend that?
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