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Staten Island Grand Jury Does Not Indict in Eric Garner Case

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I will not say it's fucked up. Hundreds of countries deal with racism daily. It's just that in America it's more of a contentious issue that's spoken about more openly than coutries across the pond.

To be honest I'd say Europe is far more racist than America, but it's hidden behind a lot of politics that liberals support.

Adding to that, local jurisdictions have a lot more power than other local governments in foreign countries. If each local government was under complete federal control there'd be slightly less racism embedded in local culture.

Racism and police brutality are really two separate issues. Unfortunately there aren't any countries that have totally gotten past racism, and you might be correct that overall Europe is more racist than America. But there's nowhere else in the developed world where as many people are killed by police (even per-capita) as the US. We're a conspicuous outlier in that area, which says to me that something's uniquely broken here.


Will only make shit worse. They didn't seem to kill anyone during the Occupy Wallstreet protests. If suddenly people end up dead because they are of color, then shit would go off like a powder keg.

Honestly, it almost seems orchestrated.

This issue is hurting more and more every day, with every story. Not any fucks are given at a political level, or a social level. This whole thing has been allowed to turn into a powder keg. Obama/Holder have just watched this go down.

I think the point, much like ferguson, was to illustrate the power of our new militarized police. Remember, they could assault members of the press with impunity. They flexed a bit on OWS where we saw women, white women, being tossed around like ragdolls and peppersprayed. I can't help but feel that this is all to slowly erode protesting, by starting at the bottom of the bin. All while dividing the nation against the black population to support our treatment. Which is what you want to do. Once we aren't human anymore, then anything can happen to us. What else could society expect to happen from this situation?


News already going in on victim's history talking about past arrests.

Victims of police violence, ranging from harassment to abuse to beatings to killing, are treated like rape victims.

Rape victims in the 80s. At least there's been some progress in that area.

It's now officially open season.

So, when can we fight back?

I'm almost to the point where I have zero, and I do mean ZERO sympathy for any killed officers on duty.

When "good cops" are complicit in racist systematic bullshit like this, they're officially part of the problem.


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He's saying that the grand jury feels they must determine guilt or innocence, when the purpose of a grand jury is in reality to determine if there is sufficient evidence to proceed to a trial, where a separate jury would determine guilt.

Yes but surely the judge would direct the jury on it's purpose in these matters.




...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
What good would body cameras even be if video of the entire incident didn't mean anything?

I hope this fuckwad gets sued by the family up and down.
I think a lot of people, especially on the internet, are very quick to jump on the "fuck the police" bandwagon when there is cloudly and inconclusive evidence. This stems just from a mob mentality thing, a terrible misconception of police training and ability (ie the 'shoot for the legs' 'disarm them first' arguement)

I've tried to remain a little more neutral with these kind of things, especially when evidence is still coming in/inconclusive.

But after seeing that video? Cmon. How can anyone defend that?

You also have to realize that there are different communities here.

There is the black community who is very familiar with this sort of thing and have a natural distrust towards police. And this isn't paranoid distrust. Statistically police target blacks at a significantly higher rate than whites.

Then you have the white community who does not have a problem with police. Police treat whites VERY well in contrast. So hearing an "EFF the police" attitude is very foreign and confusing to a lot of whites. They assume their experiences are representative of ALL police conduct.

Of course the hispanic community shares much of the same distrust for police, while the asian community does not.


Honestly, it almost seems orchestrated.

This issue is hurting more and more every day, with every story. Not any fucks are given at a political level, or a social level. This whole thing has been allowed to turn into a powder keg. Obama/Holder have just watched this go down.

I think the point, much like ferguson, was to illustrate the power of our new militarized police. Remember, they could assault members of the press with impunity. They flexed a bit on OWS where we saw women, white women, being tossed around like ragdolls and peppersprayed. I can't help but feel that this is all to slowly erode protesting, by starting at the bottom of the bin. All while dividing the nation against the black population to support our treatment. Which is what you want to do. Once we aren't human anymore, then anything can happen to us. What else could society expect to happen from this situation?

It's hard for people to understand what it feels like to live in the US and be black. To feel like you are a second class citizen. To know you aren't treated the same under the law. To fear for your life, because you know cops will target you more then others, and will be protected if they decide to kill you (and your family won't get justice). To fear for your life just walking down the street.

I wish more people could step out of their shoes, and consider this. Consider how it would feel to live in that life. I mean jesus christ. It's fuckin terrible. It's a never ending nightmare. I don't understand why more people aren't angry or at least empathetic to this. I get that people tend to be selfish, and the whole ignorance is bliss (out of sight out of mind). Not my problem etc. But it's absolutely disturbing to see this shit played out across the nation on TV, and people not batting an eye.

A Human Becoming

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He was heavily scrutinized over his race during his first term. He couldn't make a single move without racists and the right wing ready to pounce on him as giving "special favor" to people of color.
Republicans criticized him no matter what he did. It was more important to win a second term than to do the right thing.

Azula said:
But I wonder why he doesn't just do more now that he's leaving office, and really he should only care about his legacy at this point. He can't be voted in again anyways at this point.
Presidents rarely do shit in their second term. Obama largely has not besides delaying deportation, which is only a delay. People need to stop saying presidents will do more once they're reelected.

I'll leave it at that so talk doesn't go too off topic.


So, when can we fight back?

I'm almost to the point where I have zero, and I do mean ZERO sympathy for any killed officers on duty.

When "good cops" are complicit in racist systematic bullshit like this, they're officially part of the problem.

The only way to make those in charge fear for their lives/livelihoods is to vote, both with their ballots and with their wallets. People can scream in the streets until their capillaries burst and they taste blood, but it it won't change things until those in power get financially hurt and fear the loss of that power.

Go to any news site and read reactions. See all of that repulsive shit there, justifying.. joking.. celebrating? Those fuckers vote. Every goddamn time.


( ≖‿≖)
This 'race war' panel on CNN still going on. Never watch this network but people here were right, pretty awful but hard to stop watching.


I think a lot of people, especially on the internet, are very quick to jump on the "fuck the police" bandwagon when there is cloudly and inconclusive evidence. This stems just from a mob mentality thing, a terrible misconception of police training and ability (ie the 'shoot for the legs' 'disarm them first' arguement)

I've tried to remain a little more neutral with these kind of things, especially when evidence is still coming in/inconclusive.

But after seeing that video? Cmon. How can anyone defend that?

I really thought the same thing. It's truly blatant and I really don't understand what happened here.


Republicans criticized him no matter what he did. It was more important to win a second term than to do the right thing.

Presidents rarely do shit in their second term. Obama largely has not besides delaying deportation, which is only a delay. People need to stop saying presidents will do more once they're reelected.

I'll leave it at that so talk doesn't go too off topic.

Ah I guess I always assumed Presidents just go all out during a second term (since they don't have to worry about getting re-elected). Anyways, yeah sorry. Didn't mean to get off topic. Was just replying to what that other guy said.


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It's hard for people to understand what it feels like to live in the US and be black. To feel like you are a second class citizen. To know you aren't treated the same under the law. To fear for your life, because you know cops will target you more then others, and will be protected if they decide to kill you (and your family won't get justice). To fear for your life just walking down the street.

I wish more people could step out of their shoes, and consider this. Consider how it would feel to live in that life. I mean jesus christ. It's fuckin terrible. It's a never ending nightmare. I don't understand why more people aren't angry or at least empathetic to this.

Sounds really terrible. I had no idea it was as bad as that.

Keep safe.


Austin Walker is insightful on Twitter right now:

1. This injustice is tied to a network of causes including white supremacy, racialization, representation, training, class, masculinity.

2. Each of these issues interlink in both direct and indirect, formal and informal ways. From legal codification to cultural practice.

3. That is to say: white supremacy interlocks and is supported by (let's say) misogyny, through the cultural production what a "real man" is'

4. It is also supported by a history of legislative, economic, and cultural practices that have privileged white men to accumulate wealth.

5. And that history has cordoned off the both the feeling and the material condition of "security" (that is, being safe) for white men.

6. In short: White Masculinity is born from racism and misogyny. White Masculinity historically has access to wealth. Wealth produces safety

7 (I will not abide you tweeting me examples of rich white guys who've had bad things happen to them. That is not an argument in good faith)

8. That safety (by way of wealth, by way of the production of racialized, gendered, sexed, sexualized, and classed identity) offers power.

9. Here I utilize "power" to mean a variety of privileges including: mobility in action, access to education and institutional support.

11. These privileges open up for some a whole styles of action that are closed off to others. This is why I often say "I can't get angry."

12. Anger is not the purview of black people, because it reinforces their racialized position as irrational, inhuman.

13. (Related: Women are not allowed to be emotional, because it reinforces their gendered position as irrational, inhuman.)

14. This asymmetrical access to action, access, and institutional support reaffirms the structures that built the asymmetry to begin with.

15. Despair

16. Brief insistence that there is, on the periphery, hope. Outsider art, local organization, cultural exchange among marginalized folks.

17. A Vice Report (a decade ago, an MTV docu) on Outsider Art and Local Organization renders resistance into consumable (consumptive) goods.

18. Consumptive: (adjective) affected with a wasting disease,

19. Resistance that resists capture, refuses to consent. An unintelligible cry, a car fire, the blocking of the arteries of an unjust state.

20. "Legitimized" state violence.

21. Media reproduces white supremacy through narratives that re-inscribe the story of irrational black violence.

22. Eventually, maybe, marginal improvement. School Children are taught that One Willful Person figured out how to get change. One Good Man.

23. Do not misunderstand: Martin Luther King Jr. is and has always been sold to you as "One of the Good Ones." They just used longer words.

24. A failure to educate on how that marginal change was actually won through a collection of disparate efforts.

25. The myth of the Good Person (normally, The Good Man.)Who Changed Things The Right Way. Who spoke words white men could understand.

26. Thus even marginal change is captured & put to work to reaffirm the status quo. Everything Is Okay. We can not stop. We have to drive on

27. Stopping is among our greatest weapons. Blocking flows, both logisitcal and everyday.

28. Occupy Wall St. lost all momentum when they moved from public spaces to offices.

29. A General Strike calls upon a huge mass of the labor force to refuse this call to Keep Going.

32. What we need is a General Strike against injustice.

33. A strike is not only a response to exploitation, a demand for better conditions.

34. It is ALSO a recognition that to demand change while continuing to work for injustice & inequality is counter productive.

35. It is time to stop.

Bold One

The cop probably had kids to feed

what a broken, dirty system, its not perfect here but living in the UK I know a cop can't just decide to kill me and get away with it


( ≖‿≖)
It's hard for people to understand what it feels like to live in the US and be black. To feel like you are a second class citizen. To know you aren't treated the same under the law. To fear for your life, because you know cops will target you more then others, and will be protected if they decide to kill you (and your family won't get justice). To fear for your life just walking down the street.

I wish more people could step out of their shoes, and consider this. Consider how it would feel to live in that life. I mean jesus christ. It's fuckin terrible. It's a never ending nightmare. I don't understand why more people aren't angry or at least empathetic to this. I get that people tend to be selfish, and the whole ignorance is bliss (out of sight out of mind). Not my problem etc. But it's absolutely disturbing to see this shit played out across the nation on TV, and people not batting an eye.

Are you fearful of this from citizens or police?
Fuck you, New York City. And fuck you NYPD.

While I'm not trying to put a price on life, this ruling is actually WORSE than Ferguson to me because Eric Garner did not provoke the officers, on top of that the entire event and its aftermath were also caught on camera which clearly meant jack-all-shit here.

This. You can literally present facts of unequivocal wrongdoing and these assholes are still untouchable.

I've never trusted the police and I'm white. But I can only imagine the fear and anxiety they must cause people who are part of minority groups.

This shit makes me so angry and sad at the same time. There are no words. If these incidents continue to occur at this rate, it will only provoke vigilante justice.


So, when can we fight back?

I'm almost to the point where I have zero, and I do mean ZERO sympathy for any killed officers on duty.

When "good cops" are complicit in racist systematic bullshit like this, they're officially part of the problem.

By your logic, everyone is complicit. So you should have no problem with anyone dying. I understand the anger, and I even agree with the logic that people have the right to kill cops if cops are threatening their life (it's basic right to life, self defense. Just because they have a badge, doesn't take away your right to defend your life).

Still don't think the solution is for all cops to be killed. Not really a solution. I think anyone can agree that in a modern society, law enforcement is needed and plays a vital role. But I think, if people aren't going to do anything about this (and everyone is going to sit back and not push for change), then people have the right to riot and enact violence.

The system has failed them. It's the only option.

EDIT: I guess I don't agree with the notion that good cops should be killed. I think good cops should be criticized. If they know bad shit is going on, and refuse to say anything...they are complicit. Even if the system is set up that they would be shut down, fired or silenced. Enough should be able to come out and talk about these things, and they don't. However, I think apart of the system working in the future (lets say it gets reformed, lets say say mass riots break out, and its months of violence and bloodshed -- using an extreme example), after the fact we are still going to need law enforcement.

Besides the system itself being overhauled (since the corruption goes at the top with prosecutors, unions, the courts, department heads), we need good cops doing their job, and not bad/corrupt cops.


The only way to make those in charge fear for their lives/livelihoods is to vote, both with their ballots and with their wallets. People can scream in the streets until their capillaries burst and they taste blood, but it it won't change things until those in power get financially hurt and fear the loss of that power.

Go to any news site and read reactions. See all of that repulsive shit there, justifying.. joking.. celebrating? Those fuckers vote. Every goddamn time.

Black people have to vote in order to not be killed by police, and have trials? There is nothing inherent in non-blacks to want to have trials for murder caught on video? Again, this is larger than voting. White people should be upset too, they just aren't, as a group.

We are getting killed on the streets like dogs, and you're saying that voting is what will change this? Hell, burn it all down if this is the case. We will rebuild it, with less pagan shit this time around.

Are you fearful of this from citizens or police?



Are you fearful of this from citizens or police?

Not sure I understand the question. I'm very sad that citizens have to live this way. It's not right.

EDIT: I'm not black. I'm just saying, I wish people would be more empathetic and put themselves in the shoes of those that have to live their life dealing with all of these fears. It's insane that people can just sit by and accept that some Americans have to live this way.
Never said it was. But how does that justify him using a technique that is banned? Again, they are trained to detain. And even if it is difficult, that doesn't mean they can default to a technique that is lethal....
Find where in my post I said it justified it. Please.

In all of my posts I said it was an illegal technique.

Keep reaching.


Find where in my post I said it justified it. Please.

In all of my posts I said it was an illegal technique.

Keep reaching.

Okay not justifying. But you keep bringing up that he resisted, but I don't see how that leads to the choke hold? The choke hold should have never been used, even if he resisted. That is where some folks don't understand where you are coming from. Yes, we can acknowledge that he resisted. That him being detained was the result of an action he took. But his actions should not have led to him being choked out. Thousands of people get detained all the time, and aren't killed or put into this lethal technique.


contribute something
The prosecutors are getting the grand juries to think they are actual juries or something, and basically trying the case behind closed doors. They're just changing the words "not guilty" to "do not indict."

What do you mean by this?
Mayor Blowhard issued a statement about the great history of peaceful protests.

Meanwhile NYPD is already blocking streets and stopping people from getting near Rockefeller Center to protest.


( ≖‿≖)
Not sure I understand the question. I'm very sad that citizens have to live this way. It's not right.

EDIT: I'm not black. I'm just saying, I wish people would be more empathetic and put themselves in the shoes of those that have to live their life dealing with all of these fears. It's insane that people can just sit by and accept that some Americans have to live this way.

Oh alright. I was just wondering if the statistics of people killed by police were that high where people felt their lives were at risk.

Also I think I read the OP wrong and assumed this cop just was convicted but not even indicted? Nonsense.
This is especially painful because I watched a fucking video of it happen.

No heresay.
No questionable witness testimonies.
No need for complex forensics.

I watched an officer choke a man to death.

What the fuck man.
Black people have to vote in order to not be killed by police, and have trials? There is nothing inherent in non-blacks to want to have trials for murder caught on video? Again, this is larger than voting. White people should be upset too, they just aren't, as a group.

We are getting killed on the streets like dogs, and you're saying that voting is what will change this? Hell, burn it all down if this is the case. We will rebuild it, with less pagan shit this time around.



The idea that "voting" will change things is just fucking comical.
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