STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Well, obviously steam makes it happen (><)
Does it change back after updates?

Every time re-open the client after exiting it (e.g. following a reboot of Windows), Grid View is there, and I'm all like

I don't like the amount of real estate the grid images take up. I much prefer Detail View with icons enabled.

Ah, I wish I had that rich of a library. NowI can fit my games to grid view. Damn you JaseC, you made me remember that I don't own half the collection you do.


Every time re-open the client after exiting it (e.g. following a reboot of Windows), Grid View is there, and I'm all like

Sometimes I usually restart steam client when something similar happens to me. But in your case it seems not to work at all


Haha, it's a bearded young(er) Robert Redford, from the film Jeremiah Johnson.

Here's what I was about to post:
"oh I googled 'bearded lumberjack nodding' to see if my description was accurate and I realized that it's Zach Galifianakis in that gif! I hadn't recognized him."

So it's Robert Redford and not Galifianakis. Google led me astray.

here's the gif in hq cause you know you want it, it's so damn good



Every time re-open the client after exiting it (e.g. following a reboot of Windows), Grid View is there, and I'm all like
Poor Ronan, she has to suffer a lot, if it happens every time you load steam.
May be... you can leave steam on forever?
Sorry, have no idea why it's happening to you :(


I keep wanting to play Brutal Legend for some reason, but it's just so boring and bad that I just stop playing after 10 minutes. Howlongtobeat tells me the main game is 9 hours so I guess this is a game I will never beat.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Ah, I wish I had that rich of a library. NowI can fit my games to grid view. Damn you JaseC, you made me remember that I don't own half the collection you do.

You could always change that. :p

Poor Ronan, she has to suffer a lot, if it happens every time you load steam.
May be... you can leave steam on forever?
Sorry, have no idea why it's happening to you :(

Steam's just playing with me. One day I'll open it up and all my grid images will be that of Wheelman.

Barf Barf Ronan. That's gross.

Some people are into that!
But I'm not one of them


I keep wanting to play Brutal Legend for some reason, but it's just so boring and bad that I just stop playing after 10 minutes. Howlongtobeat tells me the main game is 9 hours so I guess this is a game I will never beat.

It's not really a bad game... Unless it's not your thing. Also you can play metal on a guitar in it! How can that be bad in any way? (><)

Steam's just playing with me. One day I'll open it up and all my grid images will be that of Wheelman.

Surely your gif from gog was Wheelman, it had to be!


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Bridge It keys for Steam are finally up on Gamersgate if you purchased the Indiefort Oxygen Bundle, or at least mine was.


It's not really a bad game... Unless it's not your thing. Also you can play metal on a guitar in it! How can that be bad in any way? (><)
Yeah, I guess it's not my thing. The combat feels bland, walking/driving around is boring and I dislike the game mechanics and design in general. I do like the humor and the visual style, but it's not enough to keep me playing. Guess I'll idle for cards a bit and move on.


Endless Dungeon, damn for an alpha its pretty good, the pixel art and lighting is absolutely beautiful, can't wait for them to add tech trees and science. Gameplay wise is a mix of tower defense(when you find the exit), roguelike(when you are trying to find the exit) and rts: rooms can be connected to the crystal and make structures(healing, turrets, damage up, resource generators,etc)
Overall a very good purchase, I'm happy with it, just like Blackguards, these two are the only early access that deserve money imo, wasteland 2 will probably added to this list as well.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Endless Dungeon, damn for an alpha its pretty good, the pixel art and lighting is absolutely beautiful, can't wait for them to add tech trees and science. Gameplay wise is a mix of tower defense(when you find the exit), roguelike(when you are trying to find the exit) and rts: rooms can be connected to the crystal and make structures(healing, turrets, damage up, resource generators,etc)
Overall a very good purchase, I'm happy with it, j

Completely agree, Endless Dungeon has a lot of promise, I was pleasantly surprised.

Thanks for trading 5th globe to me. Just wanted to say, that there is no possibility to craft the badge just yet and that made me thinking may be globes aren't for badge crafting. Do you happen to know anything about it?

Pretty sure it's like the summer sale and they're for badge crafting since there are also foils; Valve probably just won't allow anyone to craft them 'til the sale starts.


Bridge It keys for Steam are finally up on Gamersgate if you purchased the Indiefort Oxygen Bundle, or at least mine was.

Thanks for trading 5th globe to me. Just wanted to say, that there is no possibility to craft the badge just yet and that made me thinking may be globes aren't for badge crafting. Do you happen to know anything about it?

I chose Random Magic and received 75% off Thief Gold 2. :(

There is always other gift today, or tomorrow, you'll get it!


Thanks for trading 5th globe to me. Just wanted to say, that there is no possibility to craft the badge just yet and that made me thinking may be globes aren't for badge crafting. Do you happen to know anything about it?

Before summer sale we only had mystery cards, I think Valve was just too lazy this time but will allow crafting on sale day 1. If they would now we could maybe see which games are featured in the sale and they can't have that.

PS Wooden Sen'SeY and Dungeon Hearts are bad. Grabbed the cards and uninstalled the hell out of them.

PPS Velocity Ultra is excellent so far, the glowing reviews for the PS3Vita versions were right. Much more than a simple shmup, it has interesting gameplay elements like dropping warp points and then jumping around relatively freely in the level to solve puzzles. Some levels are more about shooting, others require speed and the replayability seems high.


Completely agree, Endless Dungeon has a lot of promise, I was pleasantly surprised.

Pretty sure it's like the summer sale and they're for badge crafting since there are also foils; Valve probably just won't allow anyone to craft them 'til the sale starts.

Everything looks so tiny in Endless Dungeon, not sure I could play it.

Thanks, it is likely. It's a pity I haven't got any foil :(


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Everything looks so tiny in Endless Dungeon, not sure I could play it.

Thanks, it is likely. It's a pity I haven't got any foil :(

I still can't believe I sold a foil for $12 a couple of days ago. It feels like a dream.


Before summer sale we only had mystery cards, I think Valve was just too lazy this time but will allow crafting on sale day 1. If they would now we could maybe see which games are featured in the sale and they can't have that.

PS Wooden Sen'SeY and Dungeon Hearts are bad. Grabbed the cards and uninstalled the hell out of them.

PPS Velocity Ultra is excellent so far, the glowing reviews for the PS3Vita versions were right. Much more than a simple shmup, it has interesting gameplay elements like dropping warp points and then jumping around relatively freely in the level to solve puzzles. Some levels are more about shooting, others require speed and the replayability seems high.

That makes sense, but that's why I wanted to craft it now! (><)

I agree that Dungeon Hearts is disappointment, the concept seemed nice but the game isn't fun but random and repetitive, also I experienced some weird input lag, that made it even worse. Did you?

Will check Velocity Ultra later.

I still can't believe I sold a foil for $12 a couple of days ago. It feels like a dream.

You see, lady luck is with you! You'll get that Wheelman some day, just don't let her slip! ;)


So, I played an hour and a half of Dragon Age: Origins yesterday and came away unimpressed. Started the Noble Human opening scenario, went up to first few fights. Can't say I was having a great time, not sure if I'd want to go back in in all honesty.
I'm sure the game gets better further in, but the introduction is pretty much off putting.

Main gripes:

The game looks terrible. Way worse than Mass Effect 1 did, and it was released two friggin' years after that game. Characters would not feel out of place in stock Oblivion and the game loves to close up on them for some reason. Environment looks so-so, but I guess the 'proper' way to play the game would be to have the view zoomed out as far as you can which does alleviate the issue somewhat were it not for the closeups during conversations.

I wouldn't mind having a more extensive tutorial regarding the combat. I just have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing, won the first fight, got surrounded and slaughtered in the third. My characters kept dying and respawning and dying and respawning until a game over screen showed up. Do you have even any kind of input for the fights, other than selecting the target (and praying your characters will attack it)?

On that note, control issues. Why won't the game let me use a gamepad? It was a console release, so honestly, what's the issue? Moving characters around is certainly not fun, you can either right click someplace (and have them be stuck on wall) or use some Resident Evil WASD controls for some reason. Why not standard, non-tank WASD control scheme? Is there an option for that somewhere?

Writing has been plain bad so far. Loads of lore terms piled up one on another, almost as bad as FFXIII introduction scene. The betrayal 'plot-twist' was so widely telegraphed, the setting seems to be stock 'let's all wank to Tolkien/Martin stuff'. The whole family model/relations just screams "American TV sitcom", was expecting some canned laughter after some 'banter'. That's definitely not something you'd expect (or want) to see in a fantasy game.

I might not be the target for the game, I'm more of an jRPG kind of guy. Still, I loved Mass Effect trilogy and had great time playing Kingdoms of Amalur. Maybe someone can sell me on the game?


Everything looks so tiny in Endless Dungeon, not sure I could play it.

Thanks, it is likely. It's a pity I haven't got any foil :(
Fullscreen mode, problem solved, it does look a bit bad that way, but hey you won't lose your sight while playing the game.
Would definitely start with fallout one as the games were made with the same engine and play very similarly.

Thank you.

I played it for a bit yesterday and found the Khans camp, a small city and Vault 15 and in the meantime I managed to die 4 times. I still need to get used to the controls, was playing with a .pdf open with the keyboard shortcuts.


Thank you.

I played it for a bit yesterday and found the Khans camp, a small city and Vault 15 and in the meantime I managed to die 4 times. I still need to get used to the controls, was playing with a .pdf open with the keyboard shortcuts.

How is the quest for Sega presidency advancing? I'm asking because I remembered another game we need on steam, Resonance of Fate. Include it in your list, please!

Fallout is a great game for dying, ruining your ingame reputation and doing worst things you can imagine to the point of failing miserably (><)
Have fun with it!
How is the quest for Sega presidency advancing? I'm asking because I remembered another game we need on steam, Resonance of Fate. Include it in your list, please!

It'a doing ok buy I still need to gather more support.

Fallout is a great game for dying, ruining your ingame reputation and doing worst things you can imagine to the point of failing miserably (><)
Have fun with it!

So far I died for Mantises, the Khans, giant Radscorpions and rats. I found a giant Mole and lots of rats in the entrance of Vault 15 so I did retreat to the old shack.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Nice, Zeno Clash 2 for $1. First one was a bit rough but I enjoyed it enough and appreciated the weirdness.


Regarding Dragon Age Origins

Hi! Yes, the first part of DAO is the worst part of the game. Get past Ostagar and Lothering and things will open up.
I warn you, there will be other parts in the game that will test your resolve: specifically, there are 2 of them; they're not so bad the first time through, but they're not exactly stellar material. By the time you reach them, however, you should be already interested enough in the stories and characters to care enough to finish.

Regarding the graphics: tthere are some mods on the nexus that can help, but it won't turn into Skyrim.
The best way to play the game is indeed top down, zoomed all the way out is not that bad in my opinion.

For the control the gamepad is not a good option: for the consoles they created an entire different way to play the game (it's even slower...) and for that reason there are less enemies to battle and the game is a bit easier in general.

For the combat: what class did you choose? Rogue or Warrior? Because I find warriors in DAO to be boring as hell. Rogues are not so bad, both dual wielding and bow can work great and deal great damage. Warriors are only fun imo if you have a mage (or 2) with you with the spell Haste and if you use 2 hands weapons.

The easiest class would be Mage of course, as in DAO it's overpowered as hell: with the right spells, you can win pretty much every fight with not much hassle, even on Nightmare. And with a particular set of abilities you can be a one-man army.

Anyway, the story is nothing groundbreaking overall, but once you leave the first areas and start visiting the world there will be some great moments and story arcs. The part with the Dwarves in Orzammar was really good, and there are some twists. The Templars/Mages relationship is also interesting (and overused in DA2).

All in all, I liked the story, but what really sold me on the game were the characters.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I remember PC PowerPlay (a prominent PC gaming mag here) running a competion way back when to have your likeness used as an NPC in Fallout 2. I also recall reading the review after release and balking at the 128MB RAM recommendation -- it was four times what my little ol' PC of the time had. :(
I was gifted the walking dead season 2 by JaseC this evening which was an awesome and generous gift.

I returned the favour to some degree with a game, but that is also kind of like buying... well something for somebody who has a lot of something.

So to go with that, I thought I'd try to put together something for the old SteamGAF. We all love Dark Souls right? And while The Kramer ( is good, but it isn't quite "us":
So SteamOS is being released today, I'm curious to read the opinions and see if it really can improve the performance of tge games. Also can't wait to see people ignoring Valve advice and installing it without any Linux knowledge then blaming them.


Hm I installed Steam on Fedora 20 beta last week and was surprised how smooth everything was and how all the games (well the ones that run on Linux) worked fine, since i've always had problems with Fedora before....
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