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STEAM- Announcements & Updates 2011 Edition

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nexen said:
This is probably one of the strangest arguments I have ever witnessed on GAF.

Nah, I didn't really think of it as an argument. I was just blown away that anybody, and apparently quite a few, would keep their entire Steam library downloaded at all times. Until today I had assumed that everybody was like me and only kept what they were playing + occasional "go to" games like poker or Civ. For example, I have the CoD collection bought, which combined is tens of gigs. Why would I want to keep all that crap hanging around, when I'm NEVER going to play it?


Stallion Free said:
Uh, I previously had like twice as many games installed compared to your count, coming out to about 1.5-1.6 TB. Cutting that by down by 2/3 is gonna help load times no matter what kind of drive you have. Nothing is wrong with my HD. And I have no issues with my Steam game install approach so I'm not sure why I am even bothering to defend it.


Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
nexen said:
This is probably one of the strangest arguments I have ever witnessed on GAF.

Well the problem is that Steam is just so awesome that there's not a lot to argue about...in this thread anyway.


Cheech said:
Nah, I didn't really think of it as an argument. I was just blown away that anybody, and apparently quite a few, would keep their entire Steam library downloaded at all times. Until today I had assumed that everybody was like me and only kept what they were playing + occasional "go to" games like poker or Civ. For example, I have the CoD collection bought, which combined is tens of gigs. Why would I want to keep all that crap hanging around, when I'm NEVER going to play it?

Because the amount of space it takes is negligible? =\

Do you delete music you don't listen to very often as well?

If you're actually space constrained, fine. But deleting games when your HDD is 1/4 full is, well, pointless.


wienke said:
Well the problem is that Steam is just so awesome that there's not a lot to argue about...in this thread anyway.

Actually, a real argument could brew over what I've been doing lately.

EA and Amazon have both gotten really, really aggressive with their DD pricing as of late. I got Dead Space 2 for $23 only a couple week after launch, Dragon Age 2 for $30, Bulletstorm for $30, ME1/2 for $10 each...

It won't be until the summer sale, at the very earliest, that we would see these kind of prices on Steam. Both EA and Amazon are clearly doing this to put the screws to Steam, but Jesus did I ever save a lot of money on those games.

At what point does the almighty dollar win out for you guys, or are you willing to keep essentially donating money to Steam to keep them on top? Or do you just ignore EA's games altogether?

Personally, I am playing both sides. I've been buying EA's games from EA's and Amazon's DD sites, but I still preordered Portal 2 and Witcher 2 directly from Steam. And, of course, most everything else still gets bought off Steam.


Cheech said:
Actually, a real argument could brew over what I've been doing lately.

EA and Amazon have both gotten really, really aggressive with their DD pricing as of late. I got Dead Space 2 for $23 only a couple week after launch, Dragon Age 2 for $30, Bulletstorm for $30, ME1/2 for $10 each...

It won't be until the summer sale, at the very earliest, that we would see these kind of prices on Steam. Both EA and Amazon are clearly doing this to put the screws to Steam, but Jesus did I ever save a lot of money on those games.

At what point does the almighty dollar win out for you guys, or are you willing to keep essentially donating money to Steam to keep them on top? Or do you just ignore EA's games altogether?

Personally, I am playing both sides. I've been buying EA's games from EA's and Amazon's DD sites, but I still preordered Portal 2 and Witcher 2 directly from Steam. And, of course, most everything else still gets bought off Steam.

You see all these people in the thread with 2 3 or 400 Steam games? They can afford to wait till EA decides to drop the prices on Mass Effect/Dead Space/Crysis on Steam because there's already so much to play. EA is missing out, not consumers.


EA and Amazon's DD services don't have my trust. I have plenty of games to play and can just wait for the Steam sale. I like having one big integrated list.

Orellio said:
You see all these people in the thread with 2 3 or 400 Steam games? They can afford to wait till EA decides to drop the prices on Mass Effect/Dead Space/Crysis on Steam because there's already so much to play. EA is missing out, not consumers.

Pretty much. I'm trying to ignore release hype for the most part. Very few games get my money day 1. Portal 2 and The Witcher 2 will, but aside from that, my Steam purchases will mostly be small games or sale prices.

I was almost tempted to get Assassin's Creed Brotherhood this past week since I just finished AC2, but I figured I might as well play something else I haven't played yet and wait for a sale.


TheExodu5 said:
Because the amount of space it takes is negligible? =\

Do you delete music you don't listen to very often as well?

If you're actually space constrained, fine. But deleting games when your HDD is 1/4 full is, well, pointless.

Two reasons:

1. I can just have the "installed" view in my Steam library going for day to day use, when I'm picking out something to play. Makes it way easier than scrolling through pages and pages of shit.

2. Keeping my hard drive clean of shit makes backups way easier and quicker.

No, I don't delete music, but I can't just re-download my music either. Only two weeks ago did Amazon start allowing this, but you can only do it for music you buy going forward. If I deleted all the crap I'd bought from iTunes over the years. Apple would have a hearty laugh if I requested a re-download.
I usually just stick with Steam and GOG, unless it's something I really, really want to play and don't feel like waiting for it to come to Steam.


TheExodu5 said:
EA and Amazon's DD services don't have my trust. I have plenty of games to play and can just wait for the Steam sale. I like having one big integrated list.

I need this or I'll forget which games I own.


Cheech said:
1. I can just have the "installed" view in my Steam library going for day to day use, when I'm picking out something to play. Makes it way easier than scrolling through pages and pages of shit.

I just keep an ignore tab for all the games I don't want to see.

Also, I never scroll anymore since they added the realtime search feature. I love that feature so much.


sparkle this bitch
Steam and GoG basically cover everything. I've used Amazon once(King's Bounty Plat, Basically to try out the service.), Beamdog(Precusors Sale, never going use them again. Not showing the servers were down, followed by unmentioned DRM really pissed in my cereal), and GFW(Only for the cheap titles a year back)


Trucker Sexologist
Nabs said:
I need this or I'll forget which games I own.
I just use W7's search bar now so it doesn't make a difference where the games are. I have 3 separate hard drives and they all have games on them from every digital storefront out there. My biggest pet peeve is games that still do DVD checks.


Cheech said:
Nah, I didn't really think of it as an argument. I was just blown away that anybody, and apparently quite a few, would keep their entire Steam library downloaded at all times. Until today I had assumed that everybody was like me and only kept what they were playing + occasional "go to" games like poker or Civ. For example, I have the CoD collection bought, which combined is tens of gigs. Why would I want to keep all that crap hanging around, when I'm NEVER going to play it?
I revisit a lot of games I own and usually on a whim. Sometimes even really shitty games that I just want to check out one aspect of. Being able to play whatever I want whenever I want to is probably the only reason I tolerate Steam at all, tbh.


TheExodu5 said:
EA and Amazon's DD services don't have my trust. I have plenty of games to play and can just wait for the Steam sale. I like having one big integrated list.

Amazon has the same download policy on software that Steam does. EA, at one point, only said you could re-download your games up to a year but IIRC they ditched it some time back.

Amazon, I trust completely, even moreso than Steam. The company is far larger, has been in the software distribution game way longer than Valve, and has peerless customer service. Far better than Valve's, I will add. They gave the record industry a GIANT middle finger with the "Amazon Cloud"/redownload music thing they put out a couple weeks ago. This is not a company that is suddenly going to stop you from downloading your shit.

EA is more dodgy, but they know what they have to do to be competitive. Worse comes to worst, I re-buy Dragon Age 2 Ultimate from Amazon/Steam in a year and save a bundle on the DLC, which I don't typically buy piecemeal. The game isn't that great anyway, so I may not bother.


SapientWolf said:
I just use W7's search bar now so it doesn't make a difference where the games are. I have 3 separate hard drives and they all have games on them from every digital storefront out there. My biggest pet peeve is games that still do DVD checks.
I don't keep my games installed for the most part. Just indie titles and multiplayer games. I have a horrible time finishing games, so I just install them when I'm sure I want to play them.


TheExodu5 said:
I just keep an ignore tab for all the games I don't want to see.

That's a great idea, actually. I am gonna steal that! There are times where I would like to see games I "might" want to download, without going through the whole list. So it would really be two lists: Games I have installed + games that are uninstalled but still want to play, and "Games I will never play again in my life".


reggieandTFE said:
I just got the free Mass Effect 2 by buying Dragon Age 2. Is there any way to move into Steam so I don't have to boot up the EA thing?

Sure, just go to "Add a non-Steam game to my Library" option under the "Games" drop down menu. It will show you a list, and the game should already be in there. The software does a pretty good job tracking what is installed on your PC.


SapientWolf said:
I just use W7's search bar now so it doesn't make a difference where the games are. I have 3 separate hard drives and they all have games on them from every digital storefront out there. My biggest pet peeve is games that still do DVD checks.

This is more about future planning though. If my games drive dies, and I want to play a game but can't remember what service I have it on, it's an issue for me. If the service allows me to get to my games list with a few simple clicks, great! But a lot don't.

Cheech said:
Sure, just go to "Add a non-Steam game to my Library" option under the "Games" drop down menu. It will show you a list, and the game should already be in there. The software does a pretty good job tracking what is installed on your PC.

And for all you uninstallers out there, what happens when you uninstall that game? How do you remember where it came from?

You'd need to keep a database of all the games you buy across the different services. I try to keep it to as few services as possible to mitigate this.


sparkle this bitch
Cheech said:
That's a great idea, actually. I am gonna steal that! There are times where I would like to see games I "might" want to download, without going through the whole list. So it would really be two lists: Games I have installed + games that are uninstalled but still want to play, and "Games I will never play again in my life".
I have the same... but I kind of just wish I could completely get rid of titles I don't want.
Such as
-Free mods, Why are you on my list?
-Mods to games I own, Once again, Why are you on my list?
-Games in packs I didn't want. I won't regret never seeing juiced again.
-The same game twice over, I don't need the Mac copies of CivIV

Yes I'm an ADD fucker. I have all my games in order, by system, and in a nice spot. I also prune my collection yearly to dump a few more. Let me do the same on Steam.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
TheExodu5 said:
And for all you uninstallers out there, what happens when you uninstall that game? How do you remember where it came from?

You'd need to keep a database of all the games you buy across the different services. I try to keep it to as few services as possible to mitigate this.
I don't need a database to keep track of retail and Steam, it's pretty easy. I only have a couple games from GOG which isn't hard to remember either. I don't use any other services.


TheExodu5 said:
EA and Amazon's DD services don't have my trust. I have plenty of games to play and can just wait for the Steam sale. I like having one big integrated list.

Same here. I have a couple games on D2D, but I don't know the password, and don't care to look. I'm just waiting for a sale on Steam so I can double dip.


Corporate Apologist
I just add the other games to launch though steam (Plus, I have a file on Goggle docs that briefly describes every DD service I own something on)


DD has such huge lockin with me. I often forgoe good deals on other DD services because I really do not want to bother with multiple providers. I want all my stuff in one easy-to-remember and manage place. I do occasionally buy from GoG because of lack of DRM but that is it. Even if I trust that Amazon's DD service will be around as long if not longer than Steam they'd really have to sweeten the pot an unfair amount before I'd consider using them. And *if* I ever switch I think it is going to be like switching from VHS tapes to DVD for me - I'd have to go whole hog and stop using Steam. I don't know if this is a mental relic from the format/console wars I grew up with or some fundamental human insanity.
Nabs said:
I need this or I'll forget which games I own.

This. I have an impulse account for some reason but never used it, but I have bought a couple things off D2D years ago but have no clue what or what my login info is.

Amazon has a somewhat nice DD service and it's easy to find it but I've only bought 1 game off there and that was Shogun 2, which you can put on Steam. I have no clue how good the actual service is for downloading and playing though.

The only benefit of Amazon's digital service for me is cheaper games I can put on Steam. I paid $25 for Shogun 2 from there.


Second-rate Anihawk
I bought The Witcher 2 off Direct2Drive because it was only $36. I prefer Steam, but I'm not adverse to buying from other DD retailers.


erotic butter maelstrom
Cheech said:
Sure, just go to "Add a non-Steam game to my Library" option under the "Games" drop down menu. It will show you a list, and the game should already be in there. The software does a pretty good job tracking what is installed on your PC.

I've tried this, but the EA version of ME2 still doesn't show up. I had to find it manually but I could only use the launcher file and it wouldn't work if I renamed it. So I have to stare at something like ME2GAMELAUNCHER in my Steam list which drives me crazy.

I guess you can add that to the long list of reasons that I hate EA. I'm still willing to shop from other other retails if the deal is good enough, though, just not EA ever again. Sometimes it pays off.

Anyways, I 'only' have about 80 games but I just put the several games that I'm actively playing on my favorites list and ignore the rest. If I finish or lose interest in a game, I drop it from the list. It's simple but it works.


TheExodu5 said:
And for all you uninstallers out there, what happens when you uninstall that game? How do you remember where it came from?

You'd need to keep a database of all the games you buy across the different services. I try to keep it to as few services as possible to mitigate this.

Yeah, for me it's pretty easy.

I've only ever bought DD games from EA, Amazon, Steam, and GoG.

I've bought a grand total of 5 games from EA, 2 from Amazon, a billion from Steam, and 3-4 from GoG.

What I've been doing, if I buy an EA game elsewhere, is put the key into the EA downloader. So, down the road, I'll know where I have to go if I want to reinstall an EA game.

And really, it is not a herculean task to check the services if you can't remember. I'll admit, though, I've foregone deals from Impulse and D2D just because I didn't feel like opening yet another account on yet another DD service.


Snuggler said:
I've tried this, but the EA version of ME2 still doesn't show up. I had to find it manually but I could only use the launcher file and it wouldn't work if I renamed it. So I have to stare at something like ME2GAMELAUNCHER in my Steam list which drives me crazy.

I guess you can add that to the long list of reasons that I hate EA. I'm still willing to shop from other other retails if the deal is good enough, though, just not EA ever again. Sometimes it pays off.

Anyways, I 'only' have about 80 games but I just put the several games that I'm actively playing on my favorites list and ignore the rest. If I finish or lose interest in a game, I drop it from the list. It's simple but it works.

You can right click > properties on the game and change it's name.


I also have installed all my Steam, and even the non-Steam games, and added to the Steam library. I use it just like my iTunes library. It's just convenient to peruse my library of games and go:"Ok, I'll be playing YOU. Right now. GO!" Valve should add a playlist feature where the steam browser will randomly pick and suggest a game at the end of the one we're playing. hehehe


erotic butter maelstrom
3chopl0x said:
You can right click > properties on the game and change it's name.

That's the thing, when I change the name even in just the Steam properties, it won't launch. I get a weird error message. I blame EA for it.


Snuggler said:
That's the thing, when I change the name even in just the Steam properties, it won't launch. I get a weird error message. I blame EA for it.

And if you create a shortcut to the launcher point steam to that and then rename it?

Try also to check run as administrator.


Snuggler said:
That's the thing, when I change the name even in just the Steam properties, it won't launch. I get a weird error message. I blame EA for it.

Works fine for me with my retail copy of ME2
I love buying retail games and from other DD services because it can be quite a bit cheaper than steam. Also, it's nice to get a box and physical disc once in a while. I've used:

Amazon (for both box and download)

And everything has been flawless, even GFWL (Bioshock 2 for $2).

I find this need to have every game tied to your Steam account kinda scary and OCD'ish. If it really matters, just add a shortcut for a non-Steam game Games list... even the icon shows up. Who cares if it doesn't show time played. I really hope one or more of these alternatives take a big chunk out of Steam's market share.

Archie said:
I bought The Witcher 2 off Direct2Drive because it was only $36. I prefer Steam, but I'm not adverse to buying from other DD retailers.
$36?!?!?! Dammit to helllllll
Heavy said:
I love buying retail games and from other DD services because it can be quite a bit cheaper than steam. Also, it's nice to get a box and physical disc once in a while. I've used:

Amazon (for both box and download)

And everything has been flawless, even GFWL (Bioshock 2 for $2).

I find this need to have every game tied to your Steam account kinda scary and OCD'ish. If it really matters, just add a shortcut for a non-Steam game Games list... even the icon shows up. Who cares if it doesn't show time played. I really hope one or more of these alternatives take a big chunk out of Steam's market share.

$36?!?!?! Dammit to helllllll
Why should people who prefer a service use a different one if they dont have to? Unless one NEEDS a particular game right away what is wrong with waiting until it hits Steam? Every new game will have a 50% sale within 9 months or so (except Activision) so why wouldnt I just wait for a sale?

Im not buying Crysis 2 until its $30 which will happen by the holidaysale whichIdont have aproblem waiting for. Im not going to be forced intobuying it on the EA store just because of some dumb argument of trying to not let Valve get too powerful.
LovingSteam said:
Why should people who prefer a service use a different one if they dont have to? Unless one NEEDS a particular game right away what is wrong with waiting until it hits Steam? Every new game will have a 50% sale within 9 months or so (except Activision) so why wouldnt I just wait for a sale?

Im not buying Crysis 2 until its $30 which will happen by the holidaysale whichIdont have aproblem waiting for. Im not going to be forced intobuying it on the EA store just because of some dumb argument of trying to not let Valve get too powerful.
If you'd rather wait 9 months than buy from a cheaper alternative source, more power to you. I don't have that type of patience, especially for a game I'm highly anticipating. Not to mention that most multi-player communities are dead by then.

No monopoly is a good monopoly.
Yeah people telling me where to spend my money is pretty aggravating. Not a problem here, but this happens a lot in Witcher 2 threads where people go "BUY FROM GOG TO SUPPORT THE DEVS AND NOT THE MAN"

Thanks hippie, but I'll buy from where I want.


erotic butter maelstrom
Speaking of other sites, has anyone posted D2D's sale for today? Max Payne 1&2 for $3.75 total. Great deal for two classic games but who the hell doesn't already have them on Steam.

Yeah people telling me where to spend my money is pretty aggravating. Not a problem here, but this happens a lot in Witcher 2 threads where people go "BUY FROM GOG TO SUPPORT THE DEVS AND NOT THE MAN"

Yeah, those weirdos must want to support a studio that's striving to do things right for PC gamers or something, like we need their freakin' charity man.
Snuggler said:
Yeah, those weirdos must want to support a studio that's striving to do things right for PC gamers or something, like we need their freakin' charity man.

Then go buy from them and leave people like me alone. I buy from steam or retail games that can be put on steam, no exceptions.


LovingSteam said:
Why should people who prefer a service use a different one if they dont have to? Unless one NEEDS a particular game right away what is wrong with waiting until it hits Steam? Every new game will have a 50% sale within 9 months or so (except Activision) so why wouldnt I just wait for a sale?

Im not buying Crysis 2 until its $30 which will happen by the holidaysale whichIdont have aproblem waiting for. Im not going to be forced intobuying it on the EA store just because of some dumb argument of trying to not let Valve get too powerful.

There are a lot of decent PC games NOT on Steam. Anything from Blizzard or Stardock, much of GOG.com's library, and the odd big title like Age of Empires III or (until very recently) Neverwinter Nights 2. Also, in a rare while, A competing DD service offers a sale that is not likely to be matched on Steam any time soon. I got Bloodlines from D2D in Fall 2009 for $5 during a Halloween sale. If I had decided to wait until Steam had a similar sale (or a sale of any type at all), I'd still be waiting 18 months and counting.


Yay, here comes a bunch of indie game updates to presumably remove the gig of potatoes I was forced to download last week.
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