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STEAM announcements & updates 2012 Thread 2 - Bad Rats Daily Deal for next 6 months

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Telltale is extremely hit or miss for me, well, mostly miss because I really only dig their work on Sam & Max of what I've played thus far but I really want Walking Dead. Looks like something I'd enjoy.

it's the culmination of the direction they've going with lately (direct character control, some QTEs here and there) and they nailed it. It takes the (very few) good ideas about Jurassic Park and makes them work by still wrapping them around a more basic adventure game archetype. Throw in a heavy emphasis on player choice and different branching paths that continue through the episodes and you have something golden.

It feels very much like the "Telltale way" for the first time, they clearly have their own thing going on now that truly separates them from other adventure games.

Love it, and you should buy it.
it's the culmination of the direction they've going with lately (direct character control, some QTEs here and there) and they nailed it. It takes the (very few) good ideas about Jurassic Park and makes them work by still wrapping them around a more basic adventure time archetype. Throw in a heavy emphasis on player choice and different branching paths that continue through the episodes and you have something golden.

It feels very much like the "Telltale way" for the first time, they clearly have their own thing going on now that truly separates them from other adventure games.

Love it, and you should buy it.

/agreed. Telltale has continued to evolve over their last games, and The Walking Dead is, by far, my favorite piece of their work.

I haven't had time to jump into Ep2 yet but I'm itching to do so (hopefully tonight).



corporate swill
Telltale is extremely hit or miss for me, well, mostly miss because I really only dig their work on Sam & Max of what I've played thus far but I really want Walking Dead. Looks like something I'd enjoy.

I love adventure games, but I haven't been a huge fan of what Telltale has been putting out recently. That said, Walking Dead is seriously one of the best adventure games I've played.
Well, you work in the retail industry, not the games industry imo.

Unless Amazon have a games development arm to go along with their web development arm I'm unaware of.

Ah, I see what you're saying.

I can tell you that the people you consider "in the industry" that I work with (the guys on the publishing side) would disagree with you.



Tony, Target employees, Gamestop employees, Best Buy employees, K-Mart employees and Wal-Mart employees are all in the industry. Clearly.


as far as I know Tony is a Marketing Manager. How could anyone find that comparable to being a "store clerk" is beyond me


Tony met Miyamoto once, but that was when he used to work at Bed Bath and Beyond. Miyamoto was buying a scale and thought "Who is this zilch shilling soap to me?" But it was in Japanese so it sounded cooler.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Tony, Target employees, Gamestop employees, Best Buy employees, K-Mart employees and Wal-Mart employees are all in the industry. Clearly.

Me too, me too! *goes back to answering players why their PC copy of the game they purchased cant be installed on a calculator*


Tony, Target employees, Gamestop employees, Best Buy employees, K-Mart employees and Wal-Mart employees are all in the industry. Clearly.
dat passive aggressiveness, keep that up and I might have to start my own tribal steam council and vote you off the island.
I only ever trusted one Tony and his last name was Danza.




Wait, so Telltale actually made a good game for once?

Well it depends how the last 3 episodes turn out but the first 2 are amazing. You can predict what the overall theme and what the big event will be, but they somehow still do a great job at building suspense. Plus there are a few smaller surprises in between. So far it would be #2 on my goty list for this year, but it hinges on how good the last 3 episodes are.

Tony, Target employees, Gamestop employees, Best Buy employees, K-Mart employees and Wal-Mart employees are all in the industry. Clearly.

How dare you mention Tony and Gamestop/Best Buy employees in the same sentence!!!
some people in this thread have no fucking respect *spits*

How does The Walking Dead look in the Library? One entry or 5 separate ones?


Personally, and this is just my opinion, I think Tony should be allowed to post any and every Amazon video game sale for any game that is Steam unlockable in this thread. This is a thread for Steam games, doesn't matter where you buy them from, as long as it is a game you can play through Steam then it is fair game to talk about here. Competition is a good thing for the industry and we should act to encourage it, not discourage.

I know I for one am grateful to Tony for pointing out Steam games that can be bought on sale from Amazon. I'd be grateful to anyone who posted Steam game sales from other venues into this thread.

Just my two cents...

Oh God. Enjoy some of the most fun, linear and cheesiest moments you'll ever have in 2 hours span.
I've just tried it for 20 minutes, finished the first mission. A few impressions.

I'll have to force some stuff through the drivers because that shit is vile, I really need some vsync and AA there.
No mouse in the menus is a huge WTF for me.
The gunplay isn't too great. So much so that I had more fun playing the whole level stabbing everyone. Essentially turning a shooter in a QTE fest, but that was fun. Dumb run, slice and stab can be its own game too.
The stealth element is a joke.
The profanity is awesome. It's like they have a text to speech algorithm running to determine every possible combination and variation of fuck and shit. Every single time you kill someone or are shot your dude.

All in all, it's a janky generic game where you run and stab shit while swearing. So bad it's good. I can totally see how it would be sitting so low on metacritic and how terribly hurt anyone who paid full price for this would be.
I guess I'd never have played the game in a hundred years without that amazing quakecon pack last year.
I can't help but think of two things.

a) People in the games industry don't care about whether Amazon (or *insert place where you can buy video games here*) employees are "in the games industry", as far as they're concerned, they're just business partners.

b) That said, arguing that Amazon is "in the games industry" is a bit like arguing that Hospital Records is "in the games industry" because they had several tracks in Forza and SSX. They're a retailer, Amazon's primary concern would probably be beating Walmart/Target/Best Buy et al, and not particularly on how the vast amount of money Activision will spend to promote CoDBlOps 2 is going to affect their video games.

[Edit] Also c) Why the hell am I arguing about the place of Amazon in the video game industry in the PC gaming thread?
[Edit] Also c) Why the hell am I arguing about the place of Amazon in the video game industry in the PC gaming thread?
This is not the pc gaming thread. This is the Steam thread. Amazon sells steamworks keys. The guy who organizes sales of those keys was nice enough to come talk to us for a bit. You do the math. It's not that hard.

As to why you're arguing about it, I have no idea.


But what if I find the show really boring? And have absolutely no interest in the comics?
Same here, but I enjoyed it. Strangely enough, I just bought it this afternoon because fuck it, I wanted to try it. Finished episode 1 (it really is about 2 hours long) but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I would wager to say it has a lot in common with the dialogue and character systems from Alpha Protocol. There are moments where you'll talk with characters and you are presented with 4 choices to respond with (ABXY/1234); though they do a better job of summarizing what they say. There are certainly a good portion of timed dialogue choices in certain situations. I played it with the UI on and showing some more transparency (in how characters react to certain choices) but you can turn that off. There are moments where you will respond with dialogue and the game will tell you if a certain character remembered your response to it, so you can engender trust or other things amongst characters (and in a way, vice-versa). Of course, that can change with some certain moments in the game
where you are forced into an either or situation,
though how that plays out also depends on how your interpretation of previous interactions as well.

Of course it doesn't have much in combat, most of the action is relegated to QTEs but they aren't too invasive. I haven't seen too much of the fail states (besides in one part where I actually died) though I got the impression there is some limited choice in what you do. Haven't gotten to replaying it or to episode two yet so I might just be wrong and the only freedom you actually have is in character interactions.

Either way, I don't have too much interest in the comic and the TV show I am very critical of most of the times but the game is fantastic.


This is not the pc gaming thread. This is the Steam thread. Amazon sells steamworks keys. The guy who organizes sales of those keys was nice enough to come talk to us for a bit. You do the math. It's not that hard.

As to why you're arguing about it, I have no idea.

Actually, this basically is the pc gaming thread. It's by far the most active thread for pc gaming on the forum. People post impressions of games here, they ask how good a certain game is, etc. This has become more than just a steam thread. That's why I agree with the guy saying that people should be allowed to post cheaper alternatives to steam sales here. If it's on steam, but cheaper elsewhere, i bet there are a lot of people in here who don't necessarily read every pc gaming thread on gaf but would still appreciate the information.
Obviously this doesn't extend to posting every pc gaming deal ever, but i see no harm in providing cheaper alterntives when possible.


But what if I find the show really boring? And have absolutely no interest in the comics?

That's my position too but I still really enjoyed it. It's more about the relationships between the survivors (both good and bad people) than zombies really. Though they do make more than enough appearances.


Actually, this basically is the pc gaming thread. It's by far the most active thread for pc gaming on the forum. People post impressions of games here, they ask how good a certain game is, etc. This has become more than just a steam thread. That's why I agree with the guy saying that people should be allowed to post cheaper alternatives to steam sales here. If it's on steam, but cheaper elsewhere, i bet there are a lot of people in here who don't necessarily read every pc gaming thread on gaf but would still appreciate the information.
Obviously this doesn't extend to posting every pc gaming deal ever, but i see no harm in providing cheaper alterntives when possible.

Absolutely. And I think it's fair to assume the vast majority of posters in this thread feel the exact same way.
Actually, this basically is the pc gaming thread. It's by far the most active thread for pc gaming on the forum. People post impressions of games here, they ask how good a certain game is, etc. This has become more than just a steam thread. That's why I agree with the guy saying that people should be allowed to post cheaper alternatives to steam sales here. If it's on steam, but cheaper elsewhere, i bet there are a lot of people in here who don't necessarily read every pc gaming thread on gaf but would still appreciate the information.
Obviously this doesn't extend to posting every pc gaming deal ever, but i see no harm in providing cheaper alterntives when possible.
I don't have a problem with that. At all.

I'm just spelling it out for the dude who didn't know how a seller of steam keys ended up in a steam thread.
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