Bought X3:Albion Prelude. Have no idea why. I want to like games like that so bad (I'm not even all that sure what kind of game it is!), but its rare for me to. So now I have X3:Terran Conflict (bought this last summer) and that one. I'll start it soon though, I think. TC anyway. GalCivII has me in a space mood. Bought a few space games recently, that I know I won't like haha (GalCivII, Sins Trinity, Sword of the Stars complete, SOTS LoW, and the X game).
Also picked up Dark Souls on GMG for $32, and the Plentiful Paradox pack on Amazon, so that game me Crusaker Kings II, Magicka, Victoria II, and both Sword of the Stars games for $12.50.