It's much better than the piece of shit that is Uncharted 3.
that's not really saying much
It's much better than the piece of shit that is Uncharted 3.
well at least TR 2013 is true to its roots and better than all the Uncharted games. LOS on the hand shits on its legacy and fans by giving us a GOW clone.
UC3 was dissapointing but still better.It's much better than the piece of shit that is Uncharted 3.
uc 3 is not that bad people. also gow> los.
Yo SteamGAF, gifting pre-released games from a US resident to an Aussie will still get them an uncensored copy correct?
uc 3 is not that bad people. also gow> los.
Why even do that to yourself if you know you are going to hate it?
YupYo SteamGAF, gifting pre-released games from a US resident to an Aussie will still get them an uncensored copy correct?
Yo SteamGAF, gifting pre-released games from a US resident to an Aussie will still get them an uncensored copy correct?
Here's an interesting question: Does any fellow Australian know if the copy of L4D2 (some) people received from the Valve Complete Pack reward Valve handed out to those who'd earned the golden potato is the regular version and not the low violence version? The VCP isn't available on Steam AU since Valve doesn't have a sub for it with the low violence version of L4D2 in place of the regular version, but obviously, at Valve's end, it nonetheless would have been easy to ensure the former was being sent to users in territories for which it's intended.
Tomb Raider was good, f**k the haters.
lolBe gentle
This has been common knowledge for a while, but Shadow of the Eternals is pretty much finished.
I posted this a couple of pages back but nobody responded.I'm a Civilization noob so I'm still learning the game. pls halp me!
So I was playing Civ 5 the other day, and by the end of the session the Mongol Empire, France and Byzantium decided to declare war on me more or less at the same time. My military strenght wasn't that great, but I managed to defend my cities every time they were attacked through the game up until that point. This time however, the game thought that I was really screwed, and displayed what I think was a game over message, saying how my empire fell and all that. However, it still allowed me to keep playing more turns even though I supposedly lost the game. What gives? Should I give up that session and start another, or can I still turn things around even when the game thinks I can't?
This has been common knowledge for a while, but Shadow of the Eternals is pretty much finished.
This has been common knowledge for a while, but Shadow of the Eternals is pretty much finished.
Steam Support recently told somebody, who enquired about SR4, that the version a recipient will receive depends upon their location, but I don't think this is true. A while ago I mentioned this:
I just checked and my copy is indeed uncensored -- there's blood/gore and bodies don't instantly disappear.
I've gifted a lot to countries like Germany and Australia over the years and the games have never been censored. I just wasnt sure about gifting a pre-release game.
Considering Dyack's history with SK, asking for $750k was more than a bit much.
How do you even develop a game for less than that? And port it to multiple platforms?
They were towing the line pretty thin for asking for 750k. Keep in mind they lose a decent percentage of that to fees.
How do you even develop a game for less than that? And port it to multiple platforms?
They were towing the line pretty thin for asking for 750k. Keep in mind they lose a decent percentage of that to fees.
How do you even develop a game for less than that? And port it to multiple platforms?
They were towing the line pretty thin for asking for 750k. Keep in mind they lose a decent percentage of that to fees.
Pretty sure they would have had a fair bit of funding already. The extra 750k is probably half for extra features and half marketing.
They do have some external funding IIRC. But I am not surprised that the Kickstarter bombed, Dyack load is just too heavy, even for a "anything goes" site
So, I H8 Memes was asking about the pre-release gifting for me (thanks again!). I got Saints Row IV and noticed that I couldn't pre-load. Does this mean I have to wait for the Australian release date, even though it's a US copy?
Okay, thanks for the heads up.Since the app id is universal, you're beholden to the local unlock date, but you can skirt this using a VPN (e.g. Spotflux).
but los is better than gow, no doubt.
Clones can be superior to the originator. I never said it wasn't a clone.Man what are you talking about? I love Lords of Shadow, but God of War was released first, LoS it's a Gow clone, anyways, I don't know why people keep comparing GoW with so many games, I think that every game has its pros and cons.
Don't you love it when you forget to activate SLI after updating drivers?
Clones can be superior to the originator. I never said it wasn't a clone.
Just finished my first heist in Payday 2... :O
Leeeeeeagues ahead of the first game. It's like it's not even the same franchise. Co-op was really fun. Robbed a jewelry store.
I know it, that's understandable because the formula was there, and why did you said that LoS it's better than GoW? Better in what way?
Anyone in the States be so kind as to check the countdown for Blacklist?
Here's my connection with the closest country...
Here's mine with London, UK...
Here's mine with Texas, USA where my friend lives...
I really wanted to play Payday or other online co-op games with US players but I am forced to look for groups nearer to me, and that is very few or none at all. Team Fortress 2 is useless to me. I got a 30 mb connection with shit upload and behing a country's anti-porn proxy. FML.
These results are on a time when there are less online. Peak times would have the results drop down a few (like minus 3~5 from results) mbps.
With the randomly shit performance in mind, I reflected upon my experience in Tomb Raider thus far.
1) Watch shitty story with annoying shaky cam
2) Run down guided path
3) Pick up things on the guided path
4) Climb the only thing you can climb on the guided path
5) Shooting gallery fight
6) More crappy story or QTE
7) Repeat
At first I thought it was just the intro to the game, but it happened a few times, so it is probably how they designed the game. After I solved one ridiculously easy puzzle in what was literally one small room in a cave and it said "Tomb Raided!" it all became clear to me. Salsa is right. So I deleted the game, and now I guess I don't know what to play instead, so I will be disappointed for a bit. Maybe more RE6 until The Bureau comes out would be best.