It is still the most expensive emoticon. Doesn't mean anyone have to pay for it
I'm pretty sure every item on market has some unrealistic priced items. You just have to look to see.
It is still the most expensive emoticon. Doesn't mean anyone have to pay for it
I'm pretty sure every item on market has some unrealistic priced items. You just have to look to see.
So did steam ever put up the daily or might it be a hint at a gamescom sale
When is the anniversary?10 year anniversary sale.
So did steam ever put up the daily or might it be a hint at a gamescom sale
When is the anniversary?
Half-Life 3 announcement is September 12th then?
Valve introducing TF2 now with shoes!
Aarklash: Legacy will be available on September 12.
Source (with trailer):
Steam status: unknown. But Cyanide games are usually on Steam.
Valve introducing TF2 now with shoes!
I poked through the specials list and didn't come across a Daily. Also, uh, there are no Prima/Brady guides on Steam at all any more.
I don't think you're quite getting it.There is onewskull: in the market that is for sale and it's priced insanely. Plus the image you have there is showing cards, which also are insanely priced.
What happened?
Nice, thanks Badger. *wishlisted*
The timing ties in nicely with the X weekly sale on Humble later this week... (right?)
Probably next given the bundles already on.
Rebirth is a little too pricey given the chances of me playing it are around 0. The new features towards accessibility look good... But I suspect they'll be the types of things you do once and never do again. For example walking around a station that is empty before getting back to the spreadsheets.
But I really hope for the best. I want to love a X game.
What happened?
X: Rebirth is way to pricey for me.
But...there are already shoes in TF2. Especially for Scout, it would seem.Valve introducing TF2 now with shoes!
Went to go sign up for classes, realized there was a math credit I misread as being optional last semester and and subsequently can't register for the medical class I was going to take. This could delay my degree by an entire semester or more.
Not even the two games coming out tonight will drown my sorrows ;-;
Legend was so hilariously bad you'd think it was parody.Anniversary, Legend, and Underworld were all excellent. I have no idea why people thought there was some issue with their format.
If you are not into this type of game you might want to save yourself any price and not purchase it at all.
*takes risk of unpacking booster*
*gets a foil*
pfft, you didn't get all the collectables? you don't have the right to shit on the game
Can't wait for the winter sale. Gonna be nuts. Will be getting at least AC IV and Blacklist.
Sadly, this could never happen to me. I play the odds. I never gamble. Sell those boosters, that's my melody.
Unless you're planning to use Steam Wallet funds, buying Blacklist on the B/S/T thread from people who got it with their graphics card would probably be just as cheap, if not cheaper, than it will be during the winter sale.
X Rebirth up for Prepurchase
It looks to have an insane amount of content. I would say the price is fair.
If you are not into this type of game you might want to save yourself any price and not purchase it at all.
Sadly, this could never happen to me. I play the odds. I never gamble. Sell those boosters, that's my melody.
Unless you're planning to use Steam Wallet funds, buying Blacklist on the B/S/T thread from people who got it with their graphics card would probably be just as cheap, if not cheaper, than it will be during the winter sale.
Still no price on Hate Plus, and it unlocks at a rather odd time ('This game will unlock in approximately 7 hours'). Hope it actually gets released today.
Hammerwatch is the definition of average. Playing with the ranger and I feel I've been doing the same thing for three hours: click on a A button to launch arrows. There is just no depth. Oh, I guess I've been using bombs here and there.
A compelling argument can be made that LoS is objectively better than GoW as it runs in native HD resolutions and at 60 fps.
X: Rebirth is way to pricey for me.
In absolute terms I can see where you're coming from, but if you think of it in terms of money spent divided by hours played, it could end up being a real bargain.
$72 for a singleplayer MOBA? I'm going to have to say no, based on the premise alone, unless you really love LOTR or there's a chance you might try it online.How is Guardians of Middle-earth? Worth it to buy the complete edition for single player only?
uc 3 is not that bad people. also gow> los.
With the randomly shit performance in mind, I reflected upon my experience in Tomb Raider thus far.
1) Watch shitty story with annoying shaky cam
2) Run down guided path
3) Pick up things on the guided path
4) Climb the only thing you can climb on the guided path
5) Shooting gallery fight
6) More crappy story or QTE
7) Repeat
At first I thought it was just the intro to the game, but it happened a few times, so it is probably how they designed the game. After I solved one ridiculously easy puzzle in what was literally one small room in a cave and it said "Tomb Raided!" it all became clear to me. Salsa is right. So I deleted the game, and now I guess I don't know what to play instead, so I will be disappointed for a bit. Maybe more RE6 until The Bureau comes out would be best.
*takes risk of unpacking booster*
*gets a foil*