I'd forgotten how perfect Rayman Origins is. Everything about it is sublime -- it looks great, sounds great, plays great, and the challenges straddle a nice line between not too easy and not too frustrating.
...Wish I could still play it. Sold the only console I had it on. Damn, you're making me miss that experience.
Anniversary, Legend, and Underworld were all excellent. I have no idea why people thought there was some issue with their format.Funny thing because the old TR didn't guide you and it was really more exploration-focused.
X Rebirth up for Prepurchase http://store.steampowered.com/app/2870/
...Wish I could still play it. Sold the only console I had it on. Damn, you're making me miss that experience.
What kind of game do you want? AAA only? Indie? Adventure? Puzzle? Exploration?With the randomly shit performance in mind, I reflected upon my experience in Tomb Raider thus far.
1) Watch shitty story with annoying shaky cam
2) Run down guided path
3) Pick up things on the guided path
4) Climb the only thing you can climb on the guided path
5) Shooting gallery fight
6) More crappy story or QTE
7) Repeat
At first I thought it was just the intro to the game, but it happened a few times, so it is probably how they designed the game. After I solved one ridiculously easy puzzle in what was literally one small room in a cave and it said "Tomb Raided!" it all became clear to me. Salsa is right. So I deleted the game, and now I guess I don't know what to play instead, so I will be disappointed for a bit. Maybe more RE6 until The Bureau comes out would be best.
I know, I know. I'll probably end up getting it bundled with Rayman Legends on the Steam prison economy... or perhaps trading some of my games for it.
edit: Then again, Rayman Legends feels like something I should support by paying full price. Would if I could, but currently not sure if that's possible. Got Origins on release day with no regrets, wish I could do that now.
I blame Uncharted and its goal to ruin the "exploration of an adventurer" action game into a QTE-fested, linear, shooting gallery game.
This game will unlock in approximately 1 day and 11 hours
Thanks, yeah I did. Just tried it again, not working. Maybe the server is busy, I'll wait and try it again later.
X Rebirth up for Prepurchase http://store.steampowered.com/app/2870/
Rayman Legends you should be able to get for 7 or 8 keys ($14.63~$16.72).
Edit: There's no mention of Uplay, either, which presumably means it's DRM-free a la Origins.
Rayman Legends you should be able to get for 7 or 8 keys ($14.63~$16.72).
Edit: There's no mention of Uplay, either, which presumably means it's DRM-free a la Origins.
Nice, thanks Badger. *wishlisted*
The timing ties in nicely with the X weekly sale on Humble later this week... (right?)
I should mention that the Rayman Legends steam demo requires uplay though, so the full game might be as well.
I should mention that the Rayman Legends steam demo requires uplay though, so the full game might be as well.
I'd forgotten how perfect Rayman Origins is. Everything about it is sublime -- it looks great, sounds great, plays great, and the challenges straddle a nice line between not too easy and not too frustrating.
14 hours too late. SR4 and The Bureau coming out at midnight.Anyone in the States be so kind as to check the countdown for Blacklist?
Just leaving for work, broke down and bought The Bureau, got a spare Spec Ops key. Quote to reveal (I have no idea how to use the bot yet!)
For me, the art style.
I file it away under games I want to love, but can't get over the aesthetics. Skullgirls is very much another.
Probably next given the bundles already on.
Rebirth is a little too pricey given the chances of me playing it are around 0. The new features towards accessibility look good... But I suspect they'll be the types of things you do once and never do again. For example walking around a station that is empty before getting back to the spreadsheets.
But I really hope for the best. I want to love a X game.
Just leaving for work, broke down and bought The Bureau, got a spare Spec Ops key. Quote to reveal (I have no idea how to use the bot yet!)
For me, the art style.
I file it away under games I want to love, but can't get over the aesthetics. Skullgirls is very much another.
Following up on Modbot, if people are trying
and it isn't working, remove the ":" and you should be right.
I love the game's visual style. Even just today there have been a few instances where I've thought to myself, "This would make for a nice desktop background."but I prefer my current Saoirse one
14 hours too late. SR4 and The Bureau coming out at midnight.
Fuck I really should preorder those and start on my preload, yeah.
I don't remember any QTE's in my Uncharted.I blame Uncharted and its goal to ruin the "exploration of an adventurer" action game into a QTE-fested, linear, shooting gallery game.
X Rebirth up for Prepurchase http://store.steampowered.com/app/2870/
Went to go sign up for classes, realized there was a math credit I misread as being optional last semester and and subsequently can't register for the medical class I was going to take. This could delay my degree by an entire semester or more.
I can't stand QTE either, not sure why, I feel cheated when killing boss with QTE, for example. This gen really wasn't good for me.
Guys, you gonna laugh, possibly a lot, but McPixel is sort of good... Yes, it's short and stupid, but it's fun, who could have thought (><)
Guardians of Middle Earth DDE: 989 Russiabucks (~USD$30)
Most common asking price: 30 keys (~USD$62.70)
Nice markup there, fellas.
What more does the Mithril Edition have? Only thing I see is an extra gift. But that price seems to be much higher than the standard edition
Get access to the base game and EVERY GUARDIAN AND THEIR ALTERNATES--all 72!
The Company of Dwarves Bundle
The Warrior Bundle
The Striker Bundle
The Defender Bundle
The Tactician Bundle
The Enchanter Bundle
As a bonus get 60,000 Gold for use in-game.
And an exclusive relic equipment item, only available in the Mithril Edition.
And a free base game key to gift to a friend!
basically a 4pack. edit: without the benefit of a 4 pack where you pay for '3' copies.
Went to go sign up for classes, realized there was a math credit I misread as being optional last semester and and subsequently can't register for the medical class I was going to take. This could delay my degree by an entire semester or more.
Not even the two games coming out tonight will drown my sorrows ;-;
Like anyone is ever going to pay that. You can price your items whatever you want on the market.