I see. I have to wonder if most of the enjoyment people got from GTA IV was from modding it.GTAIV proper, no, but Ballad of Gay Tony is supposedly a much better experience.
Sounds just about as ridiculously incongruous as the chases and shootouts at the end of every mission in LA Noire.It did! Then it became the ludonarrative dissonance simulator!
"I am tired of killing, I have seen more than enough during the war" "okay, now kill 5 billion dudes in this non-checkpointed and scripted mission... and if you fail, you get to start all over again"
I see. I have to wonder if most of the enjoyment people got from GTA IV was from modding it.
I mean, I just don't see how I could be expected to muster a shred of enthusiasm for V after my experience with IV, compared to my experience with SR3, and what it did for my anticipation of SR4.
Nice giveaway, entered!
EDIT: Thank you very much. I love tactics RPG's.
If Max Payne is any indication, then Rockstar has improved their methods considerably.
Maybe when they release RDR 2 they will bring RDR to pc if they have truely changed!
I have never seen someone this excited when it comes to Zack Zero. You haven't played it yet, correct?
Maybe when they release RDR 2 they will bring RDR to pc if they have truely changed!
RDR is gone, it will, most likely, never happen.
Apparently the code is such a mess that Rockstar is not willing to dedicate the time or resources for a PC port.
Now I have! It SO glitchy!!!
I'll give it another try though, feels like a real indie for me hahaha
I see. I have to wonder if most of the enjoyment people got from GTA IV was from modding it.
Sounds just about as ridiculously incongruous as the chases and shootouts at the end of every mission in LA Noire.
I've always found that rumour to be incredibly dubious.
Don't know where to put this, so I just put it here. According to my Rockstar PR rep, review copies won't be sendt out before very close to release or on release so the GTA V reviews may be late out. This may change of course, but that's what I heard.
Well, the Oscar nomination process doesn't begin 'til around November, so it makes sense to delay reviews so that the game is still fresh in critics' minds.
Same award show Ronan will never win at.
Same award show Ronan will never win at.
Same award show Ronan will never win at.
Now that's just mean.
Edit: Apparently GMG is sending out SRIV game keys now.
You got lucky then. Seems like the value of everything tanked, even foils.
Thank you for prepurchasing The Bureau: XCOM Declassified from Green Man Gaming.
Activation keys:
Please note the key order for your Bureau pre-purchase is as follows:
Key 1 - Spec Ops: The Line
Key 2 - The Bureau: Codebreakers DLC
Key 3 - The Bureau base game.
Sorry for any confusion caused.
Kind Regards,
Anuman Interactive bought the Agatha Christie rights and intends to create games. First one will be shown soon. Developed on PC/Mac/iOS/Android.
New Indie Royale:
Retrovirus (Steam)
Signal Ops
Zack Zero (Steam)
Sol Survivor (Steam)
Damn it all I want out of that is Sol Survivor and my Steam backlog is massive since the Summer Sale.
Anuman Interactive bought the Agatha Christie rights and intends to create games. First one will be shown soon. Developed on PC/Mac/iOS/Android.
GMG are sending out Bureau keys. but they managed to make another mistake regarding what keycode goes to which game...
1st email:
2nd email:
Nice to hear that but I don't know that studio, which games did they made?
check your PM in a minute
Gonna wait for reviews for The Bureau in case it bombs.
Don't know where to put this, so I just put it here. According to my Rockstar PR rep, review copies won't be sendt out before very close to release or on release so the GTA V reviews may be late out. This may change of course, but that's what I heard.
The biggest bomb this month is Lost Planet 3.
The only marketing we got for the game is a trailer that did not display any gameplay.
Syberia, Still Life, Dracula.
Bureau just got a 4.5/10 review from Destructoid (Jim Sterling)
I preordered SR4 and Rome 2, don't know if I should bite.Gonna wait for reviews for The Bureau in case it bombs.
Edit: http://www.destructoid.com/review-the-bureau-xcom-declassified-259364.phtml
Good that I waited.
Bureau just got a 4.5/10 review from Destructoid (Jim Sterling)
At least that is a better score for the game than I would give Jim Sterling.
Bureau just got a 4.5/10 review from Destructoid (Jim Sterling)
What a day for grief.. bioshock 2 updating![]()
Jim's reviews can be odd from time to time, he loved MW3's campaign and gave it a 9/10.Don't believe the lies.
Gears of War is his favorite third person shooter. The Bureau is the anti-Gears of War
New Indie Royale:
Retrovirus (Steam)
Signal Ops
Zack Zero (Steam)
Sol Survivor (Steam)
Lost Planet 3 is such a colossal non-event. Watch Capcom be cheap with the discounting, too.
What a day for grief.. bioshock 2 updating![]()
It's just a DX update, apparently.
It's getting closer, though.
Huge news! This is, honestly, probably one of the largest pieces of evidence we have seen yet.
This update just went through for Arkham City
- less than a minute ago Added showcdkeyonlaunch_macos 0
- less than a minute ago Added showcdkeyinmenu_macos 0
- less than a minute ago Changed changenumber 259930 259939
- 9 minutes ago Removed cddbfingerprint -693650002
- 9 minutes ago Changed LegacyKeyRegistryLocation
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\TestApp200260\SteamKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER
They turned off showing cd key on launch, which is a necessity for GFWL games.
From what I can tell, they also completely removed where the CD Key was previously stored. If they remove the key, then Securom's registry entry cannot reference it properly for activation limits. Need a little more evidence on this one.