looks like my weird latino hipster is still up on the saints cloud
guess I can just jump into IV
El Heisenberg
looks like my weird latino hipster is still up on the saints cloud
guess I can just jump into IV
Orion: Dino hoard is on sale.
Yeah? or nay?
Orion: Dino hoard is on sale.
Yeah? or nay?
I hope everyone agrees this is a fair and equitable way to proceed and that this is ample warning. The details of this change are also posted in the ModBot rules thread.
Perfectly fair. People wanted to give their keys away or they wouldn't be registered in the first place. No use letting them rot.
I just finished watching the Giant Bomb quick look for Saints Row 4, and now I really don't feel like getting it at full price. Jeff's comment about it feeling like a mod of SR3 seems spot on, I think I'll wait for the next Steam sale.
Modbot policy update: The "my loot" command now reports BOTH what you've won for ModBot, and any unclaimed keys you've offered to ModBot. This will be useful if no one claims a key and you want to go back and nuke it. Or because you can't keep track of all the stuff you're giving away!!!! WOW, so generous! Also useful if you want to repost stuff because it got lost in the shuffle. Remember when you repost keys, generate a new giveaway, don't just quote the original.![]()
Good work, I think this is fair. One question, will the keys go up all at once and if so, what time? Want to make sure I don't miss it! Actually there's another question, any chance of making the big giveaway a raffle or would that just overload Modbot? Might make it less dependent on being there at the moment it goes up.Modbot policy update:
How the my loot command works exactly ? Send a message to ModBot with register in the title and my loot in the message ?
Good work, I think this is fair. One question, will the keys go up all at once and if so, what time? Want to make sure I don't miss it! Actually there's another question, any chance of making the big giveaway a raffle or would that just overload Modbot? Might make it less dependent on being there at the moment it goes up.
Obviously at the top of my wishlist for GFWL removal is Fallout 3 - which I mentioned in a recent interview.
I know there is a fan-made mod that patches out GFWL, but at that point you may as well download the pirated version.
That's kind of a leap.
It is free for 5 days, look in your library
Nay Nay Nay
Though I have heard that it might be so bad it's good.
Run bro
Ok! I guess that there's going to be a bunch of repeats, especially for stuff like the Origin bundle, but I can't shake the feeling tgere's a diamond in the roughI haven't decided those answers yet and a lot of them are going to depend on the content of the raffle. If it's 37 unclaimed Cogs keys, I probably will just do whatever is the least amount of work. If it's a wide variety of stuff that slipped through the cracks, I'll probably do in batches and give ample warning. I am sensitive to user desires for this stuff![]()
Made it to the final boss for the first time. Brought the key down from the mines to create the temple shortcut in two tries.
Killing the final boss is now in sight. Lets do this.
Send a PM to ModBot with my loot in the title
body doesn't matter
Could you possibly add a link in that thread like there is at the top of giveaways that takes you directly to PMing ModBot? Would just be nice for convenience.
Okay so Steam is still always telling me that game downloads will be twice what they actually are. Today before work I said goodbye to 40GB of HD space and set Hitman and Van Helsing downloading, now I get home and see it was only 20GB. What is the deal?
Okay so Steam is still always telling me that game downloads will be twice what they actually are. Today before work I said goodbye to 40GB of HD space and set Hitman and Van Helsing downloading, now I get home and see it was only 20GB. What is the deal?
So you're saying I shouldn't give those 2 steam keys for Mirror's Edge and Dead Space that were unclaimed to other people.Free-for all giveaways of old unclaimed keys!
Sounds like real efficient data structuring there.Pretty sure Steam tells you the space the games will take on disc, not the size of the download.
Van Helsing is a 9 gig download that extracts to about 19 gigs.
Maybe it's like PSN where you need close to double the space at first while it decompresses files during the installation process.
So you're saying I shouldn't give those 2 steam keys for Mirror's Edge and Dead Space that were unclaimed to other people.
Using my loot does present an issue though. It says I have four unclaimed keys like anti chamber. I know these were taken.
Metal Slug 3 in the registry
Compression for data transport will always be better than compression you want to be able to use on the fly.Sounds like real efficient data structuring there.
Man I wish that was real!modbot said:You have won: Magic School Bus The Game -- ZZZR-RRRT-RRRR
Cooking by the Book
Take an actual honest-to-god IRL photograph of the cake you're sharing with *Hyun-ae, and e-mail it to the developer! cake@hateplus.com
More adventures in we never asked for this
Awesome, let us know how the game is.
I'm going to wishlist it, can't afford all of these titles!
Can anyone who played Analogue a Hate Story tell me where the save file for the game is? It transfers over to Hate Plus it seems and I think I'll have to hook up my old computer to move it over.
More adventures in we never asked for this
replace "tom" for your own name
(win 7)
aww man we should've co-oped, I need those last few cheevosloaded up saints row the third to re-upload my character and ended up spending 20 minutes wrecking chaos
IV's gonna be great maaaaan
Well nobody wants that shit anyway...Do whatever you want. The free-for-all will make it very clear that a lot of the keys will probably be already claimed. But if you have the time, it'd be nice to nuke the keys if you choose to gift them away using another method.
LOOOOOOOOOOOLHate Plus has the best achievement ever.
Hate Plus has the best achievement ever.
Hate Plus has the best achievement ever.