Does anyone happen to have a steam code for left 4 dead 2 they want to sell? I want to get the game for someone but don't want to pay $20 when it's always $5 on sale.
Changes are outlined here.
Changes are outlined here.
Does anyone happen to have a steam code for left 4 dead 2 they want to sell? I want to get the game for someone but don't want to pay $20 when it's always $5 on sale.
Thanks Cru so much, I was just going to buy it.
Gamefly has a sale on Valve titles right now. Every day there are a few that are 75% off. I don't know if L4D was already, but it's $8 right now.
Also, 20% off code GFDAUG20.
EDIT: Man, gamefly's new layout is confusing.
GameFly is selling Valve games? That's new.
Gamefly has a sale on Valve titles right now. Every day there are a few that are 75% off. I don't know if L4D was already, but it's $8 right now.
Also, 20% off code GFDAUG20.
EDIT: Man, gamefly's new layout is confusing.
I'm pretty sure they've been doing this for a long time.
There was a Valve sale 9 months ago for example:
Good thing, too. I'd noticed a short while ago you didn't have it and I was not going to let this stand.
Also how come some games vanished in my "Badges for cards" section. Skyrim and Monaco for instance.
Also how come some games vanished in my "Badges for cards" section. Skyrim and Monaco for instance.
Don't think I didn't notice how you called me;D
I was told there would be new games to the Origin Bundle today....
So tomorrow is X-bundle day, right? Right?!
X-bundle? What did I miss?
We already started the distribution of the keys for North and South American users, but we are still preparing our system to do the distribution automatically. Right now we are manually handing the keys.
If you are one of the American users, and wish to receive your key as fast as possible, send an e-mail to our customer support (contato@nuuvem.com.br) and we will provide you with the key. If you do so, please remember to identify yourself and your region.
Thanks for this. Being from Canada, hopefully will get my key soonish.Update on the Nuuvem-SR4-key-situation: http://forum.nuuvem.com.br/topic/1587-saints-row-iv-key/?p=16887
Europe has to wait until Friday.
FAQ: http://forum.nuuvem.com.br/topic/1587-saints-row-iv-key/?p=16894
The X-games were updated in the Steam DB.
Steam needs chromecast support.Read Game Dev Tycoon as Game Dev Story and was excited for a second -_-
Anybody use Big Picture Mode with any frequency? I'm considering wiring a long HDMI cable to my TV, and getting a Logitech F710 for wireless play.
Seriously, where is Rising. No news. No registry entry that I can see. The thirst is real.
I was hoping Gamescom would bring some news, but none so far.
Every video I see of XCOM: The Bureau makes it look pretty damned amazing, yet the reviews are so bad. I wonder if it just isn't as fun to play as it looks or if the idea of a turning a turn-based strategy game into a TPS is just too bitter a pill to swallow?
Really starting to want this game.
If there's no info come the end of TGS, I'm going to start assuming it's been silently canned.
I stand by every word of it.
If there's no info come the end of TGS, I'm going to start assuming it's been silently canned.
I would argue that something like that takes a significant amount of time. They probably don't have anything substantial to show yet.
It also seems that releases like this are kept relatively obscure until relatively close to the release date. Lords of Shadow, Guacamelee, and KOF XIII are recent examples.
I also noticed from the store entry that they may have tapped another studio to work on the PC version of Lords of Shadow, in this case Climax Studios. Maybe they are waiting to finish up that port before dedicating the entire team to the MGR port. Just spit balling with that one.
A third possibility, is Konami is waiting to see how Lords of Shadow performs through release before dedicating more resources behind the port. Both games are in similar situations, with their release coming well after the console version. They could have comparable audiences and sales numbers on the PC.
Interestingly enough, Climax Studios was the developer of Sudeki, and we have seen significant additions to that registry app recently. Though the last update hasn't been for a month.
Rabbit hole always goes deeper.
Where's the Humble Bundle update? It should be out already![]()
Steam needs chromecast support.
I've been waiting on this too. I just want to know what the extra games are.
Interesting research. I remember someone from Platinum (was it Inaba?) saying that they wouldn't outsource their ports anymore after the PS3 incident and seeing as they were interested in PC a while ago I thought they would handle it themselves. Maybe they've changed their opinion.
But it could be Konami's/Kojima's say on the matter. Maybe reassured the folks at Platinum that they will port it well?
I would argue that something like that takes a significant amount of time. They probably don't have anything substantial to show yet.
It also seems that releases like this are kept relatively obscure until relatively close to the release date. Lords of Shadow, Guacamelee, and KOF XIII are recent examples.
This is my take on the matter, I doubt the decision is up to Platinum at all.
Konami may have approached them about the port, but Platinum is very busy with W101 and Bayo 2 this year.
In other news, Enslaved app seeing a massive amount of updates today.
But it could be Konami's/Kojima's say on the matter. Maybe reassured the folks at Platinum that they will port it well?
Posted it earlier here, and the Bioshock 2/Arkham GFWL removal thread.
Excited to see what happens with this, hopefully they are removing GFWL and adding in Steamworks. I would definitely get all of the achievements again.
But there is an Xbox One exclusive that they're working on according to cboat, so it does seem like they have their hands full.
I want to buy Blacklist, but I really don't want to have it on UPlay.
uplay is the new gfwl.