It looks exactly the same, whats wrong with it?
I can't list everything but I've been playing it for the last few days to completion (including searching for billboards) and it's a strange mix of Paradise and MW2005, which I consider to be one of the best NfS'.
-cars are not earned, you find them standing around
-since EA added DLC I find myself often driving to one, hitting Y -> store page
-menus are even more convoluted as in Paradise
-no visual modding
-overloaded hud
-exaggerated optical effects that tend to blind you
-it's often very hard to tell where to drive, Paradise/MW05 had better designed cities and cleaner visuals while here your car loves to get stuck at corners and small obstacles. Paradise wasn't perfect but here I regularily miss a turning.
-city is boring
-races are car-specific, so after 6 or 7 you have to change to proceed
-despite this they often repeat, you play some ten times or more during the short 6-7hrs it takes to complete the single player
-you gain upgrades by winning races but when you have all, there are none left for the car and you have to start with a bare one again
-doesn't help that a lot of the cars drive like shit, best one imo are the nimble Ariel Atom and BAC Mono
-the police, they are so annoying. In MW05 you had pursuit breakers, hiding spots and slow-mo. That worked great, with skill I could outsmart them even with a lot on my ass. Here it's pure luck, better to just stop and get busted, there's no penalty anyway (no money).
-performance issues, I don't have a slow PC but at some place I get weird framerate-drops and the game hitches like crazy. Bad when I'm trying to steer.
-the multiplayer is very good on the other hand, some innovative ideas
-still miles better than the abysmal The Run
-have you played Hot Pursuit 2010? Better hope for that, much better.