So, I finally got around to playing Weird Worlds, since someone asked earlier in the thread..
It has Roguelike elements (randomized worlds, expect to die, etc) but in a weird way it's also geared toward casual gameplay. It's a short game, but it's fun and random to try and top your previous scores, so there's that.
3 styles of gameplay (exploration, military, pirate).. different styles of ships that can be customized as you trade/buy/find new equipment.
Random events like black holes appearing, stars going supernova requiring you to escape, etc. Honestly I've avoided combat for the most part so far, as I died more often than not.
The menu has an option to simulate combat between 4 races and fleets.
Here's how my last two games went:
- Explored the galaxy, rescued a guy who joined his ship with my fleet. Went into enemy territory and was warned off. Fled to a nebula slowing my progress. System I arrived in started to go supernova - thankfully it warned me letting me flee before the explosion reached my ship. Traded with a species, found some random equipment and aliens on a planet. Went home to complete my ten year mission.
- Found a derelict ship and approached it. As soon as I got close, it unleashed unholy hell and destroyed my ship