What?? You have the best part left, collecting all the Riddler statues one by one, searching for EVERY (and I mean every) corner. (Just kidding, the sidemissions are mostly pretty cool and showcase some awesome cast)
I got 100% on the AC story mode. First I beat all the missions and side missions, which took 20 hours, then I did all the Riddler shit, which took another 20 hours. I don't know why I did the latter, probably something related to the sickness that led me to play TDU2 for 100 hours.
You have to admit, the game has a very compelling and unique premise.
would be if they could somehow make it
actually realistic so that dead = dead forever for everyone involved, to prevent the advantage to douchebags I described. Unfortunately, I see no way of doing that except maybe some kind of playthrough ID tag on you character that applies to items, so if you die you can't regain things tagged as being from your previous life. That's probably too complicated to ever do, though, and still wouldn't necessarily help things if you technically never owned something because it was loot your group had but you didn't.
Without that change, it is not compelling to me at all. It's just another setup for people online to ruin good things. Long-play tension doesn't make a good experience for me, it only makes everything into a chore with the risk of losing everything that you were never able to truly enjoy having anyway. A quality co-op experience can have tension, a pure deathmatch can have tension, and all without the chore-like feeling and paranoia and wasted time. I just don't get the appeal.