Talking about Alan Wake, the developers commentary is great.
Ah, I forgot about that. It's not handled in the most elegant manner, though, right? My favourite dev commentary system is that which Valve uses -- interactive nodes which are scattered throughout a level.
This is why I'm glad I didn't read GAF back when I played it. I look back on the graphics of Alan Wake fondly, but I know I'd be more critical now that I regularly check out screenshots of games running on high-end rigs.The HD Screenshot thread is 90% of the reason I decided to finally build a PC.
I'm not sure why I got back into PC gaming exactly. I still had my ageing E6420 @ 3.2GHz/4GB DDR2-800/1GB 5750 system when Portal 2 released and it was perfectly playable (the PS3 was my system of choice at the time, however being a Valve game I made an exception of P2), but a few months later I decided to buy a GTX 570, started playing some more recent titles in my library and even began buying new releases (e.g. Space Marine, which I still haven't played, and DE: HR, which I did eventually play).
steam gaf, what say you about the Dungeon Siege bundle? At $5 i don't think I'll need much convincing. I somewhat enjoyed 1 and 2 back in the day, and I thought the 3 demo was decent.
I think you've answered your own question.

It's unlikely to ever be cheaper, too.