I'd like to envision these Japanese companies are just sitting around the boardroom, getting high, and making decisions. Or laying out a 'jump to conclusion board' and jumping away.
There really is no other explanation for their decisions.
"Hey Iwata, lets release our next portable console with a super low resolution screen, but use 3D instead! Oh and lets Region lock that shit and not include a second analog stick. And lets make our account system anit-consumer as well"
"Monster Hunter and Dragon's Dogma would be very successful on PC"
"Dude, fuck it. Come hit some more of this meth."
"We spent 400 million yen developing FFXV the past 5 years. FFXIII was universally regarded as mediocre, how are we going to make up these numbers to our investors."
"Just blame it on Eidos' successful IPs like we always do and snort some of this crack off of this hooker."
They are a very capable game studio. One of the better ones out there.
It just seems like the actual gameplay they produce is very mediocre.
I can't speak for Heavenly Sword or Enslaved, but the general consensus from the Devil May Cry audience is the combat is extremely watered down from previous iterations.
I also got the same impression from watching the enslaved review.
When IGN is saying the combat and gameplay is monotonous and dumbed down, you know there is a problem.