STEAM Announcements & Updates 2013 V - Message Modbot for Good Time 1-800-555-READOP

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If anyone has a unneeded Fez key, please let me know.

I'd give something here, but only have a couple Origin humble keys.




Right. Games that have 3rd party keys are excluded.

I hope I got in on that first batch. I think I joined before 1300.


I have some Garry's mod spare in my inventory, giving away one for now because for some reason I cant send myself the other one while this one is unclaimed, another one will soon follow (although I assume everyone and their mothers have this game by now)

ModBot said:
Just quote this message and paste the quote in the thread:

I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:


Garry's Mod -- MB-1EA15144AF5B5A67 - Taken by Cozmogramma


Was bound to happen. I guess they have to manually ask each publisher, the majority will say no, while smaller devs will say yes.

Except Phill Fish.

This mainly has to do with hardware issues and games with keys that associate with 3rd party DRM.

Games that have Securom alone obviously can't handle anything like the family share plan. GFWL introduces its own set of issues as well.

Knowing epic the keys should register as well.

I would argue the opposite. Knowing Epic, you are going to have to repurchase your game.

For one thing, helps finance the development of removing GFWL from Gears and Bulletstorm.


Every time theres a blops 2 free weekend I download it and play it a bit. I then remember why I hate it over blops 1 and uninstall it.

I love blops 1.
I have some Garry's mod spare in my inventory, giving away one for now because for some reason I cant send myself the other one while this one is unclaimed, another one will soon follow (although I assume everyone and their mothers have this game by now)

Thanks alot! My brother is gonna love this.


This mainly has to do with hardware issues and games with keys that associate with 3rd party DRM.

Games that have Securom alone obviously can't handle anything like the family share plan. GFWL introduces its own set of issues as well.

I would argue the opposite. Knowing Epic, you are going to have to repurchase your game.

For one thing, helps finance the development of removing GFWL from Gears and Bulletstorm.

Epic gave out free steam copies by registering retail ut3 copies after the game was released for a while, similar to what prey had done, hence why I'm hoping they will do it for GoW.


Every time theres a blops 2 free weekend I download it and play it a bit. I then remember why I hate it over blops 1 and uninstall it.

I love blops 1.

What's shit about blops2? I haven't put time into a multiplayer cod since blops1, put like 30 mins into mw3.


Added to the calendar:

09/10/2013 - Dominions 3: The Awakening - TBS - Shrapnel Games/Illwinter Game Design - $19.99
09/12/2013 - Superfrog HD - Platformer - Team17/Team17 - $9.99 -
2013 - Air Conflicts: Vietnam - Air Combat - Kalypso Media/bitComposer Games - $XX.XX
2014 - Child of Light - Platformer/RPG - Ubisoft/Ubisoft Montreal - $XX.XX
2014 - LEGO Minifigures Online - MMO - Funcom/Funcom - $XX.XX
2014 - Valiant Hearts: The Great War - Action/Puzzle - Ubisoft/Ubisoft Montpellier - $XX.XX
TBA - Dragon Fin Soup - RPG - Grimm Bros./Grimm Bros. - $XX.XX
TBA - Extrasolar - Exploration - Lazy 8 Studios/Lazy 8 Studios - $XX.XX
TBA - Homeworld: Shipbreakers - Space simulation - Gearbox Software/Blackbird Interactive - $XX.XX


Prey wasn't Steamworks from the beginning?

I had a physical copy and it was years after I originally played it that it got Steam.

Anyway, I wonder if Valve is going to make disabled for sharing the default option Perhaps they know they have an issue or the game itself will need to be modified to work properly so until that's done they'll disable it? I'm probably wrong, just wondering out loud though.

EDIT: Whoa, I guess it was just me who couldn't find it on Steam for years. Oops.


Unconfirmed Member
The Retro Shooter Bundle is pretty cool, if only because of Duke Nukem 3D. I already own all of them, but Duke3D is the only one I've played (not sure if Serious Sam: TFE HD counts, because I've played the Classic version, and got to the third level in TSE Classic).

Haven't got my Paranautical Activity key from Groupees yet. I'm starting to wonder if I ever will.

New Bundlestars

  • Rush Bros
  • Velvet Assassin
  • The Tiny Bang Story
  • Lunar Flight
  • Glow Fish
  • Mystery Game added later

All for $3.48. All Steam.
Wanted to try Rush Bros. Oh well, bought. The other games are a bonus which I don't think I'll ever try.

I probably won't play Rush Bros either.

Just bite. Its a fantastic game.
But... only 40% off :/


You and me both.

"Bonus" isn't the word I'd use for most of those things.

I don't know about the others but Velvet Assassin made me want to punch myself in the face. I wanted to like it but I uninstalled it partly through the first level it was so bad.


Unconfirmed Member
OK, I'll ask just one more time. Does anyone want to split the Squeenix bundle from Amazon? I only need Tomb Raider, and I'm willing to pay up to 7 bucks (Paypal fees included, so you'll get a little above $6).

Anyone interested?


OK, I'll ask just one more time. Does anyone want to split the Squeenix bundle from Amazon? I only need Tomb Raider, and I'm willing to pay up to 7 bucks (Paypal fees included, so you'll get a little above $6).

Anyone interested?

I think most of the people that want in on the bundle, only want Tomb Raider (as far as I've seen in the thread anyway)


maybe tomorrow it rains
OK, I'll ask just one more time. Does anyone want to split the Squeenix bundle from Amazon? I only need Tomb Raider, and I'm willing to pay up to 7 bucks (Paypal fees included, so you'll get a little above $6).

Anyone interested?

Link to the bundle?


Unconfirmed Member
Nobody buy Deadpool unless it's $10 or less. Total garbage. Waypool writing, broken camera, tons of bugs. For me, it consistently crashes on the final boss. Fuck that game.
Weird, heard from 2 friends that it was pretty great, with a nice humor.

both of them pirated it, by the way

I think most of the people that want in on the bundle, only want Tomb Raider (as far as I've seen in the thread anyway)
You may be right. Still, if I could avoid paying the $12.49 that it costs right now on Steam that would be great.

Link to the bundle?

It's not discounted yet, but it will in a few days.
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