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STEAM | April 2014 - Insert witty title here.

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Unconfirmed Member
Oh, also before the FEAR series goes off sale on GMG, some impressions on the title no one has mentioned today, FEAR 3, the black sheep of the franchise.

FEAR 3 represents what is wrong with many 'modernization' processes of games. It takes everything that people liked about the first few games in the series and just replaces or modifies them to work with current trends, such as in this case regenerating health, co-op, perks... However, I would also argue FEAR 3 is not a bad game. If you're looking for a game akin to FEAR 1 or 2, this unfortunately is not it. It also is pretty lacking in the horror department. It's not scary, or even really atmospheric, though it attempts to be. What it is though, is a pretty fun multiplayer experience.

The story will probably piss-off long-time fans. Without going too deep into spoilers, the story basically focuses mostly on Fettel, the antagonist from the first game. The stories already kind of in a mess from the out-go, as we have things from psychic powers, clones, the fact our two main characters are the sons of the series main antagonist Alma, and just other plot elements that just scream they're so bad. But it's not badly written to be fair, and if you kind of turn off your brain it's kind of stupid entertainment. But you really shouldn't be playing this game for the story.

The campaign should last for about 5-7 hours, with some highs and lows, but that in no way compares to the previous two games. The co-op helps make it a bit more fun, for better or worse. The two brothers play completely differently though, with Pointman basically being your typical action hero with the guns and the slide-kicks, and Fettel being actually surprisingly rather fresh, being a psychic man who can levitate enemies, possess them, shoot energy blasts, and more. Honestly, both are pretty fun, but I have to hand it to Fettel as for a game with very little inspiration behind it, his gameplay is actually rather original for this sort of game and fun.

But it's not the campaign you should be buying FEAR 3 for, as weird as that might sound. I find most people never delve into the multiplayer modes in this game. And it's sensible, as the campaign is disappointing and usually multiplayer modes are tagged on without much thought or effort, so it's probably nothing special, right?

Well, that's wrong, as it turns out the multiplayer modes in this game are actually the best part of the game.

I can't even count how many friends who got FEAR 3 that ended up loving the multiplayer modes and hating the campaign. Let me explain; The campaign lacks tension, and often is a bit repetitive, on-top of the fact it just feels rather uninspired most of the time, its horror elements fail, and its action sequences aren't particularly great. But something FEAR 3 does surprisingly well is understand the fun elements of multiplayer shooters. Hell, some of the multiplayer modes are even far more tense and more horror-like than anything in the campaign.

Multiplayer is split into four modes, and all four are pretty fun for up to four-players either locally or online. Each mode has different maps. One mode has you all as ghost phantoms who possess bodies and try to kill other enemies and your friends to collect souls, most souls at the end of a wave wins the round, and at the end of all waves, person with the most rounds won wins. Another mode has you in an open arena with multiple areas to station yourself in as you and friends fight hordes of enemies that come in waves, boarding up windows and between waves going out to collect supplies. It's a sort of rip-off of Zombie mode from CoD, but it has some interesting twists, such as Alma, who you should not look at as she'll cause randomized effects against you, ranging from just downing you to making you see your friends as enemies, making the screen go black, or teleporting you to another random point on the map. Or a fog, that gets thicker and thicker as the waves go on, and an unseen red-light monster lurks in the deeper parts of the fog... And in yet another mode, you and up to three friends run away from a giant wall of death. Really challenging, frantic, tense, panic-worthy, but a lot of fun as a lot of enemies get tossed your way and you only get small breathers to quickly recollect supplies before the wall is out it again. A race from death and survival that is both primal but also strategic and fun.

The game also looks pretty good, and the PC port is well-done. Music works, but nothing outside of the credits song sticks as being particularly memorable.

FEAR 3 is against most everything the FEAR series stands for, but if you can look over that and a disappointing campaign, I guarantee you there's some multiplayer fun here that is worth experiencing.
My man! I played the campaign alone twice (once with each character) and thought it was a steaming pile of poo-poo, but I tried the first few levels in co-op mode with a coworker and had some good fun that way (of course, we were joking and laughing via mic while playing). As a huge fan of the previous games, it hurts me to see what this franchise has become.

This isn't a bad game per se, but as you said, it's a terrible F.E.A.R. game. Haven't got the chance to try the other multiplayer modes yet, but I'll ask my coworker to check those out someday.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.

Fight for your life in the INDIE SCI-FI FPS game fit for both casual and hard-core gamers with a passion for hunting down hordes of zombies. Prepare yourselves for the incoming nightmare!

The ESS Meridian starship is travelling through space with a new FTL technology, heading towards its destination - Tau Ceti f, the first planet in the history of mankind to be colonized. A few months later an elite member of Unit 13 is disrupted from cryogenic sleep. But Tau Ceti f is nowhere in sight and something is very wrong. What happened to all those people? Why are they so aggressive and attack without any survival instincts?

Not exactly the most original game, but it's only $5 and you'll get the OST at a later date.


Unconfirmed Member
If its an entire The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy audiobook, I'd snap it up.
I need to grab these books. I read the first one on my S3 with the Kindle app and stopped halfway through the second one, but it's not the same. I want them in paper, or at least a real Kindle.


I think Air has issues displaying achievements

could that even be the case? talking about the overlay

I exited Warlock and apparently I got like 6 achievements, but none of them popped up during the game. Pretty sure it happened in another game a couple days ago too


listen to the mad man
Who do I contact about an issue with Modbot? I don't think my Fez giveaway worked.

How did it not work? Did you PM ModBot? Did the title include the word register? Was the PM in a legible format? If he got back to you, did you post exactly according to the instructions you were given? What rules did you use?
How did it not work? Did you PM ModBot? Did the title include the word register? Was the PM in a legible format? If he got back to you, did you post exactly according to the instructions you were given? What rules did you use?


This is the giveaway. Only thing I can think of is an issue with the Humble URL but instructions said to paste the gift link in same as if I were giving away a key so, I have no idea what happened.

Dr Dogg

Got the feeling that DLC not going on sale during these midweek deals and sales is going to be a running trend :(

I'd take -33% off Mavel's DLC WB.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
fucking lego star wars and indy games never on sale, fuck you disney


listen to the mad man

This is the giveaway. Only thing I can think of is an issue with the Humble URL but instructions said to paste the gift link in same as if I were giving away a key so, I have no idea what happened.

It's possible the edit failed if it occurred when GAF was having a hiccup. Are you sure no one claimed it? Did you specifically turn off receipts? If not, did you get a receipt? Let me look into it today.
Yeah. SR2 is actually the best of the series imo. But why the port has to be so shitty.

Really? Why?
I feel the exact opposite, I think. I have a hard time remember if I disliked SR as much as SR2. But I know I am not a fan of SR2.

I might buy Transistor too, although I haven't finished Bastion yet, inspite of starting it years ago.

You haven't finished Bastion?! I demand you rectify this immediately.

IDK, SR4 was actually fun, more fun than 3 from what I played during free weekend. And some dlc are hilarious, even if cosmetic for the most part.

SR3 is the best of the series (I haven't played SR4, but I hear it's less GTA and more Crackdown). It's the first SR game I didn't completely hate by the time I was done.

If they remade Saints Row 2 with a fun combat system rather than the stuck in the PS2 era style all crime based open world games had until just recently in history (thank you Sleeping Dogs), I would easily say it's the best as well.

I simply just can't deal with so much of the game, shooting and fighting, be so bland and uninteresting to me now. Which is a shame as I believe 2 had the best story out of them all and best use of the build up to the high points and absurd silly moments to keep it all interesting back when I could accept the combat. Likewise the map for reasons explained above.

I don't think a SR game has had a good "story" ever. At least not in the 1st 3. Especially not SR2. I don't think I can come up with a single positive to say about SR2, but I could go on and on and on with the negatives. :p

I think Air has issues displaying achievements

could that even be the case? talking about the overlay

I exited Warlock and apparently I got like 6 achievements, but none of them popped up during the game. Pretty sure it happened in another game a couple days ago too

Depends on the game, I think. FEZ worked fine for me, but other games did a similar thing to what you're talking about (I just can't remember which ones).

Got the feeling that DLC not going on sale during these midweek deals and sales is going to be a running trend :(

I'd take -33% off Mavel's DLC WB.

Yeah, that sucks. I'd pick up the LEGO Marvel DLCs if they were discounted at 50%+... but as it is, they'll remain on my wishlist and WB/Steam will get none of my monies.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
fucking lego star wars and indy games never on sale, fuck you disney



gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Apparently the AU version of the SR4 Season Pass includes a private DLC app that is only in one other, retail-specific sub. Weird, but, sure, I'll take it.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for BIT.TRIP Beat!

Slowly making my way to getting the rest of the series :D

Looks insane..
That's great, this is an amazing franchise.

And yeah, Beat can get very hard, especially the final level. Expect many hours of frustration (each level lasts between 15 and 20 minutes, and if you die once you go back to the beginning), and an incredible feeling of accomplishment once you manage to beat the game. Runner and Flux (not yet released on PC) are other personal favorites of mine, with Void being really good too. Fate is enjoyable but very hard, and I've grown to like Core a bit more with time, but I find the PC version to be virtually unplayable (input delay with keyboard that kills the game, and terrible d-pad in the 360 controller). Runner 2 is also worth playing if you like the first one, but that's a spin-off.

fucking lego star wars and indy games never on sale, fuck you disney
No discount on those? Damn!

Dr Dogg

Apparently the AU version of the SR4 Season Pass includes a private DLC app that is only in one other, retail-specific sub. Weird, but, sure, I'll take it.

Hahaha probably a substitute to the Probinator weapon. You know because it might corrupt Australians minds and lead you to doing terrible things.

Yeah, that sucks. I'd pick up the LEGO Marvel DLCs if they were discounted at 50%+... but as it is, they'll remain on my wishlist and WB/Steam will get none of my monies.

I think Amazon or GameFly have had them discounted before but not on Steam. I've been holding off until there was a bigger discount but next time there on sale anywhere I'll just grab them now after this weeks injustice!!!


I don't think a SR game has had a good "story" ever. At least not in the 1st 3. Especially not SR2. I don't think I can come up with a single positive to say about SR2, but I could go on and on and on with the negatives. :p

Please, do go on and on about the negatives of SR2. I love the game and would love to hear why someone hates it.


what's the best lego game out of the bunch? I'm interested in Marvel, LOTR, and HP

I've seen people praising each except for 1st Batman.
They are nevertheless all quite same-ish - just pick one that fits your interests the most, and if you like the execution, just pick the rest at some later time.
(100%-ing LEGO LotR took roughly 30 hours FWIW).


That's great, this is an amazing franchise.

And yeah, Beat can get very hard, especially the final level. Expect many hours of frustration (each level lasts between 15 and 20 minutes, and if you die once you go back to the beginning), and an incredible feeling of accomplishment once you manage to beat the game. Runner and Flux (not yet released on PC) are other personal favorites of mine, with Void being really good too. Fate is enjoyable but very hard, and I've grown to like Core a bit more with time, but I find the PC version to be virtually unplayable (input delay with keyboard that kills the game, and terrible d-pad in the 360 controller). Runner 2 is also worth playing if you like the first one, but that's a spin-off.

As an aspiring game developer, it's amazing what they've achieved with so little (as weird as that sounds).. basic elements that still end up providing a fun gaming experience.. it doesn't hurt that they've managed to brand the rest of the franchise similarly.

It's kind of like over on the iOS side of things, with TocaBoca.. developers who know their audience, have a solid core game and still manage to put their stamp on it.

But yeah, looking forward to it! Played Runner, Runner 2, and Fate.


So, should I move to Arkham Oranges or should I clean up City achievements... decisions decisions.

Obtaining all those Riddler trophies felt pretty damn good. That being said, I couldn't imagine going through all the challenge rooms or whatever, so not sure if you're gonna want to clean up that much.

Aaron D.

Daily Car Mechanic Simulator 2014 50% off

Car Mechanic Simulator is a FANTASTIC game.

The Simulation genre is a landscape littered with low-budget, broken cash grabs. Every once in a while, an inspired effort rises to the top and silences even the harshest critics. Some of you might be familiar with a recent one, Euro Truck Simulator 2, a title that fought it's way to the top and even won the hearts of those who scorn the genre.

Car Mechanic Simulator fall into the same class. Fantastic production values coupled with creative puzzle-like gameplay make it a standout in a sea of crap. Killer original soundtrack too.

Try the demo linked on the Steam page to see for yourself.


It's got a Playfire Reward tied to it, so it's gotta come out this week.

EDIT: Since 2005, Traveller's Tales has released 23 Lego games. Good lord...

I gotta wonder if this is completely soul-crushing to their employees or if they're just content with cashing a constant stream of paychecks.
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