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STEAM | April 2014 - Insert witty title here.

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I've only played Fez for about 3 hours so far, but I'm really enjoying it. It feels really cohesive and seems very polished. So far, I've only managed to get around 18 cubes, an artifact, and a handful of anticubes, but it sounds like it's going to get harder. There have been a few rooms that I couldn't figure out, but most of the time, it feels like I'm missing an item or ability that would let me interact with certain things.

Yeah, I'm mostly just annoyed that I wasted 5 minutes of my life on Imagine Me.
That trailer is rough, but I thought this was funny: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997799539/recommended/265670/


I don't think I understand Valve curation, but I guess no one else does either judging from previous comments in this thread. I just don't get why some unfinished, My First Flash Game-style, early alpha piece of crap like Imagine Me gets to be on Steam proper, but fantastic-looking and finished games languish on Greenlight for like 3 years.

Yeah, I'm mostly just annoyed that I wasted 5 minutes of my life on Imagine Me.

Apparently, they intend to make user created stores a thing and to pay uses a share of the profits if a store gets used. Seems like crowd sourced curration. And an ideal time for a new client
I can help with some positivity.

I finished it on XBLA the first weekend it was out. I started it up on Saturday with the intention of just getting a few achievements and ended up putting in 7-8 hours over the weekend and hitting 209.4%. I didn't expect to get sucked in again.

This was my experience with the game as well. It was impossible to put the game down.


The indie scene reminds me of an ouroboros sometimes; it just loves to eat its own. Get too popular/successful/outspoken and you'll get no end of flak (Jon Blow, Phil, Notch, in particular).

Not referring to legitimate criticism, but the "haterade" style stuff.

I never really hated Fish. Actually, I really really love some good trolling here and there. Also, his part in Indie Game The Movie was kinda moving. I started disliking him after playing Fez. :D

For the others: I love Notch but indeed I can't stand Blow (at least, according to what I saw in the movie) - and Braid too. He creeps me out I don't even know why. :'(

Hahaha hey say what you want about Fish but Renaud Bédard did work on the game too. In fact reading about his torrid time whilst it was in development I feel the poor guy needs to get more recognition for the great work he did with the Trixle Engine.

You're right and I'm perfectly fine with Bedard, and in fact I love everything "technical" regarding Fez.
But the very soul of the game pour out so much of Fish obnoxiousness, that to me feels more a one-man work with some (a lot) external tech support.


Because the game presents puzzles to you that are impossible to solve without reaching NG+ and using the unlocked "feature" which is just awful and it never explains that to you.

When I played through the game it fake crashed like 4 times, it wasn't even amusing the first time, why do it so much? Totally confusing trying to find a certain area, transitioning areas felt like they took forever, I'd walk through a door, wait 10 seconds for it to transition, notice I went in the wrong door, go back in the door, wait 10 seconds for a transition, do that 20 more times until I got to where I needed to go. I'm glad I played through for the playfire achievements but the game had absolutely no payoff for the amount of effort it requires to play through to 100% completion.

Just hated it and if I would have felt so burned if I had tried finishing it on my own. This is the first time I've used a guide for a video game in like 10 years it annoyed me so much. I liked the visuals and music.

Oh dammit, I hope that bolded part isn't true. I can just tell then that I'm gonna be trying to solve puzzles that aren't solvable for hours before FINALLY getting through to one or two of them that allow me to unlock NG+... or something. Iunno, I just can't tell in Fez what I'm able to solve and what I'm unable to solve.


A friend gifted me Fez awhile back and I really tried to like it, I put a solid 6 hours into it and just dropped it cause I got fed up.

Then they added it to playfire many months later so I figured I'd go through again with a guide to see if I wasn't giving it enough of a chance but no, even with a guide I couldn't help but shake my head at the stuff this game expects of you as a player.

I decided to write an in-depth review last night for my steam pals.


Hard to levy criticism at something solely due to the difficulty or not understanding. They can be valid criticisms, but only if they make the product worse as a whole.

I don't really think that is the case here, especially as the base game isn't all that difficult. I have 28 cubes so far and haven't used a guide.

I'm speculating here, but it seems the difficulty would come in solving some of the more convoluted puzzles in NG+. Which may hang people up if they don't skip those sections during their first play.

I had a game called Stargate for the SNES as a kid, neigh on impossible levels of difficulty. I went back in middle school and beat the entire thing using save states. Now that is a game you can criticize for the difficulty, I highly doubt it would be possible to beat the game without using an emulator.

only way i'm going back into FEZ is with a guide. Probably to get that monies.

Not even worth the little bit of money for me, I think I will finish it and just be done.

The world map in FEZ is really bad and doesn't really help...

Once you get used to the map it actually makes a lot of sense. Took me about 10 minutes to click, and now it is very simple for me to access the information I need.

My only complaint is finding areas again can be tricky.
Hahaha hey say what you want about Fish but Renaud Bédard did work on the game too. In fact reading about his torrid time whilst it was in development I feel the poor guy needs to get more recognition for the great work he did with the Trixle Engine.

I wanted to ask if he's at Ubisoft now, but went and checked and he's at Capy working on Below!


I didn't find Fez fun enough to play past the first half-hour so. To be fair, I played Super Paper Mario for a few hours at most. The dimension-change mechanic does nothing for me other than feed unwanted OCD. I could really only see collect-a-thon lovers truly loving the game.

Dr Dogg

I wanted to ask if he's at Ubisoft now, but went and checked and he's at Capy working on Below!

Below! is looking great so far from the stuff that came out of PAX. Granted I was sold at the top down Dark Souls vibe people having been going on about but it looks a lot more like an exploration kind of affair which is even better for me.


Gold Member
Once you get used to the map it actually makes a lot of sense. Took me about 10 minutes to click, and now it is very simple for me to access the information I need.

That's 10 minutes too much. If it doesn't click immediately it's bad.

I'm trying to play a game, not Google Maps.


So since I feel bad for the guys who missed out on the price mistake, and since giving it away with modbot would be boring....

Giveaway time
Reply to this post with something hilarious. Funniest one after an hour or so gets Velocity Ultra.
(No one is allowed to use that TWAU gif, won't be fair otherwise).


So since I feel bad for the guys who missed out on the price mistake, and since giving it away with modbot would be boring....

Giveaway time
Reply to this post with something hilarious. Funniest one after an hour or so gets Velocity Ultra.
(No one is allowed to use that TWAU gif, won't be fair otherwise).

Of course the king of kings, Nathan Drake and ensemble:


So since I feel bad for the guys who missed out on the price mistake, and since giving it away with modbot would be boring....

Giveaway time
Reply to this post with something hilarious. Funniest one after an hour or so gets Velocity Ultra.
(No one is allowed to use that TWAU gif, won't be fair otherwise).

Translated for JaseC:

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I don't dislike FEZ, but I didn't like it much either. So many things are hidden from the player with very (or none) little clues.

La-Mulana is another puzzle game with some really weird puzzles, but I loved it. I really can't place my finger on what I didn't like much about FEZ.

Aaron D.

sertopico has been posting some No One Lives Forever screens in the Screenshot Thread.

I thought some of you guys would like to see them as I know there are quite a few NOLF fans in the Steam GAF community.


NOLF is my favorite shooter of all time. By a pretty wide margin.

Shame it's caught up in License Hell as I'd insta-buy a Steam copy.


I dunno, I try not to judge when a game uses Flash. I don't like it from a technical perspective, but I've played some great games that looked like ass and were written in either Flash or Adobe Air. VVVVVV, Defender's Quest, Epic Battle Fantasy (this one doesn't look like ass, but is written in Flash), etc.
Well, I don't care what environment something is made in, I'm saying that it looks and plays like something that would be rejected from Kongregate for being too rudimentary and crap.

This game is like the first thing you cobble together while learning Flash, GameMaker, an actual language or whatever it is you're doing. You don't go hard with getting it on Steam, getting it in bundles and apparently even renting a booth at PAX with your very first little project. These guys are not going to be around to make a sequel...
So since I feel bad for the guys who missed out on the price mistake, and since giving it away with modbot would be boring....

Giveaway time
Reply to this post with something hilarious. Funniest one after an hour or so gets Velocity Ultra.
(No one is allowed to use that TWAU gif, won't be fair otherwise).



a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Well if Fez isn't doing it for people, there are still a few hours left to complete the achievements in The Bridge for Playfire Rewards.


I'm uh... talking to people about NOLF. Trying to figure out how to resolve this situation. Not that I can do anything about it, but I am still trying to figure out just what's up and what needs to be done about it.

I've been posting screens of NOLF on Steam, using the terrible upload function. My game doesn't look that good. Clearly I need some mods.

My game doesn't look like that, though. The UI is different, for one thing. Nowhere near as crisp, either. Are there good UI/Texture mods for the first game?

Keep being awesome, SteamGAF!

no u

...yes u? I have no idea how this works. D:

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Hat in Time alpha is out for backers? That is coming to Steam, but only just realized as a friend is streaming it. Any recent news on the product? This alpha could be old for all I know.

EDIT: Yup, alpha released late February apparently. Somehow this went completely by me. But there is a recent news thing of a new area shown off a week ago, so that's cool too. Anticipating this title.


I haven't grumbled about SR2 vs SR3 for a while and had a few spare minutes so here we go:


I'll concede that SR3 and 4 have nicer gameplay, which is to be expected as they're sequels, I enjoyed them both for what they were but they certainly aren't what I was after following SR2, which had perfectly positioned itself to take over GTA:SA's reins after Rockstar fumbled with GTA4. If they'd have been able to blend the gameplay of 3 with 2's narrative and tone I'd have been far happier.

Awesome post, man. I especially agree with the bolded.

I've only played Saints Row 2 and 3 so far. I had a good time playing SR 3, don't get me wrong. But SR 2... SR 2 was magic. The story struck the perfect balance between the serious and the absurd, and I felt there were far more memorable moments in 2 than in 3. I know over-the-top outrageousness seems to have become the series' trademark as time's gone on, but I still hope
(probably in vain)
that they'll return to the slightly more grounded tone of 2 in future games.
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