steam | April 2015 - Orange, you glad it’s morningbus? “No.”

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2. Didn't Stump modify ModBot to reveal the mystery games after the drawing? Was that redacted?

Stump was suggesting that as a potential feature to add to modbot but I'm pretty sure he hasn't added it yet, and even then it would be opt in rather than default.


So Iately I've been wanting to play MYST as it's a game I never had the chance to play growing up and I've always wanted to so I was wondering which version on Steam would you guys recommend. There are several versions on there so if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.


Stormy Grey
So Iately I've been wanting to play MYST as it's a game I never had the chance to play growing up and I've always wanted to so I was wondering which version on Steam would you guys recommend. There are several versions on there so if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.

Honestly, Myst: Masterpiece Edition seemed to be the best way to go. The backgrounds come from the PC release (not the hypercard stack original) and is pretty much what everyone got to play back in the early 90s. RealMyst is super buggy, runs like a dog and some of the charm was lost in the boxy 3D presentation. It's kinda cool to run through after to see some of the neat effects like the realtime weather and day/night cycles.

I've been wanting to try RealMyst: Masterpiece Edition but all reports have been that it is a very unoptimized game that makes graphics cards run at 80 degrees Celsius and I really do not feel like burning out my 660 anytime soon. There seems to have been some patches which might make it run better and look nicer as well, but I'm not paying $17 for the pleasure of finding out for myself~


listen to the mad man
So Iately I've been wanting to play MYST as it's a game I never had the chance to play growing up and I've always wanted to so I was wondering which version on Steam would you guys recommend. There are several versions on there so if anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.

If price is not an object, you want RealMYST Masterpiece Edition.

A brief summary of the major versions of Myst:

- Originally released on Mac OS
- Game is a series of 2D pictures and animation strung together by clicking through.
- Not on Steam

Myst Masterpiece Edition:
- Released several years later. Exact same game, slightly higher fidelity graphics and sound.

- Myst remade as a full 3d world you can walk through
- When first released did not have great performance, but that's long since stopped being a concern
- Was buggy then and is still buggy now
- Has issues launching on modern machines
- Add an extra "world" to the game, Rime Age, which is short but fits well and is worth it

RealMYST Masterpiece Edition:
- Remakes RealMYST in Unity with modern graphics
- Adds dynamic weather and day/night
- Has a 2D point-and-click mode if you don't want to play in full 3d
- Works on modern machines
- This is 100% the version you want to buy if cost is not a consideration.


If price is not an object, you want RealMYST Masterpiece Edition.

A brief summary of the major versions of Myst:

- Originally released on Mac OS
- Game is a series of 2D pictures and animation strung together by clicking through.
- Not on Steam

Myst Masterpiece Edition:
- Released several years later. Exact same game, slightly higher fidelity graphics and sound.

- Myst remade as a full 3d world you can walk through
- When first released did not have great performance, but that's long since stopped being a concern
- Was buggy then and is still buggy now
- Has issues launching on modern machines
- Add an extra "world" to the game, Rime Age, which is short but fits well and is worth it

RealMYST Masterpiece Edition:
- Remakes RealMYST in Unity with modern graphics
- Adds dynamic weather and day/night
- Has a 2D point-and-click mode if you don't want to play in full 3d
- Works on modern machines
- This is 100% the version you want to buy if cost is not a consideration.

Wow thanks for the break down and thanks for the other suggestions guys I'll go ahead and grab RealMYST Masterpiece edition.


Stormy Grey
RealMYST ME is still available in this bundle:

Oh, huh. Somehow I missed this! Only need the one game, so might have a bunch of modbutt fodder

Alright cool thanks for the advice I'll grab it and check it out.

Be sure to check out Stump's post above for a second opinion. He raises some valid points!

Speaking of, Stump, was there ever a reason for GAF PMs to be limited to a single recipient? I want to make a PM to the SteamGAFAcademy volunteers all at once but it only lets me send one at a time with a 60 second cooldown between messages. I pinged you on twitter about this but I know you don't check it super often.


listen to the mad man
Speaking of, Stump, was there ever a reason for GAF PMs to be limited to a single recipient? I want to make a PM to the SteamGAFAcademy volunteers all at once but it only lets me send one at a time with a 60 second cooldown between messages. I pinged you on twitter about this but I know you don't check it super often.

It's a setting on the administrative end (above my pay-grade, I can't change it). Mods can send to 3 or 5 recipients at once and have no throttles. I'm assuming it's just storage/system load concerns / attempting to make organized spam campaigns more difficult. My recommendation would be to set up an off-site communication system, GAF's PMs aren't well suited to group conversation.

Edit: I should mention, ModBot obeys the normal throttles as well, so it's not like this isn't a limitation that affects me too, so I absolutely sympathize.

And so my watch begins...


Looks like MKX will have terrible netcode. Justin Wong, floe and Maximilian Dood are all reporting that it's bad, at least on consoles.

So disappointing.


It's a setting on the administrative end (above my pay-grade, I can't change it). Mods can send to 3 or 5 recipients at once and have no throttles. I'm assuming it's just storage/system load concerns / attempting to make organized spam campaigns more difficult. My recommendation would be to set up an off-site communication system, GAF's PMs aren't well suited to group conversation.


Finished The Assignment in The Evil Within, I quite liked the hide and run gameplay with few weapons available. Can't wait for The Consequence!

I went all out on Evil Joseph with axes during the duel segment, his evil laugh was really pissing me off lol.


Stormy Grey
It's a setting on the administrative end (above my pay-grade, I can't change it). Mods can send to 3 or 5 recipients at once and have no throttles. I'm assuming it's just storage/system load concerns / attempting to make organized spam campaigns more difficult. My recommendation would be to set up an off-site communication system, GAF's PMs aren't well suited to group conversation.

When it was just a single PM it was fine, but since I've added a few more to the list I hadn't thought to grab their emails. Guess I might have to move offsite, even though lord knows how often anyone actually looks at their emails!


That moment when you see a new PM and remember that you entered a mystery giveaway.
That moment when you read the PM and it's just a key and you still don't know...
And then you paste it in Steam and it's Bad Rats.


Not a mod, just a bot.
Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.


Mystery Game #1 -- MB-55692CE3BA9041F8 - Taken by iosefe


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Everyone's super excited for GTA5, and here I am looking forward to starting Pillars of Eternity and playing the free ESO weekend...
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