(Make sure you click to enlarge - they're two different sizes!)
This week saw more assets come in
and we've secured our background artist, whom we'll announce once they have something ready for us to show off! The biggest progress this week however,
and the subject of this week's Screenshot Saturday, was when someone suggested last week's change of using larger portraits. After some thought and some back-and-forth, I set up two builds of the game - one with the original 800x600 res, the other in 1024x768. The larger resolution offered many advantages with only the one disadvantage that I had to redraw some of the UI elements because I was stupid and didn't make them proper vector files.
But now, we have the
prettiest girl in the school standing proud with what is now the new resolution and screen composition! The larger portraits let Sayara's smaller details come out better, give the game screen a much more dynamic feel, and the portraits are no longer 40% covered up by the text box! Hope to have more soon! <3