I'm with you there on the combat, not the rest though. To me, combat is extremely important in a game since honestly thats what you'll be doing most of the time, and W2's combat was straight up trash.
Cmon. DA2's combat was garbage-bin tier, it was straight up garbage, really. Atleast when it comes to turnbased or any kind of semi-tactical party combat. TW2 was serviceable, hell I actually quite liked it, being used to stuff like Risen and Gothic, it felt... Nice, smooth.
DA2 was just a bastardized version of its former tactical RPG glory and nothing more than a button-masher if you didn't play on a high difficulty.
And the high difficulties were trash anyway.
I disagree with you on DA2 being shit but I'm completely with you on that. ME3 and DA:I proved to me that bioware doesn't know how to make good games anymore. I don't understand how they get so much praise.
I truely believe that there are very few redeeming qualities about DA2. It had a few good characters, quite a lot of shit characters, it had terrible quests, an overall nonsense plot, crap character motivation, incredibly static 'consequences' that were seen a mile away... Bleh. I'd never recommend it to... Anyone, really. Unless they loved DA:O and wanted more of the story.
Ofcourse I'd simply never recommend DA:I. Ever.
Anyway, I'm off to bed, it's... 4:10 AM and I should've been asleep hours ago.