ßthePenguin;44797593 said:
Civ 5 Gods & Kings...
The original Civ 5 multiplayer felt SO slow, (it took a ton of time between rounds which really is a killer in an already slow paced, drawn out game).
Is the addon by any chance changing this for the better? Any other changes regarding a better multiplayer experiences (like... animations :>)
Appreciate any info guys
I bought Gods & Kings during this sale for $7. So far I've noticed the following changes:
- added religion, seems like a neat feature but not overly game changing
- added espionage, very basic and simple
- added some new units to fill gaps between medieval and modern, they haven't seemed to useful yet
- added various UI tweaks and such, some nice little changes
- changed city state interactions a bit, quests are handled differently, I like it alot better now
- AI seems less spastic and moody, need to play more to really tell
As far as the late game turns taking a long time, I don't think that was improved at all. It still feels kind of long to me. And I'm playing on a beast of an I7 Sandy Bridge, on a standard continent with only 7 other civs.
So in short, I'm glad I only payed $7 for it. It makes some good little changes but nothing major. If I had payed the full $30 for this I'd be upset.