I hope that with all the money that Dennaton is making off the sale of Hotline Miami, they can finally afford a real website and e-mail domain.
Galactic Civilizations II -75%($4.99), Space Pirates and Zombies -75%($2.50), L.A. Noire -75%($4.99).
New flash sales.
I'm very interested in Hotline Miami actually, thanks! Also Zeno Clash is dirt cheap, might consider it.
Guys, is Snapshot any good? It looks incredible.
Galactic Civilizations any good?
Galactic Civilizations any good?
Its 5 euros (6.5 USD) on the EU store:
Buy Dawn of War® - Platinum Edition
Includes 2 items: Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Gold Edition, Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Dark Crusade
Do you want it? I can gift it
LA Noire DLC worth the extra $2.50?
Never experienced any issues worth noting during the 40 hours I played it...Did they ever fixed the ton of issues with the LA Noire PC port?
If you like turn-based strategy games, you have to buy it. It's great.
Here's a great topic on it
If you like turn-based strategy games, you have to buy it. It's great.
Here's a great topic on it
LA Noire DLC worth the extra $2.50?
Is the LA Noire DLC worth it?
Edit: HA, beaten by smug Hamilton.
If it's the case I'm thinking of, then yes, there's is one particularly...bombastic...case that's part of the DLC.While I haven't played the DLC when I asked this I was told that one of the 'best' (according to this person) cases was DLC, and if you enjoy the base game and would like more then the DLC is worth it (it's decent to good quality).
Is the LA Noire DLC worth it?
Edit: HA, beaten by smug Hamilton.
If you like turn-based strategy games, you have to buy it. It's great.
Here's a great topic on it
I hear II is one of the best strategy games created. I've never actually played it though.
Okay I'm sold, should I get just the second one or the complete pack?
Do you think saints row 3 will be cheaper in the Christmas sale?
I haven't bought anything this sale just in case.Do you think saints row 3 will be cheaper in the Christmas sale?
Borderlands 2 4-pack deal.
1) Necrovex
2) Bosmoq
3) TimmiT
This is the U.S. server. If someone from the UK wishes to host, which will give us a bigger discount, that would be groovy. Otherwise, I'll be the host. $22.50 for each person.
FREE games
I have a steam key for S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl, Red Faction: Armageddon and Metro 2033. First person to quote with the game they want will get it.
FREE games
I have a steam key for S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl, Red Faction: Armageddon and Metro 2033. First person to quote with the game they want will get it.
FREE games
I have a steam key for S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl, Red Faction: Armageddon and Metro 2033. First person to quote with the game they want will get it.
FREE games
I have a steam key for S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl, Red Faction: Armageddon and Metro 2033. First person to quote with the game they want will get it.
Edit: Nevermind, give it to ezekial45. I've had a free game already today.
Edit: Nevermind, give it to ezekial45. I've had a free game already today.
How kind of you, all the pms are sent, enjoy guiz
Edit: Nevermind, give it to ezekial45. I've had a free game already today.
Do you think saints row 3 will be cheaper in the Christmas sale?
There's no reason not to buy it now.