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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


Why would a racing game even need a narrative consultant?
i was in the beta and it's pretty painful in the game, which is sad because the game is fun.

but there are like entire sprints, long runs from A to B for example, where some dickwad just natters in your ear nonstop the entire sprint about like the island and stupid stuff, im sure plenty of the voices refer to same sex partners and I wouldn't be shocked if later on there are ones that just love to tell you how non-binary they are or something dumb like that

Bros...they are pressing the nuclear button.
Here is everything you need to know about this person in the article:

I am currently working on a two-year project funded by the Department of Homeland Security



Bros...they are pressing the nuclear button.
Dance Summer GIF by Cardi B

It'd be funny if a lack of big butts is what killed Xbox.


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Gold Member
I work IT For a metal alloy company (company is huge), and they do government contracts for fighter planes, and steal for bridges.... yet on our intranet smack dab in the center is a "come join the lecture about women's history month" or whatever month it is. There is a separate tab for DEI. I was on the phone helping some lady the other day with EXCEL. Her spreadsheets were all in a folder called "ESG" .... What does making metal have to do with any of that shit?

Whats funny is 95% of the dei emails that go out get reported as spam. The furnace workers and metallurgists are like wtf is this shit. lol

So its not just in games, sadly it's everywhere. Although, I was at my new dentist and there was magazines out all against this shit. I was like damn. Awesome.
Your kind of company might be pressured because in order to get qualified for government bids, a country might require some level of discriminatory DEI quotas and BS.

Canada does it.

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My favorite game the crew motorfest has sweet baby inc in it. I paid the full amount for the game but did not know they were involved. I have played 300hrs of grand races so far. Now I understand why the characters in the game are so ugly.
"Fool me once shame on you, twice shame on me." You'll make more informed choices buying future games I'm sure. I almost played sable on gamepass. It was in my backlog, glad I didn't.

I've heard its good but a download is still a sale and personally I WILL avoid all games with DIE (correct order of letters) out of principle. Because this insidious blight on the industry will not die otherwise.

Boss Mog

What the hell is "white adjacent"?
The people who believe that "systemic racism" and "white supremacy" exist in the US hate Asian people because Asian people completely disprove those notions because Asians are the most successful race in the US. So if the system is rigged for whites to dominate, why are Asians at the top? East Asians have strong family values and work ethics which lead them to academic and professional success. So because Asians have a value system that is close to the one most white people adhere to and because that value system leads them to success they are seen as "white adjacent". Those values include: "being on time", "working hard", "being respectful of others", "presenting yourself properly", stuff any decent human being should strive for if they want to achieve success, but those common sense values are seen as tools of oppression and "whiteness" by these people.

These people, who are heavily entrenched in academia, have been openly discriminating against Asians by denying them scholarships and places in prestigious universities because of the fact that they consider them "white adjacent".


Gold Member
I love how when I go into games now on steam the sweet baby inc curator warning is taking up half the screen on my phone. Its showing up for some bizarre games I never would have guessed had it

Boss Mog

I don't know if you guys have been following the Baltimore bridge collapse story but DEI hiring practices seem to have played a part in it and the mayor went on MSNBC and said DEI is the new N-word and anybody who points it out is a racist far right extremist. So be prepared to see news articles in your "favorite" gaming sites about how anybody who complains about DEI is actually using the N-word and is a racist far right extremist.
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Gold Member
I don't know if you guys have been following the Baltimore bridge collapse story but DEI hiring practices seem to have played a part in it and the mayor went on MSNBC and said DEI is the new N-word and anybody who points it out is a racist far right extremist. So be prepared to see news articles in your "favorite" gaming sites about how anybody who complains about DEI is actually using the N-word and is a racist far right extremist.
The only thing I got from that report was DEI being used for 'Didn't Earn It' which to be honest, made me go

mother of god danger GIF

citizen kane applause GIF


What is so odd to me about DEI and all that is the difference between how they approach the different "social constructs". They say race is a social construct, and I agree. They then proceed to use and focus on race in all ways. They say gender is a social construct, to which I disagree. They have the opposite approach. They push for gender and gender differences to disappear and removed in all ways.


My experience with Spider-man 2 was that I stopped playing after 10 hours, because the story was fucking terrible, and completely unoriginal. Marry that with being utterly bored by Miles's 'lets go rescue the fucking musical instruments' quest... and I was done. Now, I don't know how much of the awful storyline was SBI's fault, but the end result of me re-selling that shit on eBay for a small profit was the same anyhow.

Ragnarok I didn't mind, truth be told. But as soon as I was done with the main quest, I never went back to it, so that probably tells a story.

Objectively though, the narrative quality of western AAA games has definitely gone down in recent years. I don't think many people could mount a decent argument contradicting that position.
After that "bigoted sandwich" line it was all over .... western game writing died right there and then.


Question for everyone here:

Is anyone still buying these garbage games from companies that hate white men?

I include Sony and Microsoft’s first party studios in that.
Nope.. for coincidence I didnt buy Last of Us 2 , Ragnarok and SM2 .. the first because of the leaked story that saved my impulse purchase since TLoU is my goat... I did buy Horizon FW but after 2 hours of really bitching chuby square jaw no breast Alloy I said fuck it, at that moment I was just coming from a village full of big bulk man-looking women and when a crossed with some tribal enemy band and their leader was another flat chested ugly boss woman .. it was enough... nothing against female stravaganza in games if done right (thanks japan and korea) but fuck this.

In the end this is a great thing happening... I really dont care who will buy what and if some game will flop or not... I care about my values.. so if there is info about some blatant racist white/man hating working in a game or forced DEI that compromise the story/content of said game.. Ill simply won't be buying... theres a HUGE catalog of games from all over the world.. there is ZERO need to play something you think you shouldn't be playing and supporting this crazy people... we have endured this shit for too long... movies are dying because of this crap, theaters are empty and all we have to see is mostly crap... gaming is going the same route.. is not as affected because GAMEPLAY still is king but it will get there eventually, you cant have excellence hiring for fucking quotas in anything.

Do you choose your doctor based on quotas ??? Nop ? Really ...Why not ... stupid.!

(Btw in my country they really choose doctor by quotas, they facilitate access to medical school for certain quotas that dont have to compete in the same level for that vacancy, this people are not prepared and didnt earn really the right to be there.. you are literally pushing people without intellectual merit to a fucking medical school... and obviously medical quality has gone to shit over here). But thats completely off topic.. so sorry..
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These people are fucked. They're all fucked


AAA gaming in the west will never get rid of this mind virus. Never.

It's way too far gone.
It's great that she can finally enjoy Overwatch 2, now that she identifies with the new character.
Question for everyone here:

Is anyone still buying these garbage games from companies that hate white men?

I include Sony and Microsoft’s first party studios in that.
I'm not going to pretend that if there is a exceptional game I wouldn't buy it. I would. I care about quality, which is the whole point.

It makes it easier to ignore mid games or wait for sale of non-esceptional games, if I am really inclined to do so.
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Question for everyone here:

Is anyone still buying these garbage games from companies that hate white men?

I include Sony and Microsoft’s first party studios in that.
I'm at the point that whenever I buy a new game I check how woke it is before I even check how good it is...

Hope that answers the question. What a sad state of affairs. Slowly running out of games to play.



Dj Khaled Mtv Emas GIF by 2020 MTV EMA

Tweets are "protected" now:

Stunning and brave.

Reverse racism is ok remember. Im Not white (But straight). Like probably most the global gaming market and these idiots need to get fired or be discrete (still wrong)at least, fuuu
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I love the wording...
"Releases a statement" like they holding some sort of press conference 🤣

It's a bunch of little weenies at a website.. who gives a fuck if they don't get pre release games.

Freaking babies 🤣

Edit: to be clear (since it's not so clear in my og statement) my beef is just against game journalism in general.

I also think they are wimps for being too scared to say anything. But whether they get free games or not shouldn't be part of games journalism at all
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Gold Member
re: NicheGamer

The wording of the tweet makes it sound like they lack conviction. If that's the case, either shit or get off the pot. No one cares about the status of their press kits.

They did post a follow up tweet after getting called out


Here's a quote for everyone:


You've tolerated them long enough and what have they given you? You got your first Gamergate, learned nothing from it and efectively you have been pushed into another one.
They hate you. You tolerate them. That's why you won't win. You lack conviction.


Here's a quote for everyone:


You've tolerated them long enough and what have they given you? You got your first Gamergate, learned nothing from it and efectively you have been pushed into another one.
They hate you. You tolerate them. That's why you won't win. You lack conviction.

Quoting the notably fascist and satirical Imperium on real world stuff is supreme cringe, dude :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Also, I don't see anyone around here tolerating or accepting what's going on with game devs and journalists to be honest?
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Quoting the notably fascist and satirical Imperium on real world stuff is supreme cringe, dude :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Also, I don't see anyone around here tolerating or accepting what's going on with game devs and journalists to be honest?
Is the quote wrong though? And on another note: 40k is one of the last fandoms actively gatekeeping, a lot to learn from them.

And GAF is just a single place in the gaming fandom (space). And even here you have voices "don't like then don't use x in the game"


Here's a quote for everyone:


You've tolerated them long enough and what have they given you? You got your first Gamergate, learned nothing from it and efectively you have been pushed into another one.
They hate you. You tolerate them. That's why you won't win. You lack conviction.
Yup. What these self hating white do-gooders don’t understand (yet) is these people hate them, and only play nice because they still need us.

The moment power dynamics change enough and they become the majority demographic they will take glee in oppressing and putting us down
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It's quite true. The right or whatever is not the left nowadays are always afraid of being called names, and guess what, they are still called names, because they are fucking pathetic.

Enough of looking away and pretending what's going on in the industry is "not that bad" and somehow the problem will vanish if people don't counter it.


Gold Member
I don't see what is so bad in those two tweets. She isn't saying that white men are bad. I think many would shut down their account if they get bombarded with tweets that attack you.
She protected her account because she said something stupid, which was implying that white people have been and continue to gatekeep “minorities” out of gaming spaces. If that’s your takeaway from the past few weeks you’re better off keeping your mouth shut because you’re clueless.

Keep in mind she had “minorities” calling her out too. Saying what she said was hypocritical and to stop treating minorities as purse puppies.
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