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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


I believe this as well. I hope we’re right! 😬


Perpetually Tired
I believe this as well. I hope we’re right! 😬
Very disappointing too. I wasn’t a fan of the Miles Morales game, but hoped that was just the B team. Nope.

GoW2018 was amazing and then Ragnar was the game I had the most buyers remorse for in years. Felt like a completely different franchise.

These DEI groups ruin everything they touch. But sadly the mind rot runs deep in the companies themselves.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Some of these arguments become a bit circular because for any success or failure, anyone can cherry pick whatever reason most closely aligns with what they are trying to push (or are attempting to halt the "pushing" of). Does Spider-Man 2 sell any worse without outside consulting? Who the hell knows. It is the sequel to a game that I believe moved around 20 million copies, and they're paying to use one of the most popular characters in entertainment. Would Suicide Squad have sold any better without the outside consulting? Who knows. WB took an absolute top tier single player developer and had them spend an exorbitant amount of time on a GAAS shooter that nobody asked for. That game seems to be on pace to burn out even faster than Paul Tassi's most apocalyptic predictions. The common thread between those games, besides being based on comic book characters, is that in all likelihood, a very high percentage of SM2 purchasers and Suicide Squad non-purchasers haven't heard of SBI. The Steam group is definitely, for lack of a less redundant word, gaining Steam. But I doubt it has much to do with anyone who is buying the existing SM2 bundles as birthday gifts, Mother's / Father's Day gifts, or graduation presents over the next three months. They will not be aware of any of this until the geniuses trying to shut it down further Streisand Effect it into the public consciousness. They're already well on their way when you have Elon Musk making even more people aware of it on X.

I agree with FunkMiller - we have a concrete example of a game that was immensely successful despite a sustained campaign against it conducted by lunatics who were angry by statements made by JK Rowling, who performed zero work on the actual product itself. 22 Million in sales means people either didn't know or didn't give shit about culture wars on Twitter/X, or were aware and were too rational to let that inform their purchasing decision. The shrieking freaks have no scalps at this point. They've been missing the wiffle ball tee as far back as Daniel Vavra engaging with them ten years ago.

As for what SBI Detected could accomplish, it may never be more significant than what the group size suggests, but it will always be well above zero. You can talk about how sympathetic some insane Nintendo / Bungie attorney is to whack job causes, or how many "studios" they have infiltrated at the associate art director level. None of it matters if informed consumers stop buying the products. Remember this part - unlike the the people who spend all week complaining about Elon Musk, but continue generating revenue for his platform by using it, all any of us have to do is nothing. You leave a game on the shelf. You don't add it to your Steam cart. You don't but it on PSN or the Xbox Store. You let it rot, in the digital sense, and play one of the much better games you already own and have sitting in the backlog. Every bizarre effort to target a product they hate, or prop up some more or less unknown game is matched by reasonable people completely ignoring them, and simply making purchasing decisions based on the rational process any of us have been employing for multiple decades. They best they can accomplish at this point is stop making lists like SBI Detected more popular, but they're too dumb to cut their losses and stem the bleeding. Sucks to be them.


Suffers with mild autism
TBH can’t you make the case this is an accurate description of a modern girl? This is not Stellar Blade, I cannot imagine a lot of tween guys play as girls in a Pokemon game.
On the other hand you have facts, which are: a huge portion of Western world is overweight or obese, especially in the US. This or worse is what girls look like nowadays.

Yes but that's a cartoon character -- and all of its major shape attributes are exaggerated for visual identity. The eyes are much larger than reality, the hands, etc.

So within in that style, it makes no sense to make the body so awkwardly formless; in fact, it makes it even more extreme than in a realistic game, because the rest of the character is more of a caricature but for some reason the actual body shape is muddled into an ugly genderless mass. Some hips and feminine shape makes sense with the style, this does not. It looks undeniably tranny in nature.

This reminds me of those Buzzfeed-like articles that would occasionally trend, where feminists would share "realistic Disney princesses!" and it would be something like Belle with a frumpy figure. They kept some of the cartoon attributes like the disney eyes and general cartoon forms of hands and heads etc, of course -- so it's a total misunderstanding of the genre when they just made their bodies ugly as possible, as if this is in the interest of realism.
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One more thought about the "Can we have a final purge of these types of gamers." The phrase "final purge" makes it sound as if there were earlier "purges," and this is some sort of final cleansing, like after you've scrubbed the toilet bowl but there's still a poo stain left (sorry for the imagery).

I assume she is talking about Gamergate, Sarkessian et al. But that wasn't a "purge" of anyone. Toxic white males didn't leave gaming (at least I didn't). Gamergate was not a "purge." It was an alert, a wake-up call to how feminism and woke ideology were trying to "fix" gaming. It didn't purge anyone. It alerted them to the threat.


I love how they/them/he/she/it on reee now is writing real women, "real women" . So yeah, there you have it, there are no real womens in the world just "real womens"🤣


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
One more thought about the "Can we have a final purge of these types of gamers." The phrase "final purge" makes it sound as if there were earlier "purges," and this is some sort of final cleansing, like after you've scrubbed the toilet bowl but there's still a poo stain left (sorry for the imagery).

I assume she is talking about Gamergate, Sarkessian et al. But that wasn't a "purge" of anyone. Toxic white males didn't leave gaming (at least I didn't). Gamergate was not a "purge." It was an alert, a wake-up call to how feminism and woke ideology were trying to "fix" gaming. It didn't purge anyone. It alerted them to the threat.
I was wondering about this myself. How do you skip to "final purge" when there was never an initial purge to begin with? Nobody stopped gaming because of these goofballs. And given the current state of the industry, developers and publishers better hope nobody ever does. If you are in the business of selling games, then yes, "gamers" are your audience. That is a twist on a historically stupid article that people may recall from ten years ago.


Very disappointing too. I wasn’t a fan of the Miles Morales game, but hoped that was just the B team. Nope.

GoW2018 was amazing and then Ragnar was the game I had the most buyers remorse for in years. Felt like a completely different franchise.

These DEI groups ruin everything they touch. But sadly the mind rot runs deep in the companies themselves.
The problem is that nowhere other than forums can you learn that a blockbuster gsme is ruined by DEI, I really don't blame journalists simply because they will get cancelled if they are negative towards DEI. Its why we continue to need forums like here. I got Spiderman 1 and Miles Morales on PC but reading the shitfest woke of Spiderman 2, missions to get deck for guys, ugly Mary Jane. I'm glad I was given a heads up.

Studios will burn themselves with DEI, it will take the next sequel to happen but it will happen. Fcuk woke!!!!
I was wondering about this myself. How do you skip to "final purge" when there was never an initial purge to begin with? Nobody stopped gaming because of these goofballs. And given the current state of the industry, developers and publishers better hope nobody ever does. If you are in the business of selling games, then yes, "gamers" are your audience. That is a twist on a historically stupid article that people may recall from ten years ago.
The purge was behind the scenes, at game development studios, where straight white males, and others who didn’t share their Marxist beliefs, were pushed out of the industry and replaced with Marxist fellow travelers.
This is how they took over journalism, academia, Hollywood, etc. They are just running the same playbook again with gaming.
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"final solution" is paraphrasing Hitler and "purge" is a Communist concept that means removing (killing) your opponents, so these people are unable to pretend anymore. They are full masks off.

Also, don't be fooled by the argument "We can't do anything about this, Spiderman 2 sold millions" Of course it did, it came from a previous great game, and is the most beloved superhero in the world. You can't cancel that overnight.

BUT this thing has exploded right after and more people are aware, gradually it will make an impact and sales will decline. For a game like Spiderman to exist it needs to be an absolute top-seller, losing 10% of its audience might be a disaster for the franchise. Anyway, it's a bad example of not being able to make an impact. The wokies will always twist the narrative to make us believe that we are a fringe minority.

Movies bombing at the box office and game studios shutting down tell a different story.


Very disappointing too. I wasn’t a fan of the Miles Morales game, but hoped that was just the B team. Nope.

GoW2018 was amazing and then Ragnar was the game I had the most buyers remorse for in years. Felt like a completely different franchise.

These DEI groups ruin everything they touch. But sadly the mind rot runs deep in the companies themselves.

My experience with Spider-man 2 was that I stopped playing after 10 hours, because the story was fucking terrible, and completely unoriginal. Marry that with being utterly bored by Miles's 'lets go rescue the fucking musical instruments' quest... and I was done. Now, I don't know how much of the awful storyline was SBI's fault, but the end result of me re-selling that shit on eBay for a small profit was the same anyhow.

Ragnarok I didn't mind, truth be told. But as soon as I was done with the main quest, I never went back to it, so that probably tells a story.

Objectively though, the narrative quality of western AAA games has definitely gone down in recent years. I don't think many people could mount a decent argument contradicting that position.


I agree with FunkMiller - we have a concrete example of a game that was immensely successful despite a sustained campaign against it conducted by lunatics who were angry by statements made by JK Rowling, who performed zero work on the actual product itself. 22 Million in sales means people either didn't know or didn't give shit about culture wars on Twitter/X, or were aware and were too rational to let that inform their purchasing decision. The shrieking freaks have no scalps at this point. They've been missing the wiffle ball tee as far back as Daniel Vavra engaging with them ten years ago.

If Stellar Blade is a genuinely good game, it too will sell very well, and further cement the notion that these idiots are a small minority.


Spiderman 2 was far, far worse than ragnarock as far as woke shit goes.

I had almost no problem with ragnarock except for too much little shit and angrboring, but i was rolling my eyes every 5 minutes in sp2.

The worst aspect of Spider-man 2 was that the game's entire momentum ground to a complete fucking halt, for some silly bloody mission that should have been a side quest, but was instead crowbarred into the main story. Going from the tension ratcheting up around Pete, Harry and the symbiote... to Miles and his amazing quest to save the magic inclusive fucking drumkit was jarring, to say the least.

A brilliant example of how thrusting political ideologies and 'the message' into a narrative in such a slab handed manner can completely destroy it.
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Gold Member
The worst aspect of Spider-man 2 was that the game's entire momentum ground to a complete fucking halt, for some silly bloody mission that should have been a side quest, but was instead crowbarred into the main story. Going from the tension ratcheting up around Pete, Harry and the symbiote... to Miles and his amazing quest to save the magic inclusive fucking drumkit was jarring, to say the least.

A brilliant example of how thrusting political ideologies and 'the message' into a narrative in such a slab handed manner can completely destroy it.
My biggest problem was that it was not subtle at all.

It was the most right on your face woke game i ever played by a longshot, and usually some woke shit is not nearly enough to sour me on a game i like, but this one was just too much.
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Perpetually Tired
My experience with Spider-man 2 was that I stopped playing after 10 hours, because the story was fucking terrible, and completely unoriginal. Marry that with being utterly bored by Miles's 'lets go rescue the fucking musical instruments' quest... and I was done. Now, I don't know how much of the awful storyline was SBI's fault, but the end result of me re-selling that shit on eBay for a small profit was the same anyhow.

Ragnarok I didn't mind, truth be told. But as soon as I was done with the main quest, I never went back to it, so that probably tells a story.

Objectively though, the narrative quality of western AAA games has definitely gone down in recent years. I don't think many people could mount a decent argument contradicting that position.

We went from games like Planescape, Baldurs Gate, Arx Fatalis, and Mass Effect to… this. It’s pathetic.

Thankfully Japan is still mostly sane, just slowly being ruined by god awful localizers and some retarded western divisions that want to inject politics.


During Gamergate, Anita S. got a lot of victimhood points by talking about gamers making "death threats" against her. She mentioned that often. Got a lot of sympathy and support because of it. I don't know if anyone actually threatened her life, although I wouldn't be surprised. Some gamers are dumb.

I hope that this round, something like that doesn't happen again. It will just give them something (else) to scream victim about. So far, gamers seem to be playing things well -- above board, reasonable, just saying, "Hey, I want to know if DEI is part of the agenda of this game, because I don't want to support that." Plenty of spicy comments, but no death threats or anything over the line.

Let the wokies continue to make all the dumb moves. It has been one stupid tweet after another, showing them to be exactly who they are (racist, sexist, authoritarians, hypocrites, etc.). I hope gamers stick to the high road (well, the middle road) and avoid doing something stupid that gives them ammunition to scream victimhood. Let them keep putting their foot in their mouths, and just keep calling it out for what it is.


And then everyone stood and clapped. It's absolute lunacy being proud of yourself for speaking to someone just trying to do their job like shit. Shouting and swearing at them and then posting this diatribe as if this is some win. Everyone has had to speak to a manager at some point and the same would have been achieved by being firm but polite, yet she is so deluded and narcissistic to think that this was the result of being a cunt. I honestly cannot believe some of the shite these weirdos post, like who gives a fuck if you got what you wanted while being nasty and likely ruining som e poorly paid person in customer services day!?
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I was wondering about this myself. How do you skip to "final purge" when there was never an initial purge to begin with? Nobody stopped gaming because of these goofballs. And given the current state of the industry, developers and publishers better hope nobody ever does. If you are in the business of selling games, then yes, "gamers" are your audience. That is a twist on a historically stupid article that people may recall from ten years ago.

The "Gamers Are Dead" article or whatever it was by Leigh Alexander?

That sure was a good time


The gaming culture is different this time around, too. By that I mean, a lot of gamers have woken up to the woke -- they have become aware of how invidious and destructive this ideology is. That wasn't the case a decade ago.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but back when "Gamergate" occurred (2014), I donated $25 to Anita S. My thought was, "I may disagree with her 'take' on games, but she has every right to express it, and she shouldn't be subject to harrassment, death threats, or other attempts to shut her down. Let her speak."

My, how the turns have tabled. In modern parlance, I was a "blue pill" chump. I had no idea what a poisonous ideology had infiltrated not just gaming but all media, not to mention academia and corporations. I didn't wake up to all of that until 2018.

And I don't think I was alone. That's what I mean about the culture shift. Over the past 6 or 7 years, a lot of people -- gamers included -- have come to understand how dangerous and destructive this SJW/woke ideology is, and what lies at the bottom of it. They recognize the enemy and their tactics in ways they didn't a decade ago, and they are more intellectually equipped to push back against it effectively. That gives me hope that it will turn out differently this time.


Reseterror Resettler
The gaming culture is different this time around, too. By that I mean, a lot of gamers have woken up to the woke -- they have become aware of how invidious and destructive this ideology is. That wasn't the case a decade ago.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but back when "Gamergate" occurred (2014), I donated $25 to Anita S. My thought was, "I may disagree with her 'take' on games, but she has every right to express it, and she shouldn't be subject to harrassment, death threats, or other attempts to shut her down. Let her speak."

My, how the turns have tabled. In modern parlance, I was a "blue pill" chump. I had no idea what a poisonous ideology had infiltrated not just gaming but all media, not to mention academia and corporations. I didn't wake up to all of that until 2018.

And I don't think I was alone. That's what I mean about the culture shift. Over the past 6 or 7 years, a lot of people -- gamers included -- have come to understand how dangerous and destructive this SJW/woke ideology is, and what lies at the bottom of it. They recognize the enemy and their tactics in ways they didn't a decade ago, and they are more intellectually equipped to push back against it effectively. That gives me hope that it will turn out differently this time.

A bit late here, forgive me, but....

She's not gonna fuck you, bro

Okay, carry on!


Private account so you don't get community notes or called out.
Claim you are getting "Harassed" (Even though your account is private)

Can we have a name/meme for this because this is happening on a daily basis from these SJWs.


That's Julia Hardy now? Fucking hell the mind virus destroyed her too. She went from being hot to unhinged real quick.

Oh no...

There will be future studies about this timeline from a psychological perspective and how all this came about, I'm certain of it.

These people are fucked. They're all fucked


AAA gaming in the west will never get rid of this mind virus. Never.

It's way too far gone.



yeah I'm going to skip this game.

Of course she protected her account too.

The irony. Can dish it but surely can't take it; evidenced with making the account tweet protected. Notice how when people like this talk a lot of shit but when they get called out?

High Five Jimmy Fallon GIF by Saturday Night Live

But yea, it's the "gamers" that you hate so much that somehow you work for a consulting company for these companies. You can't make this shit up.
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