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Steam curator warns players if Sweet Baby is involved in a game


These people are fucked. They're all fucked


AAA gaming in the west will never get rid of this mind virus. Never.

It's way too far gone.
They use made up things like non binary to identify as because they are empty inside and need something to feel important.


If you're in a minority group that is too successful in western society and disproves the whole "white people oppresses non-whites and keep them down" narrative.
Instead of realizing that maybe their narrative is based on a false premise, they just call said minority group "white" so as to keep their narrative.
lucious lyon wtf GIF

Let me guess - white adjacent are brainwashed into eternal slave-master rhetoric to their white coloniser masters?

You know what - being white fucking rocks.

dwayne johnson come at me bro GIF



This is the kind of thing I can't wrap my head around. You can support and lift up minority voices without constantly attacking white people. These people preach "empathy" and "inclusivity", but I very rarely see them actually supporting or even saying nice things about the marginalized groups they claim they're helping. Instead, it's just a never-ending stream of vitriol against their "enemies", who it turns out are just regular people who were born with immutable characteristics they don't like.

They do a lot of mental gymnastics to explain why this is somehow okay -- "white men are oppressing us, so attacking them IS lifting up marginalized groups" but this is obvious bullshit, and it's a tactic that's been tried by every genuine bigot since the dawn of time. NO ONE thinks "I hate X group of people, but they're actually lovely, so I guess I'm just a villain who loves being evil!" It's all post-hoc rationalization; your mind will find excuses to rationalize and justify that hatred.

They also have these "white fragility" and "male fragility" arguments they love to make, where (via insidious circular logic) if you're white or male or whatever and you take offense to them constantly attacking you, somehow, the sheer act of you taking offense makes you an even worse person. I'd like to submit that judging people on their immutable characteristics, in and of itself, is bad *for the people doing the judging.* At the risk of sounding cheesy, it's bad for the soul. It means burdening yourself with unnecessary hatred. It means training your brain to use poor logic and a lack of critical thinking. It means closing yourself off to friendships and opportunities you would otherwise have. It's just a bad way to be, and it often hurts the people doing it more than even the people they're doing it to.

In the words of MLK, I'd like to propose that we judge people by the content of their character and not their skin color, but I guess MLK is alt-right now, or something.


Gold Member
These people are fucked. They're all fucked


AAA gaming in the west will never get rid of this mind virus. Never.

It's way too far gone.
Hey Jules, I'm a straight normal person from birth. There's a lot more of us than you. *waves*.

On a more peculiar note, isnt funny how so many LBQT people claim they are just like everyone else, dont treat them different, you probably cant even tell if they are or not, so just be chill and let's all act like adults and don't divide people into silo........ then you get the "Hey everyone! Just want to let all of you know since you've surely been begging to know the past 20 years though you never asked.... I'm not straight!"

Ulysses 31

This is the kind of thing I can't wrap my head around. You can support and lift up minority voices without constantly attacking white people.
It's what they call anti-racism. Because in their view in the past white people were racists to other groups, it's now justified to be racists to white people of today to counterbalance the racism of the past.

It also plays nice with their word games they like to play. Most people will think of not being racists when they hear anti-racism when in fact it means being racists against certain people.
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Gold Member
It's what they call anti-racism. Because in their view in the past white people were racists to other groups, it's now justified to be racists to white people of today to counterbalance the racism of the past.

It also plays nice with their word games they like to play. Most people will think of not being racists when they hear anti-racism when in fact it means being racists against certain people.
The most racist people are always the ones who push anti-racism. If you want to see a group of people be the biggest supporters of discriminatory policies segregating people into groups where groups X gets this, group Y gets that, and group Z are the evil ones, go speak to a so-called loud anti-racist supporter.
This is the kind of thing I

Because despite the overwhelming evidence, you, like many others, still believe these people stick to the values they proclaim. That, somehow, they are "wrong" in how they understand them.

No. They are just awful people, extremely evil, the kind that snitches on their own family and friends if that benefits them.


This is the kind of thing I can't wrap my head around. You can support and lift up minority voices without constantly attacking white people. These people preach "empathy" and "inclusivity", but I very rarely see them actually supporting or even saying nice things about the marginalized groups they claim they're helping. Instead, it's just a never-ending stream of vitriol against their "enemies", who it turns out are just regular people who were born with immutable characteristics they don't like.

They do a lot of mental gymnastics to explain why this is somehow okay -- "white men are oppressing us, so attacking them IS lifting up marginalized groups" but this is obvious bullshit, and it's a tactic that's been tried by every genuine bigot since the dawn of time. NO ONE thinks "I hate X group of people, but they're actually lovely, so I guess I'm just a villain who loves being evil!" It's all post-hoc rationalization; your mind will find excuses to rationalize and justify that hatred.

They also have these "white fragility" and "male fragility" arguments they love to make, where (via insidious circular logic) if you're white or male or whatever and you take offense to them constantly attacking you, somehow, the sheer act of you taking offense makes you an even worse person. I'd like to submit that judging people on their immutable characteristics, in and of itself, is bad *for the people doing the judging.* At the risk of sounding cheesy, it's bad for the soul. It means burdening yourself with unnecessary hatred. It means training your brain to use poor logic and a lack of critical thinking. It means closing yourself off to friendships and opportunities you would otherwise have. It's just a bad way to be, and it often hurts the people doing it more than even the people they're doing it to.

In the words of MLK, I'd like to propose that we judge people by the content of their character and not their skin color, but I guess MLK is alt-right now, or something.

The biggest problem with any kind of race theory is that it silos people off into groupings that aren't realistic to the lived experience of most human beings.

For instance... it is very true to say that black people, and people from other minorities, have been oppressed and marginalised by white people.

Certain white people, though. Not all of them. Not many poor white people on council estates and trailer parks are doing much to oppress the opportunities of ethnically diverse people. In fact, they are just as fucking oppressed as their black compatriots, because it ain't about race and it never was.

The idiots we're discussing here have been taught that all white people are the problem, instead of it just being some of them.

The thick, thick irony here of course is that this is very racist.

And of course none of them realise that they are being taught this shit deliberately by the real enemy: rich, powerful cunts. Most of whom are white - but are quite happy for everyone to hate that aspect of themselves, because it stops anyone actually looking at the rich, powerful part.

In short. It's very easy to manipulate stupid, angry people into looking the wrong way, while you fucking steal city hall.


Golden Boy
We have a lot of mentally ill individuals that reside online at all times. Always strapped to their phones and social media, like a crack addict to their pipe. Everyone is their enemy, they refuse to engage anyone in good faith and are always looking for someone to hate, dismiss, or belittle. Social Media has caused irreparable damage to our cultures and unless something changes, folks like SBI, like the Kotaku dregs of society - they will keep coming out the wazoo.

These people need serious mental help and they aren't getting it.
I’ve been saying this for years.
Back in the day we used to have such people picked up by men with white jackets, which were trying to help them. Nowadays they are being told how brave they are for loosing their minds.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Question for everyone here:

Is anyone still buying these garbage games from companies that hate white men?

I include Sony and Microsoft’s first party studios in that.
Fuck no.

I mainly play older games but for new releases I just stick to AA. Been enjoying Alone In The Dark, Wanted Dead and low budget Steam games from Puppet Combo lol
It’s all I need.


After Spider-man 2, I'm not going to buy games influenced by Sweet Baby, but I'm not going to rule out buying any games from Microsoft or Sony across the board, if that is what you are asking.

It can only be done on a studio by studio basis IMO.


Gold Member
It can only be done on a studio by studio basis IMO.

That's probably how it will work out anyway. These studios allow themselves to be "guilted" into employing this wretched company. I really enjoyed most of SM2, but on reflection weeks later I'm thinking back to all the propaganda I was spoon fed while playing that I can't say I'm interested in their games anymore. I generally have no problem with narratives that incorporate a liberal/leftist tone in an intelligent way. But what these people do is push contrived political agendas inacted in the most heavy handed way and I'll not support them.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Hey Jules, I'm a straight normal person from birth. There's a lot more of us than you. *waves*.

On a more peculiar note, isnt funny how so many LBQT people claim they are just like everyone else, dont treat them different, you probably cant even tell if they are or not, so just be chill and let's all act like adults and don't divide people into silo........ then you get the "Hey everyone! Just want to let all of you know since you've surely been begging to know the past 20 years though you never asked.... I'm not straight!"

But not in the decision making special protected class making more noise and demanding special treatment in the video game industry.


Gold Member
It can only be done on a studio by studio basis IMO.
That's probably how it will work out anyway. These studios allow themselves to be "guilted" into employing this wretched company. I really enjoyed most of SM2, but on reflection weeks later I'm thinking back to all the propaganda I was spoon fed while playing that I can't say I'm interested in their games anymore. I generally have no problem with narratives that incorporate a liberal/leftist tone in an intelligent way. But what these people do is push contrived political agendas inacted in the most heavy handed way and I'll not support them.
That's some reason a tech/media industry kind of issue.

Other kinds of industries will have their own HR policies on code of conduct and DEI stuff, but it's surely going to be limited in scope. Backburner kind of stuff. The key focus is sales, products, and not getting involved into politics with consumers because typically a company will try it's best to sell to as many customers (within reason for the product and service sold) while not pissing people off lecturing people with grifts and political messages. If some major DEI scrubs tried to get a logging company to push politics, the company would tell them to fuck off. If they can show they can be chill workers regarding manufacturing or environment, then sure maybe they got a job. But if they push politics who would want to hire them?

But here we are. Media/entertainment companies seem to love it.


Question for everyone here:

Is anyone still buying these garbage games from companies that hate white men?

I include Sony and Microsoft’s first party studios in that.

I try to take every game on its own merits, so I’d never blanket boycott a publisher.

However, I also never buy games on pre-order, I always like to hear the opinions of others with trustworthy reputations, and keep my ear relatively close to the ground on industry matters - so I tend to shuffle that kind of shit out of my gaming choices anyway. Spider-man2 was an unfortunate fumble. As a huge Batman fan though, I still went nowhere fucking near that Suicide Squad shit.


That's Julia Hardy now? Fucking hell the mind virus destroyed her too. She went from being hot to unhinged real quick.

Oh no...

There will be future studies about this timeline from a psychological perspective and how all this came about, I'm certain of it.

I found her YouTube channel. It just bummed me out. When this happens to the hot ones, it’s bad for the gene pool. RIP.
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Gold Member
I would also argue that those games sold as well as they did because of their IP and previous game, not because they were genuinely good games.

I fully expect their sequels, if they continue down the same path, to sell worse overall.
That is why these people infiltrated Disney, along with comics and gaming’s biggest devs and publishers. If you play an indie game or read an indie comic, then see it was made by people with blue hair, ear gauges and septum rings, you’re gonna be like, “why, of course they look like that, and of course their comic book / game had those themes”. And that would limit their reach and audience. They absolutely need to be inside the biggest corpos to be able to be heard and be taken seriously when they scream microaggression and call for purges. You don’t get to spread a message with Cocoon or even Ori - you need Spider-Man for that. Nothing better than hijacking an IP that sells millions by merely existing and that people will flock to buy without even suspecting there’s questions that should be asked.

This is also why it’s so important that people have to be convinced to mindlessly consoom. Far easier to sell a product with a message attached, than to try and get people to listen to your message.


Biggest Trails Stan
That is why these people infiltrated Disney, along with comics and gaming’s biggest devs and publishers. If you play an indie game or read an indie comic, then see it was made by people with blue hair, ear gauges and septum rings, you’re gonna be like, “why, of course they look like that, and of course their comic book / game had those themes”. And that would limit their reach and audience. They absolutely need to be inside the biggest corpos to be able to be heard and be taken seriously when they scream microaggression and call for purges. You don’t get to spread a message with Cocoon or even Ori - you need Spider-Man for that. Nothing better than hijacking an IP that sells millions by merely existing and that people will flock to buy without even suspecting there’s questions that should be asked.

This is also why it’s so important that people have to be convinced to mindlessly consoom. Far easier to sell a product with a message attached, than to try and get people to listen to your message.

Basically this


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
The "Gamers Are Dead" article or whatever it was by Leigh Alexander?

That sure was a good time
Precisely. And the seething condemnation is ten times as hilarious if you ever listened to her catastrophic Giant Bomb E3 2010 podcast appearance. "Intoxicated" does not even begin to describe it.

It was so bad that even David Jaffe was verbally lacerating her the following year. And he is, to my knowledge, a pretty liberal guy.


Reseterror Resettler
Precisely. And the seething condemnation is ten times as hilarious if you ever listened to her catastrophic Giant Bomb E3 2010 podcast appearance. "Intoxicated" does not even begin to describe it.

It was so bad that even David Jaffe was verbally lacerating her the following year. And he is, to my knowledge, a pretty liberal guy.

God damn you giving me hilarious things to youtube.


Has this been posted? This is the fellow who started the "Sweet Baby Detected" group on Steam. It's his first Youtube video. He lays out his gaming history and talks about his intentions. He mentions that he plans to start a website called deidetected.com, which will cover not just Sweet Baby, but other DEI-focused consulting companies. He says he plans to have it up and running in a few weeks, although we know how that goes...

I found the comments section very encouraging. People from all over the world, giving their support.

That's some reason a tech/media industry kind of issue.

Other kinds of industries will have their own HR policies on code of conduct and DEI stuff, but it's surely going to be limited in scope. Backburner kind of stuff. The key focus is sales, products, and not getting involved into politics with consumers because typically a company will try it's best to sell to as many customers (within reason for the product and service sold) while not pissing people off lecturing people with grifts and political messages. If some major DEI scrubs tried to get a logging company to push politics, the company would tell them to fuck off. If they can show they can be chill workers regarding manufacturing or environment, then sure maybe they got a job. But if they push politics who would want to hire them?

But here we are. Media/entertainment companies seem to love it.
I work IT For a metal alloy company (company is huge), and they do government contracts for fighter planes, and steal for bridges.... yet on our intranet smack dab in the center is a "come join the lecture about women's history month" or whatever month it is. There is a separate tab for DEI. I was on the phone helping some lady the other day with EXCEL. Her spreadsheets were all in a folder called "ESG" .... What does making metal have to do with any of that shit?

Whats funny is 95% of the dei emails that go out get reported as spam. The furnace workers and metallurgists are like wtf is this shit. lol

So its not just in games, sadly it's everywhere. Although, I was at my new dentist and there was magazines out all against this shit. I was like damn. Awesome.
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I work IT For a metal alloy company (company is huge), and they do government contracts for fighter planes, and steal for bridges.... yet on our intranet smack dab in the center is a "come join the lecture about women's history month" or whatever month it is. There is a separate tab for DEI. I was on the phone helping some lady the other day with EXCEL. Her spreadsheets were all in a folder called "ESG" .... What does making metal have to do with any of that shit?

Whats funny is 95% of the dei emails that go out get reported as spam. The furnace workers and metallurgists are like wtf is this shit. lol

So its not just in games, sadly it's everywhere. Although, I was at my new dentist and there was magazines out all against this shit. I was like damn. Awesome.

There is a lot... a metric fuck ton of lawsuits happening now cause of DEI initiatives because they are outright racist and go against many pre-existing employment laws. DEI as it is now is dying a relatively quick death in corporations and education as word spreads to their legal. Now.... will they rebrand it, yeah, but there is more and more law firms sniffing for the lawsuit money. So it doesn't matter if they rebrand, if there is a case for people to take them to court, they will take them to court.
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Question for everyone here:

Is anyone still buying these garbage games from companies that hate white men?

I include Sony and Microsoft’s first party studios in that.
naturally these games end up being shit, so that's a fat no from me.

but something like wolverine, which I'm sure will be at best a decent enough game to play, I am not going near that shit with even pocket change when it's on heavy sale.

fuck those people at insomniac and their self inserts and shitty writing.

we haven't really had a high profile game come out yet since this all started happening, will be interesting to see what happens when that does release whatever it may be.
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