I am watching PSX Stream now and The Witness is so beautifulDay 1 for me
I am watching PSX Stream now and The Witness is so beautifulDay 1 for me
You make it sound like they want to care in the first place.
God, I hope no one ever does this :/ I'm sick of Spanish movies about our Civil War I don't want to see another game about it (there are already a couple of them, fortunately they weren't too successful).
I know it might seem fresh for someone that has never heard about it, but to be honest I can't think of any key events that could make a cool game. Nazi imagery is way more interesting, what you'd see in a game about Spain in the early 20th century would be something very similar to RE4, just old houses and poor people. It's not like there were battles in the Alhambra or something worth showing
However, I really agree with zkylon. I'd love to see more games where the MC is a nazi or a terrorist, and you can actually decide if you want to keep following orders and be evil or start disobeying orders and becoming a double agent. Furthermore, I loved the Spec Ops twist, I hope to see one day a game where you find out in the end that.you've been killing good people all along, and that you've been a willing terrorist since the start, but as a player you never knew for sure since you were just simply following orders from someone you never see / following mission markers just because that's what you do when you play those kind of hames
I understand it would be way too controversial, but oh well It would be very interesting, if executed well.
Hey guys, big news: Street Fighter V is coming and will be console exclusive to the PlayStation 4. Whats even bigger news is that our partnership with Sony will result in SFV having cross-platform play
You make it sound like they want to care in the first place.
pretty interesting ono is talking about the pc release of sf5 and cross play on a playstation blog, and implied cross play with pc happend mostly because of sony.
I think that, individually, they want to care. But without any sort of leadership structure and no employee really pushing for it, it's not going to happen. Sometimes it blows my mind that they get anything done at all, outside of the things handed down to them from higher up in the company.
I think that, individually, they want to care. But without any sort of leadership structure and no employee really pushing for it, it's not going to happen. Sometimes it blows my mind that they get anything done at all, outside of the things handed down to them from higher up in the company.
I take it still no response since?
In response to your question about whether we would run any customer conference, there are currently no plans to do so. Running the International and this years Dev Days just about maxed out our capabilities, and more so, I think it would be hard to convince folks internally here that having a customer convention would be a better use of time than just working on improving Steam and improving our games. That said, its totally possible, and I do see the value of speaking to customers.
I truly believe that the only real solution at this point is to either spin off Steam as its own company, or to sell it outright. It's just grown too far beyond Valve's capabilities and while they have certainly made some significant improvements this year, most of their customer service related decisions tend to amount to "make it so we can just blame it on the user." While there may be no other service waiting the in wings to take over, the fact that we're seeing companies like Telltale move away from using Steam as a primary feature of their games to me is very telling.
I'd hate to see what any other company does with Steam. I think there's a very, very low chance that they don't completely mess things up.
Things would certainly change but seeing how other companies are running their digital stores, I still prefer Steam over the alternatives.
I truly believe that the only real solution at this point is to either spin off Steam as its own company, or to sell it outright. It's just grown too far beyond Valve's capabilities and while they have certainly made some significant improvements this year, most of their customer service related decisions tend to amount to "make it so we can just blame it on the user." While there may be no other service waiting the in wings to take over, the fact that we're seeing companies like Telltale move away from using Steam as a primary feature of their games to me is very telling.
The response I got from one of my contacts there(and keep in mind, he's not a "boss" or "supervisor" or anything since they don't have those) was this:who will remain anonymous
I think it simply boils down to the fact that they don't have enough manpower to pull something like this off. Everyone there already has their "day to day" duties, and doing stuff like this takes away from that for a lot of people.
It's definitely something that most larger game companies (I'm sure) hire people full time year-round to plan and execute these types of events. But to my knowledge and understanding, Valve doesn't have anyone like that.
From the people I know that work on the "Steam team" at Valve, they would never let that happen. They know that giving up the corporate structure (or lack thereof) that gave rise to Steam's creation could easily be it's downfall. That said, I feel that Steam could really benefit from loosening the restrictions it places on decisions it's made like not hiring an external support company/department because of the turnover.
The same goes with "event planning". Sure, you could hire the absolute best and most famous event planner / programmer / customer support specialist to handle everything, but you could also put on a really good event if you hired a small team of professionals whose job it is to throw the event and nothing else.
Oh that's a cool read.oh....THIS is what No Man's Sky is about
Sounds pretty sweet.
Well, that solidifies my decision to not get No Man's Sky. Really had more hope for the game to be at least, partly story-driven or unconventional narrative style.
Oh, well.
Oh that's a cool read.
Hm. Like I guessed then. There is no "real" story campaign but more of a hazy ultimate destiny - the center of the galaxy.
From what I read there though it looks like there will be enough different mechanics for the journey to not become stale.
It actually reminds me of Minecraft. Huge gameworld, no actual goal and even though there are different biotopes and dungeons which are randomly generated, a feeling of been-there-done-that can emerge after many hours of gameplay.
Good for nms that it seems to have at least more focus on gunplay - whether space or fps. Resources are also an interesting idea. For earning money, upgrading ship and suit.
But Minecraft has a huge advantage in terrain modification. I don't think nms will have anything on that front.
Well. I still haven't watched their night under sky showing from last night. Gonna check youtube.
Dammit, I have just purchased Game of Thrones on Greenmangaming, and I missed the warning that I would not get a Steam key. So disappointed.
That's odd. What's this about TellTale moving away from Steam?
Well, that solidifies my decision to not get No Man's Sky. Really had more hope for the game to be at least, partly story-driven or unconventional narrative style.
Oh, well.
Aw shucks. I was hoping that some other gameplay mechanics will be finally shown a bit :/Don't bother checking if you're looking for news about the game. It was basically a concert. A concert I enjoyed immensely. Me and the boys played poker and drank shots listening to it (I won).
Yes, exactly! A traditional story campaign would have been ace, no question. But seeing that Hello Games consist of about a handful of people, I can understand them not including that.What excites me about No Man's Sky is precisely the exploration component. I wanna have my name plastered next to a planet as its discoverer. I wanna discover new life. Its basically a future NASA exploration simulator and that stimulates my nerd boner.
What excites me about No Man's Sky is precisely the exploration component. I wanna have my name plastered next to a planet as its discoverer. I wanna discover new life. Its basically a future NASA exploration simulator and that stimulates my nerd boner.
Rollers of the Realm is a pretty fun pinball game. Currently trying to stream it - http://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561198044067612/
with vr
no mans sky will be amazing
Pretty much. I'm just excited about the idea of having a full galaxy to explore and discover. That by itself makes the game worth it for me. All the other stuff you can do in the game is icing on the cake.
Geez, now I got an itch for space flight/exploration games. Really considering getting Elite: Dangerous now.
I don't need a story in the traditional sense to have a damn good single-player time. I feel NMS is going to take its place next to Mount & Blade as a game where your specific experience on that playthrough is the awesome story.Well, that solidifies my decision to not get No Man's Sky. Really had more hope for the game to be at least, partly story-driven or unconventional narrative style.
Oh, well.
it never was about story, also I can confirm my invisibility yet again, because I posted many times what NMS is supposed to be based on author's words. I'm really proud of this achievement! (><)
Reminds me of the bug which was found and patched some months ago where it was relatively easy to get secured info by requesting "longer" answers in a secure protocol.Sorry for posting this here, but I want to bring awareness of a major security flaw in Steam's ticket support system. I don't know if it has been brought up here before, but in case you haven't seen it, here you go.
(I'm also copying my own text from the Steam Discussion thread I created.)
Today I was submitting a support ticket. After attaching my ID photo, as requested by Steam, I suddenly saw another photo file added below mine. The file name looked like a Facebook URL, and the photo was a screenshot from Steam's website in Turkish. It was pretty obvious to me that this was another user's support attachment, that somehow ended up in my ticket too.
Can you imagine how horribly wrong it would go if someone's credit card ID ended up in the wrong ticket? The file I got was "safe" enough, but I still managed to find the guy's name, Steam profile and Facebook only based on the photo attachment (even though the Facebook file name numbers didn't work).
This bug is extremely dangerous. If a dishonest person ends up with a picture of someone's VISA card, then that will only go one way.
I found someone else on Reddit's Steam subreddit who had this problem. The thing is, it was posted a month ago, and apparently it is still an issue. I sent an e-mail to Valve Security about this just now (and as mentioned above, written on their forum), and I am posting it here as well to raise awareness. Do NOT post your ID cards or anything personal as attachments to Steam Support tickets. At least not until they have officially acknowledged this and stated it has been fixed.
Reminds me of the bug which was found and patched some months ago where it was relatively easy to get secured info by requesting "longer" answers in a secure protocol.
But yeah, this is good to know. I also didn't know steam support needs ID copies to solve problems?!
If there are any LA Steam gaffers in here, make sure to check out World-8 for all your physical vidya. Good peoples aand they have damn near everything including fighting stick buttons. They also hold tournaments and you can try the games in there for like two dollars an hour on their tvs. I picked Yakuza 1 and 3 just to put it on my ever humongous backlog
I just thought it would me more involved than an exploration game. It just doesn't do it for me.
bookmarked. Thanks for this.
Ah yes....one of us.
it has spiders, so I guess it doesn't matter.
um. Armor was not great in DA2. Companion armor you couldn't change, limited visual design, drops you couldn't use.
In Inq you can also craft armor w/o class requirements...making your mage wear heavy if you want.
There's one thing you forgot.
Hawked armor is still like the coolest armor in any DA game. I wish I could have worn it in DAi.
Angry Joe makes very stupid rant. We know this is a timed exclusive, even if SF5 won't reach One, for sure Capcom will take out a Super SF5, and that will reach Microsoft console too.
He didn't spend a single word about Unity fiasco, about the horrible port for DR3, but he rants about timed axclusives.
phy...physical games?
Nah, will check out, but I dislike video game pop culture.
I'm not even sure what that would be.
Rollers of the Realm is a pretty fun pinball game. Currently trying to stream it - http://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561198044067612/
I don't watch streams, but could you kindly post your impressions later: is it fun to play, how are controls, how rpg-ish it is and most importantly, does it crash or not, that kind of stuff.
I'd have to see more of the game and whatever other things they chose to implement. If they do like MMO style events or goals oriented gameplay, that'd be cool.
I'm over 700 games, and I can safely say that I wouldn't buy a single game the rest of my life (outside of bundles) if I did this.Someone should rework this to say: "Never purchase a game as long as your backlog hasn't been completed. Except if it's in a pay-anything-you-want bundle or if you can get it through a giveaway."
(Or something similar)
Yeah, I feel the exact same way. I've played games ever since I first played HL as 5 years old, but it doesn't define me - It's not a defining trait, and a lot of the pop culture that's popped up around being 'GAMERS' is just painful to me.I don't like being around people who base their identity as 'gamers', never felt at ease with people in say, gaming clubs at uni.
I paid like, 30 or something for it, but I'm yet to actually finish it.Just finished up Saints Row 4.
Had a lot more fun than I did with SR3.
Definitely worth the 5 bucks it cost during the sale. Actually interested in Gat out of Hell now.
Someone should rework this to say: "Never purchase a game as long as your backlog hasn't been completed. Except if it's in a pay-anything-you-want bundle or if you can get it through a giveaway."
(Or something similar)
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