FYI, you can turn off Cutscene QTEs from the main menu. (not in-game menu, has to be the main one).
Does Darksiders 2 deathinitive edition run on a 940m with 4 gb ram?
The German version isn't censored in any way?
Finished Life is Strange. Kate, Frank and Warren were my favorite side characters. A shame about how the plot turned out and the writing disappointed but hey! There was only ever one ending for me andit's having Chloe and Max riding off, hella cool. Screw Arcadia Bay, I didn't like how Dontnod tried to push more toward the Sacrifice ending. I really wish there was an option to see who made it out of the town if you helped certain people. Well it's video games, and at least Max still has her parents alive in any case. Her and Chloe are rocking out in Portland or somewhere.
Most likely, the system requirements are really modest.
apparently layoffs at obsidian?
that sucks, tyranny had good numbers, i wonder what's going on
I ask because I saw a video of it running on a 750 with average 20-30 fps and the 750 is a bit better than then 940m I think.
So blessed to have this on PC. Everybody's Gone to Rapture was a tremendous improvement at native 4K and probably will be too.
What Remains of Edith Finch has a store page. Powered by Annapurna Interactive.
According to this review, Tyranny sounds like a cheap attempt with broken systems.
It will run poorly, D2 and D2 DE are garbage ports THQ never bothered to fix.Does Darksiders 2 deathinitive edition run on a 940m with 4 gb ram?
For those curious or sceptical, Berseria confirmed to have 60 FPS
Well it's 60 FPS on consoles so it'd be weird otherwise.
Any other recommendations for retail copies of removed games I should take a look at? Preferably good games.
007 Legends is worth playing just to see see how awful a PC port can be at its worst. Koei ports got nothing on that shit.
Metacritic has peaked
Have anyone here played Shadow Tactics with a gamepad? How is it?
From the top of my head: rendering locked to 720p, no graphics options whatsoever, mouse control feels like its simulating joysticks, no controller support.Too lazy to look it up, how bad we talking?
Steam changed the format to Metacritic's "colors and boxes" which broke the format ES was using. It's been fixed in the dev channel, so it'll get fixed in the next release.
Oh no, is this Steam Tuesday maintenance? Freaking Hitman needs to be online.
when SFV season 2 pass gonna go up on steam
Oh no, is this Steam Tuesday maintenance? Freaking Hitman needs to be online.
Oh no, is this Steam Tuesday maintenance? Freaking Hitman needs to be online.
Does anyone know if I buy this version of 007 legends that it would activate?
FYI, you can turn off Cutscene QTEs from the main menu. (not in-game menu, has to be the main one).
I played the demo with an xbox one controller. Camera took a bit of getting used to, but it wasn't too bad. I'm very controller-biased, though, hate using keyboard.
What exactly is this maintenance that is carried out weekly on Steam?
I feel like this should be obvious, but I don't think I've ever asked the question
Just got a personal email from the CEO of GamePump saying they were working on getting some of the old Brøderbund licenses. (Not trolling)
Just got a personal email from the CEO of GamePump saying they were working on getting some of the old Brøderbund licenses. (Not trolling)
Just got a personal email from the CEO of GamePump saying they were working on getting some of the old Brøderbund licenses. (Not trolling)
Just got a personal email from the CEO of GamePump saying they were working on getting some of the old Brøderbund licenses. (Not trolling)
According to this review, Tyranny sounds like a cheap attempt with broken systems.
Just got a personal email from the CEO of GamePump saying they were working on getting some of the old Brøderbund licenses. (Not trolling)