Van Helsing DLC on sale? A Christmas miracle. But I don't know if I even want it.
Does Dark Souls still have GFWL shenanigans going on? Or has that been removed?
Dark Souls isn't a game you put aside because of your backlog.
It's a game that makes your backlog look like shit.
the game is only punishing if you don't play it properly.Someone try to convince me that Dark Souls won't be an absolutely miserable experience. From what I've heard, the "appeal" of the game is that it's incredibly punishing and difficult, but very satisfying once you succeed. That sounds kinda like purposely giving yourself blue balls so it will feel really good once you get laid.
No combat = boring?
Van Helsing is at least as good as Diablo III, Torchlight II, and Path of Exile. I can't recommend it highly enough.
Someone try to convince me that Dark Souls won't be an absolutely miserable experience. From what I've heard, the "appeal" of the game is that it's incredibly punishing and difficult, but very satisfying once you succeed. That sounds kinda like purposely giving yourself blue balls so it will feel really good once you get laid.
It has an most likely won't go away. Last chances of experiencing the GOTG in it's fullest.
Has any game been lower than their fall daily yet?Kind of a bummer that Gone Home costs more than during the Fall sale.
Asking again, how's unEpic?
No, I am NOT purchasing those games!I really hope everyone is buying Dark Souls or else devil day cry and he might just gone home.
Kind of a bummer that Gone Home costs more than during the Fall sale.
Arg, that's one of my pet peeves in games. I hate the idea of missing stuff. I hate it so much that I will read GameFAQ guides in order to not miss stuff.It's a lot like the original Zelda.
If you just run around swinging your sword you will die fast. But if you play properly, you will only die when you suck.
There is no hand holding. There is no special mark on breakable walls. You can miss stuff.
This all makes the game very rewarding.
Dark Souls isn't a game you put aside because of your backlog.
It's a game that makes your backlog look like shit.
Someone try to convince me that Dark Souls won't be an absolutely miserable experience. From what I've heard, the "appeal" of the game is that it's incredibly punishing and difficult, but very satisfying once you succeed. That sounds kinda like purposely giving yourself blue balls so it will feel really good once you get laid.
There really isn't much that can be recommended either way about it mechanically, and the story beats are something that will either resonate with you or not. For the price I'd recommend taking the risk, it's short, it's personal, and it takes on a scale often unseen in games -- I really enjoyed it.Arghhhh
No idea whether to buy it or not.
Anyone played UnEpic? Is it worth it now, or better to wait until it's out of early access?
When he hated his 1,000th when did you get that new tag derrick?
If you've already been spoiled hard on Gone Home, I guess I wouldn't recommend it.
The entire reason I enjoyed the game was because I went in with one certain set of expectations, and the game was absolutely nothing even remotely close to those expectations. It was very refreshing.
To me, Origins had a pretty engaging story (relatively, at least), and the new detective stuff was cool if a bit handwavey, but the combat felt very much like a derivative of Arkham City.
Batman seems less responsive and more sluggish at throwing punches, ground pounds, etc.
Not a bad game, but I won't be going through all the combat/predator trials after I'm done.
edit: Voted for Spelunky!
As someone who likes a lot of roguelikes, is Sword of The Stars: The Pit any good? Also, is Lunnye Devitsy any good? I like exploration games.
So... it's like Rogue Legacy?I really liked it, cool metroidvania, quite long, huge map, gets a bit hard later on, I actually didnt finish itDid play like 18 hours tho
Or you went into it expecting an adventure game and get a visual novel with a plot from a 90s lifetime movie.
It's more likely than you think.
As someone who likes a lot of roguelikes, is Sword of The Stars: The Pit any good? Also, is Lunnye Devitsy any good? I like exploration games.
The Pit is great, I'm a few hours in and I'm enjoying it a lot.As someone who likes a lot of roguelikes, is Sword of The Stars: The Pit any good? Also, is Lunnye Devitsy any good? I like exploration games.
Gone Home was 75% off during the last sale, unfortunately gonna have to pass. Why Steam?
Weren't discounts going to be the same? I didn't have enough money in my wallet to buy it then.
Anno 2070 finally goes on sale and it's still 12,49 for the complete edition. Sigh Ubisoft.
in dark souls you even have to discover the DLC content after you bought itArg, that's one of my pet peeves in games. I hate the idea of missing stuff. I hate it so much that I will read GameFAQ guides in order to not miss stuff.