Won Cold Fear from Dusk Golem, thanks mate.
First thing I tried, but it just doesn't sh...
Damn it, I only looked at Community items, but of course this is under "Item Rewards" which don't get shown by default.
They aren't only from this sale. Some were gifts. 2 I won by random luck. 1 from gaf, 1 from twitter. The rest were from selling steam cards.
Should be a daily at some point.
About to get Scribblenauts Unlimited for $4 at GreenManGaming. Yea or nay?
About to get Scribblenauts Unlimited for $4 at GreenManGaming. Yea or nay?
Hmmm I'm very tempted on the Call of Juarez bundle... any recommendations on it and Blood Dragon?
Between Blood Dragon and Gunslinger, I vastly preferred Gunslinger.
Blood Dragon's weakness, if you ask me, is that it's a Far Cry 3 total conversion. Not that I've played Far Cry 3 or anything (I know, I know), but I mean that the shooting mechanics aren't fantastic, and the rest of the game doesn't make up for it. The outside/outpost missions were fun, but not compelling enough for me to want to take more outposts. The indoor or scripted missions were enjoyable enough, but the cyber-soldiers were kind of boring enemies to mow down.
The whole '80s shtick is, to its credit, consistently gung-ho, but it starts off on the wrong foot with an obnoxious parody of annoying tutorials that is actually an annoying tutorial. Its charm wore off pretty quickly for me - imagine the trailer, but stretched out across a 5-hour game. If that sounds awesome to you, then you'll probably love the humor. Also, be sure to play it for at least an hour or so in your first sitting because it doesn't save until you're done with a mission, and the first mission is kinda long.
Gunslinger, on the other hand is a much breezier and less "lol neon dinosaurs" arcade shooter with really satisfying shooting mechanics. I didn't care for the story, with its jumble of Wild West names, but it's well-paced, fun to play, and even the high-score shooting gallery mode is solid.
I haven't played the original or the HOTD mode in Typing, but I thought the mechanic for the last boss was pretty awesome even though the boss kinda sucked. I mostly just liked the text that popped up when you typed a matching word. JUSTIFIED!
The rest of this post is a recommendation for Call of Juarez: Gunslinger.
I got this on the last sale (or something, who can remember) and blazed through it in a few settings. I liked almost everything about the game. The dueling mechanic is a small blight on the game. It's just not fun. To a lesser extent, there's some forced slow-mo QTE-type segments that were also annoying. This mechanic is also remixed as a "last breath" thing where if you dodge an otherwise fatal bullet, you can save yourself. I dodged in the wrong direction like 80% of the time.
These complaints are minor though, and in at least some of the QTE-ish segments you can just shoot the guys if you're fast enough. And on the other hand some of those QTEs work really well and make you feel kinda badass when you headshot 4 guys with a few keystrokes.
The game is fairly short, but focused and does not overstay its welcome. There is no drawn out introduction of mechanics. There is a simple skill tree, but due to the length of the game you probably won't actually max out every skill by the end, which is a nice change from other games that implement similar systems. The base skills are just your proficiency with different gun types (revolver, rifle, shotgun), but the skills you unlock don't necessarily just improve that weapon - quicker score multipliers, stuff like that. Oh yeah, there's a combo system. The goal is (obviously) to kill people as quickly as possible, and higher multipliers net you more XP and fill up the focus meter (or whatever they call it) that lets you trigger bullet time. Not an incredibly innovative framework, but it's fun as hell. I had a blast (get it?!?!) strafing around duel wielding revolvers. There's ADS but it's not nearly as imperative that you use it as frequently as many popular FPSs these days. The gun selection is relatively small but it's not lacking. I didn't even unlock the later shotguns and rifles and I hadn't grown tired of the guns I could use.
The game is linear in the best way possible in that it doesn't even really bother with the pointless objectives common in FPS campaigns. It's just a pure shooter in that you don't really do much else but shoot stuff. There is ONE segment where you are disarming bombs, but it's set up in a way that it doesn't feel like padding, as you're not aimlessly looking for the bombs to disarm. It's very directed and it's part of the story.
Speaking of the story, I found the way it was told to be unique, although I wouldn't be surprised if other games have done this in the past. Your character is in a bar recounting his often hyperbolic-sounding stories from his life as a gunslinger to a wide-eyed (and sometimes skeptical) audience who sometimes chime in. It's entertaining but moreso it brilliantly excuses the linearity of the game as the gameplay acts as this reenactment.
After beating the game I reflected on my time with Metro: Last Light. I realized that it takes a lot for me to give a shit about a story in a shooter, and if the presentation isn't phenomenal, then at best it's something I don't pay attention to and at worst a detriment to my enjoyment. With Metro, it was starting to become a detriment. The story felt all at once too complex and too uninteresting for me to care. COJ's story is dead simple, and doesn't take you out of the action nearly as often or in such jarring ways (the silent, listening protagonist in Last Light kinda freaked me out). I'm not saying COJ's presentation is phenomenal, but it doesn't get in the way, and by virtue of its simplicity I couldn't help but understand it. I really like Last Light as well. I just prefer that COJ cuts the fat and focuses on what it does best.
I've been having issues crashing to desktop (with no error message) in the Nightclub mission, specifically when in casing mode while another person hosts the game. I've done everything short of deleting and redownloading the game but I have yet to find a solution.
Otherwise I haven't had any repeatable crashes, though it has (seemingly) randomly crashed maybe 5 times in the 70 hours I've played.
About to get Scribblenauts Unlimited for $4 at GreenManGaming. Yea or nay?
Do it. I'm biased cause I'm a scribblenauts fan, but it's really fun.
Hmmm I'm very tempted on the Call of Juarez bundle... any recommendations on it and Blood Dragon?
Hmmm I'm very tempted on the Call of Juarez bundle... any recommendations on it and Blood Dragon?
are you getting a booster pack every day or something?
Yea! Scribblenauts Unlimited is geat!About to get Scribblenauts Unlimited for $4 at GreenManGaming. Yea or nay?
Yea! Scribblenauts Unlimited is geat!
But instead you can get a Scribblenauts Pack from amazon for $10.50 that includes both Unlimited and Unmasked at http://www.amazon.com/Scribblenauts-Pack-Online-Game-Code/dp/B00GJ2I2GW
Bit Trip Runner 2 is the best game I've ever played in my life.
Did you play the DC one? I loved unlimited and want to know if it's the same structure only with DC heroes
All BioShock games for $25 or BioShock Infinite for $25
All BioShock games for $25 or BioShock Infinite for $25
Thanks for the DLC.![]()
You can get the Scribblenauts Pack (contains Unmasked and Unlimited) @ $10.49 on Amazon.
But yeah, it's worth it![]()
This makes me want to keep playing it. I got so bored after having to replay the dam mission.blood dragon is worth it for the ending sequence alone.
I'm $100 in this sale. I'm in a pretty miserable place at work and I think I'm just feel-good shopping at this point.
Games including gifts to/from me:
MirrorMoon EP
Kentucky Route Zero
Long Live the Queen
Resident Evil 6
Crusader Kings II EU4 converter
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Far Cry 3 Deluxe
Final Fantasy VIII
Dragon Commander
Foul Play
Bit Trip Runner 2 + Soundtrack
The Whispered World
Another World
I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream
The Bridge
Toki Tori 2+
Yikes, it feels insane when I list it out like that.
One game I've had my eye on that I actually would spend actual cash to get is speed runners... has this been on sale yet?
I'm $100 in this sale. I'm in a pretty miserable place at work and I think I'm just feel-good shopping at this point.
Long Live the Queen
I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream
That reminds me..
I already have Unlimited, but I'd like to get Unmasked and gift Unlimited.
Are the keys separate?
http://www.cheapassgamer.com/topic/...-25-swtor-currency-12-lego-marvel/?p=11382910Scribblenauts Dual Pack down to $10.49: http://www.cheapassgamer.com/redire...-Online-Game-Code/dp/B00GJ2I2GW/&pid=11382910
You get separate Steam keys.
What has steam done to me?
I want Spelunky and its cheap..but I am hesitant to buy it lol..
I'm guessing not, but have Call of Juarez Gunslinger ever been 75% OFF? Thanks in advance.
What has steam done to me?
I want Spelunky and its cheap..but I am hesitant to buy it lol..
What has steam done to me?
I want Spelunky and its cheap..but I am hesitant to buy it lol..
So I was gifted bad rats...not sure what to think...
You guys convinced me, got the Gunslinger + Blood Dragon combo.