People should get RE6. It's definitely a mixed bag, but the campaign is hilarious if you play with someone and enjoy goofy, over-the-top scenes that have no reasonable explanation to them. As in, explosions everywhere.
Once you finish the campaign, the
real meat of the game is the Mercenaries mode (though it's unlocked right from the start). There are actually two variants on PC: The Mercenaries (regular) and The Mercenaries No Mercy (PC-exclusive). The differences are huge for sure. In the regular mode, enemies spawn at specific locations on any given map once you kill a certain number of enemies, and you need to navigate/learn where this happens so you can keep up your combo for as long as you can. The total number of enemies on a map is 150, and getting a full 150-combo requires finesse. The No Mercy variant does away with most of the strategy and goes balls-to-the-wall fuck-awesome with the number of enemies on screen at once, making the regular variant seem anemic in comparison. The combo is doubled to 300, but the number of enemies isn't capped at 300 at all. Oh, no. There are tons and tons and tons of enemies and it's
awesome. It's definitely a fun mode to play in short bursts or for hours, and it's the part of the game where the mechanics really shine bright, if you give it a chance. The finesse required in the regular variant is mostly gone, but the threat of death is much higher when you have all kinds of enemy types being thrown at you.
You can pretty much skip all the DLC, but I will say that the Onslaught DLC is my favorite. It's extremely unique and satisfying, but it's 1v1 and finding people playing it when the mood strikes is hard (and that's true for any of the modes, frankly). It's basically a mix of Puzzle League/Tetris Attack/Panel de Pon and RE6 gameplay. You kill enemies and build up your combo (up to 30), and when you get the max combo or drop it, you send that many number of enemies to your opponent's side. the higher the combo, the deadlier the enemies you send over. it's a very exhilarating mode and I highly recommend it, but, again, virtually no one plays it. BUT I DO

You definitely need to have some people on your friends list for it.