So what games have you double dipped? I guess this only applies to those who shifted from console to PC or who are also into IOS gaming.
So far:
- Hotline Miami
- SC Chaos Theory
- The Walking Dead
- One Finger Death Punch
- Kairo
- Dark Souls
- Vector
- Stealth Bastard
- Organ Trail
Looking at State of Decay next. Still haven't finished Bioshock so I might get that on PC too
I haven't had a console in ages, but I've definitely double dipped with some games across different digital distributors.
Off the top of my head:
- Mirror's Edge (Steam / Origin)
- Alice Madness Returns (Steam / Origin)
- Wizardry 6, 7 and 8 (Steam / GOG)
- Deus Ex (Steam / GOG)
- Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams (Steam / GOG)
- Psychonauts (Steam / GOG)
- Capsized (Steam / GOG)
- Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics (Steam / GOG. Although I didn't really double dip on these since I got them for free on GOG.)
And a bunch of others that I'm forgetting I'm sure.