skulls of shogun should win
That's what I'm voting for. Volgar was on sale for basically the same at Humble Store yesterday. More exposure for Volgarr is definitely a good thing though, so I'll be happy to see it win.
skulls of shogun should win
The whole DRM thing with Dark Athena is overblown. I didn't even notice anything when playing it. On the other hand, Borderlands DRM where you actually have to be connected to the net to be able to activate the DLC with individual cd-keys on some website and being forced to make a GameSpy account to play online is much worse, yet no one ever talks about it.
Was DayZ even dethroned from the #1 during the sales? It's crazy seeing a game for so much time in the first position.
Titan Quest is gonna win, isn't it?
Cheapest? Check.
Been on sale tons of times before? Check.
Bundled before? Check.
Landslide win for Titan Quest incoming, just you watch.
What an amazing gift out of nowhere, thank you very much Creamium!! <3 <3
Steam GAF is the best.
Lots of people here recommend Binding of Isaac.
Was DayZ even dethroned from the #1 during the sales? It's crazy seeing a game for so much time in the first position.
Was DayZ even dethroned from the #1 during the sales? It's crazy seeing a game for so much time in the first position.
I wonder about getting Spec Ops: The Line now. I've heard great things about it's story, but I'm still not sure.
I wonder about getting Spec Ops: The Line now. I've heard great things about it's story, but I'm still not sure.
I wonder about getting Spec Ops: The Line now. I've heard great things about it's story, but I'm still not sure.
Dayum. I'll surely be tempted whenever I get it, I just hope I'll be a bad enough dude for dat 100%.Völgarr is Top Ten of 2013 for me (and David Jaffe).
If you have true balls, you too can do this.
Volgarr was cheaper on the Humble Store, but I voted for it anyway.
How much was it on the Humble store?
I wonder about getting Spec Ops: The Line now. I've heard great things about it's story, but I'm still not sure.
How much was it on the Humble store?
Skyrim beat it for like a day
I've been passing on games I would otherwise snatch up in a heartbeat, because a big part of me just wants to put my Steam funds towards DayZ.
Skyrim Legendary Edition stole it for a couple hours or most of a day. But yes. its kind of insane to see an Alpha hold that spot for so long.
Has Andy/Nvidia made any comment about the Assassin's Creed IV Physx performance? It just seems horrendous even on low, 15 to 20 fps no matter where I look in Havana. I only have a GTX 670 but it shouldn't be that poor right?
Will be interesting to see if Skulls of on ios btw... is the one to cause trouble here.
It was a penny cheaper.
I wonder about getting Spec Ops: The Line now. I've heard great things about it's story, but I'm still not sure.
What's a good gag gift on Steam for under or around $5?
Maybe a lame simulator game or just something spectacularly dull/bad?
What's a good gag gift on Steam for under or around $5?
Maybe a lame simulator game or just something spectacularly dull/bad?