Alright, so here we go.
Risk of Rain may be in my top 5 games of 2013.
For a game made by 2 people for 10 bucks on the regular, it is completely worth every penny of it and more. I've spent more time on this game than most AAA, AA, A and whatever other letter releases. It's just that addicting.
In it's simplest terms, it is a race to the end of each stage's teleporter before the difficulty which increases with time makes things too difficult for you to survive. Once at the teleporter you have to survive 90 seconds as the boss monster spawns, as well as normal monsters at an accelerated rate. Once you've killed them all, boom next stage. Rinse and repeat til the end.
Now, this may make it sound somewhat repetitive to some but it is much like Spelunky in that it doesn't quite matter due to how differently each game can go. When you die, and trust me you will die frequently and pitiably, it isn't frustrating but rather causes you to click on the new game button again as you "knew you could make it just a little farther, just if you dodged that right or had the right item you definitely could've gotten past this part" Each death spurs you onward to move just a little farther, do just a little better. It encourages you instead of discouraging.
Gameplay is quite varied. You choose your character (starting with one, unlocking more along the way [a lot more]) who has 4 different abilities; generally the main one which is their main attack and has no or a special cooldown. Then three abilities that relate to how the character is played, each with their own cooldown. So you take this character with it's four abilities and try to survive, running around the stages and killing monsters to level up and get money to buy items.
Leveling is simple, you merely gain HP and damage at each level up. Nothing to pick or keep track of to take you away from the game.
Now items, items are what make this game. You will unlock more and more and more items, and these will be what win the game for you. Items that drop mines when you take big hits, items that heal you if you stand still for more than 2 seconds, items that give a % chance to launch a missile when you attack, items that cause every 4th shot to pierce through enemies to hit anything behind them, items that freeze enemies, that blow them up when they die, that do anything and everything. They stack, they're bought with your money in little random chests, they're what'll keep you alive.
This game is a tremendous little game. I am thoroughly impressed by how addicting and fun it simply is. I suggest you give it a try, it is as far from disappointing as you can get.
This is a simple explanation of it and I could drone on for hours about it (much to my friends' irritation) but I'll save you from that. Let's just say it is an incredible amount of fun as you learn each character who plays DRASTICALLY differently and try to get to the end.
Also, dude who would buy it for 5 bucks, is there a way I can just give you 1.69 through Steam? Just so you're willing to buy it?