Cuban Legend
Oooh, that sounds Like 66% off, why the hell is SxT still so expensive. I shall not give up! Thank you.I think I got the complete edition for $15/20 last sale so don't give up hope.
Oooh, that sounds Like 66% off, why the hell is SxT still so expensive. I shall not give up! Thank you.I think I got the complete edition for $15/20 last sale so don't give up hope.
Seeing how the sale is going I kinda regret not buying MGR and DX:HR DC. Hopefully they'll come back as Flash or last day of sales.
So, is trials a flash sale or not? On its page it says daily and that we have a lot of time but the main store page features it among the flash sales.
While not as good as 80%, MGR is 75% off at Amazon.
On Steam as well, the daily increased the discount by only 5%.
Anyone interested on entering a Magicite 4pack? 3$ each
- BernardoOne
- Gaz Pwnage
- Gaz Pwnage
Steam sales are not what they used to be. Might be the second one in a row where I don't buy anything.
You must already be used to gambling pretty hard if you intend to support a Double Fine early access game, so why not just roll the dice?I should probably wait for a good deal in Gang Beasts, right? Has it been a Daily Deal yet?
You must already be used to gambling pretty hard if you intend to support a Double Fine early access game, so why not just roll the dice?
You must already be used to gambling pretty hard if you intend to support a Double Fine early access game, so why not just roll the dice?
It's only published by them, not made by them.
Are there any major story lapses when I jump from Lost Planet 1 right to 3? I played through LP1 this summer and liked it enough that I want to play the sequels. But I won't pay 20 for a 0% off LP2 riddled with GFWL.
Anyone interested on entering a Magicite 4pack? 3$ each
-Gaz Pwnage
-Gaz Pwnage
Since the trading thread is pretty much dead, I'll ask here. Anyone interested in the following trade. I have 2 copies of Rise of Nations which I'd like to exchange for Octodad and Max: Curse of the Brotherhood. This way you'll get the Rise of Nations for the same price as splitting a 4-pack.
Send me a PM if interested.
If this is not allowed here, I'll erase this post. Thanks
NOTE: Both copies can be activated no matter the region even if they have a warning .Already gifted a copy and it activated just fine.
Which makes a trade for games that cost 3.74 pretty good.Rise of Nations was just $5 yesterday on steam.
Rise of Nations was just $5 yesterday on steam.
Which makes a trade for games that cost 3.74 pretty good.
Hmm i read that as 1 copy for 2 games. My mistake.
Not planning on getting too much this year, but I reeeeally wanna try Road Redemption, as I'm a big Road Rash fan. $12.99 at 35% off is the lowest it's ever been, but is there any chance for it to become a daily?
Is there a chance of ____ being a daily is always the same answer.
Maybe. Unless you have to have it now, what's the harm in waiting to see?
For a hack and slash solo fix...Gauntlet,Sacred 3 or Grim Dawn even ?...
How is Sacred 3?
Steam sales are fine. I just own most of the things I want.
How is Sacred 3?
This becomes a big problem after a couple of sales. I mean, I am about to reach 1300 games and my completion rate is 46% with only 49 perfect games...
Please please PLEASE put Wolfenstein on sale!
Grim Dawn, easily.
It's still in early access though.
It's bad, you'd rather buy the older ones.
Okay thanks...and where are you guys seeing LP 3 for 3 bucks...? I could of sworn it was like 13 when I checked this morning...
I just hit 900 myself. I'm not sure what my % completion is now though.