You were always suggesting FlyVPN. What happened?
Spotflux is US-based. FlyVPN is for everywhere else.
You were always suggesting FlyVPN. What happened?
I wonder. Am I on some blocklist because I won too much in the past? I am sure I entered the Unhack giveaway almost the second it was posted lol
Jonny Cappuccino:
triple ds... could be large breasts
just sayin'
I think I entered during the same minute it was posted?
Also for the Groupees BM17:
triple ds... could be large breasts
just sayin'
Witcher becomes more interesting once I left the swamps. The game spent too much time there.
If I remember correctly the entire chapter 2 was in the swamps, and it was a lengthy chapter
I almost decided to drop the game, then I made it to the village.That is the only crappy part of the game, I hated it. And you need to return here if you want to complete some sides, I totally skipped them, since they are useless.
I can't make up my mind on that Humble Bundle. I'm locked in at $6 for the BTA, which isn't a bad price for Magic 2015 and the expansion, but that's the only thing in the entire bundle that interests me.
I can't make up my mind on that Humble Bundle. I'm locked in at $6 for the BTA, which isn't a bad price for Magic 2015 and the expansion, but that's the only thing in the entire bundle that interests me.
Well, you can probably wait until next week and see what games are added.
That's very good to hear.I think the worst thing here is the layout. Because you can't go from point A to point B in a direct line, need to find the right way between trees that serve like a wall. I wanted drop the game here too, luckily when you complete that section, the rest of the game is really good, you won't face nothing like this again.
just popping in to say, that are new hints for groupees be mine 17.
.)aaand back to work (._
The hell? xD
Yes, me too. I love character creators. I put so much time in Secret World and DC Universe Online in character creation and adaption to new items. I can't wait for Black Desert!Man, I don't know if I have it in me to play another MMO, but I want that game just to spend hours in the character creator.
Confirmation of Trades: (?)
Enabled - You will receive an email to confirm trade offers which move items from your account.
Disabled - You will not be required to confirm trades and will not receive email about trades. Steam Support will also not provide you with any assistance in recovering items that were stolen from your account, for any reason.
So there is new option in inventory privacy settings
So there is new option in inventory privacy settings
How is this allowed on Steam?
If the art assets come from the game then it's either copyright infringement OR requires you to have a copy of the base game (in which case it won't be function for the vast majority of people on Steam and there's no indication on the store page). I guess if the art assets are original then it might be OK, but it's still totally bizarre to be available on Steam.
Of couse releasing the game with original Caesar III resources is illigal and that's why CaesarIΛ in it's early stage is released as a mod and you need to have a license for C3 in order to use it's resources. But work on adding our own recources (and you can see some of them in the game already) including models, textures, music, etc.
I mean this in the utmost heterosexual way. You're a pretty good looking man.
Now I wonder what JaseC, zkylon, Turf, etc looks like.
Steam stats now have average speeds for each ISP if you click on a country in the map:
And it's enabled by default. Excellent.
Edit: Changing the setting requires e-mail confirmation also. I was a little worried for a second there.
You're not the only one.
This is how email for confirmation looks:
Did you have to enter the cryptic captcha text too?
Well the Windows Day of Reckoning is upon us. Anyone else going to tune in to watch some folks hopes and dreams crushed?
For some reason I can't open Grid Autosport's store page, anyone else facing the same problem?
Well the Windows Day of Reckoning is upon us. Anyone else going to tune in to watch some folks hopes and dreams crushed?
Well the Windows Day of Reckoning™ is upon us. Anyone else going to tune in to watch some folks hopes and dreams crushed?
Well the Windows Day of Reckoning is upon us. Anyone else going to tune in to watch some folks hopes and dreams crushed?
Nah, I prefer to read summaries after the fact. Especially since it also gives time for more in depth articles on specific announcements to be published.
New Be Mine 17 clues: No idea what they mean.
Running Man with Scarf = Strider
(I wish)
It's a lie. I want it to be Strider, and so do you![]()
New Be Mine 17 clues: No idea what they mean.
Wait, this game is on Steam?
This is the only Sokal game I'm missing to play, was on Steam and I didn't know :l
I mean, I know some says is really terrible, maybe his worst game at all, but I need to play it soon or later.