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STEAM | June 2015 II - Click the Monsters You Monster

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So this just recently came out:

that seems like the type of thing that would go against the consumer friendly laws of the EU which is the main reason this refund thing came about in the first place

SO want choice but against choice. That picture is saying you have a choice to enable cards (before the two hours up) and giving up your ability to refund it OR you can wait the two hours refund or keep.

Silly EU!


Wondering how long it will take to get the refund money back. Requested a refund last friday, refund got accepted 2 hours after, but nothing yet.
Played more of the PS4 Arkham Knight and all is well...also played a bit of DMC4:SE on PC and outside of me being god awful at combos I haven't had any issues at all with how it plays


After my post about not being able to beat the tutorials in Elite Dangerous I installed Ass Creed Unity and have put in 15 hours over three days. I don't get what all the fuss was about - easily the best Ass Creed yet. So pretty and always something fun to do within a minute of you.

Keen to try Rogue once I'm done.

I also realised while writing this that I'm the type of gamer GAF hates. Oops.


After my post about not being able to beat the tutorials in Elite Dangerous I installed Ass Creed Unity and have put in 15 hours over three days. I don't get what all the fuss was about - easily the best Ass Creed yet. So pretty and always something fun to do within a minute of you.

Keen to try Rogue once I'm done.

I also realised while writing this that I'm the type of gamer GAF hates. Oops.

It's worth noting that they have probably patched a lot of the significant bugs that plagued the game at release.

Man, steam got blocked at work. Really annoying.

Steam was always blocked at my work, but they did just start blocking GAF not long ago.


I just noticed this on the Steam hardware page:


Might want to pre-order if you were thinking about doing that. 12% left on the Steam store.

If you wanted to go through Gamestop, they're done taking orders for the October shipment:
Orders prior to 6/24/2015 will ship by 10/16/2015. All orders after 6/23/2015 will ship on 11/10/2015.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Press F to pay respects to dancing.

I really hope they patched dancing back in, it was the best part of the whole game. They removed a lot of the things that made the game interesting because of all the crying. It's a damn shame.

Revelations Update 13.1 Live
JANUARY 17, 2013 - NOSAJ
-Fixed Ragdoll collision
-Fixed Secondary Fire Animations not playing
-Fixed Battlegrounds Minion Selection and Command bugs
-Fixed Battlegrounds cursor bugs
-Fixed Player Collision while knocked down
-Fixed Team Demon Hud not Showing
-Fixed Bots not ducking arrows first level
-Decreased difficulty for Easy mode
-Added Instructional Hints in game
-Increased Secondary Blaze radius
-Added Dancing back

Well, looks like we're playing this again.
After my post about not being able to beat the tutorials in Elite Dangerous I installed Ass Creed Unity and have put in 15 hours over three days. I don't get what all the fuss was about - easily the best Ass Creed yet. So pretty and always something fun to do within a minute of you.

Keen to try Rogue once I'm done.

I also realised while writing this that I'm the type of gamer GAF hates. Oops.

You installed the game after several months worth of patches had come out to fix and stabilize the game's performance. This probably had something to do with your more positive initial impressions. I myself am looking forward to playing it eventually. There are a few AC fans in the Steam thread.


Mine is pretty and pink

On more serious note, we really got 0 new people after the steam sale?
We are so doomed by the community side.

I'm relativily new, joined in april but we can say I joined after summer sale to make the statistics look better.
Eh. Sent a ticket yesterday to Steam for removing my DE version of Borderlands but I still got no answer :/

How long does this usually take?


Mine is pretty and pink
This is the answer I got from support after asking why the vanishing of ethan carters refund page said it was fully reunded and they repsonded with this email.
"Hej Albin,

Tack för att du har kontaktat Steam Support.

Vi har tagit bort spelet från ditt konto och återbetalat beloppet till din Steam wallet/plånbok. Krediten kan användas för framtida Steam-inköp.

För att se ditt Steam wallet-saldo gör så här:
-Logga in på ditt Steam-konto.
-Det tillgängliga saldot visas i det övre högra hörnet bredvid "[ditt användarnamn]'s konto".
-I de flesta fall visas det nya beloppet automatiskt på ditt konto.
-Om du inte ser det kan det ta upp till två timmar för transaktionen att helt genomföras.

Detta var en engångsföreteelse och att vi normalt inte ger återbetalningar enligt Steam Subscriber Agreement.

Normalt erbjuder vi inte återbetalning för köp som görs i Steambutiken. Men vi kommer att göra ett undantag och återbetalning titlar som fortfarande är listade som tillgängliga för förhandsköp på Steambutiken. Begäran om återbetalning skall ha inkommit före det officiella releasedatumet. Du kan se när titeln är planerad att släppas genom att titta på Steambutikens spelsida.

Detta gäller endast förhandsköp från ditt konto. Förhandsköp mottagna eller skickade via Steam Trading-systemet kan inte återbetalas. Vi erbjuder inte återbetalningar för Early Access-spel.

Hör gärna av dig igen om du behöver ytterligare information.

Vänliga hälsningar,
Steam Support"

Which is the old refund thing :/

How did steam just remove a game they already removed and told me "don't do this again"?

Like seriously steam support can you get any worse?

EDIT: I refunded it and the page said the money should already have been sent, but it's said that for like 8-9 days and it was supposed to take a week so I asked them abnout it, nothing more.


This is the answer I got from support after asking why the vanishing of ethan carters refund page said it was fully reunded and they repsonded with this email.

Which is the old refund thing :/

How did steam just remove a game they already removed and told me "don't do this again"?

Like seriously steam support can you get any worse?

They probably didn't update those messages. You're supposed to (be able to) use new system anyway.


Mine is pretty and pink
I'll be using GMG's refund thing as soon as the next patch for BAK hits.

Won't even open the game up again until then, fuck WB, rocksteady and IG.

Dr Dogg

I might have to tap Amazon up for a refund on AK which I imagine will be no questions asked. Wonder how they'd remove it from my Steam account though as I doubt they'd be doing that. Might end up being a sort of win-win situation.


Mine is pretty and pink
Holy fucking shit. This is just plain sad and depressive.


Did they really take their time and removed things as well as fucking up the port.

The fuck ;-;

I might have to tap Amazon up for a refund on AK which I imagine will be no questions asked. Wonder how they'd remove it from my Steam account though as I doubt they'd be doing that. Might end up being a sort of win-win situation.

They tell WB that key is cancelled, WB tells steam that the key is cancelled and then they remove it from your account.

I like this way because WB has to tell steam that all those steam keys are refunded :D


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
So I'm getting started on putting together the July OT and need some game recommendations for stuff that's releasing next month. According to Steam, the releases next month are a little thin. I've already got:
  • Rocket League - iosafe
  • How to Survive: Third Person Standalone - jshackles
But here are a few others games coming out next month that might be interesting:
Anyone is free to write about any game they're interested in, as long as it's coming out on Steam in July. Please PM me with your suggestions on or before Monday so that I have time to include them in the next OP.
I might have to tap Amazon up for a refund on AK which I imagine will be no questions asked. Wonder how they'd remove it from my Steam account though as I doubt they'd be doing that. Might end up being a sort of win-win situation.
Port remains awful, no one wins.


I'm starting tot hink that in each year there'll be 1 PC game that i buy for over $20 that I regret getting.
Last year's was Thief 2014 (though I should give it another chance)
This year it is currently Batman AK.
I may give Bats AK a few patches and try again and hopefully it'll be a bearable port by then.

Dr Dogg

I would rustle up a recommendation for something but I'm so busy with work and life at the moment that I doubt i'd have time. Might send you something mid moth if that's ok shacks?

Port remains awful, no one wins.

Eh, I played and own worse, much worse. We'll see how things pan out in a month but damage is already done to the reputation of all concerned that I don't know how bothered they will be to restore that much lost good will. Still looking at the EG/DF thread and seeing the missing foliage textures and few other omissions from the PC version over the PS4 counterpart has me chuckling.
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