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STEAM | June 2015 - Wait for the Steam Sale Thread You Bastards!

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For those interested, here is an AutoHotKey script that lets you continuously click somewhere while holding the left mouse button down for more than half a second:

    KeyWait LButton, T0.5
    If ErrorLevel
        While GetKeyState("LButton", "P"){
            Sleep 25

You're the man!
ok then... won't bother with this


Is this how all of them are? There's nothing really happening. It's you clicking on an enemy while your health drains. That's it.

You are doing it wrong, download autohotkey before you hurt yourself. You are not supposed to actually "play" clicker games. :p


Open Notepad
Paste Code
Save as <something>.ahk

Once you install AutoHotKey you can also right-click on the folder/desktop and then go to New and AutoHotKey script. Name it something, double-click it and paste what jshackles posted. Then save, exit and double-click the script to run it.


Anyone here know if any of the DLC for Earth Defence Force is worth getting? Do they break the game or anything?

Also, doesn't the new refund policy defeat the whole purpose of the "wait for dailies" thing? Valve said that you could refund a game if it goes on sale for cheaper shortly after buying it, so I wonder if that would still apply to the Summer Sale.
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