"Nothing for Vita" was included just to make the list look credible.
I want to believe, just from the meltdowns of people that haven't accepted the handheld is truly dead.
"Nothing for Vita" was included just to make the list look credible.
But yeah, Oblivion With Guns 3 was terrible. Haven't bothered with Oblivion With Guns 3: New Vegas because of it. I don't get why people are hyped for Skyrim with Guns 4, but...
I want to believe, just from the meltdowns of people that haven't accepted the handheld is truly dead.
E3 leak. Take it with a buttload of salt. Most of it soudns totally ridiculous.
"Nothing for Vita" was included just to make the list look credible.
there's been nothing for the Vita at E3 for years. The last memorable reveal was Murasaki's Baby, a 2 hour digital download that went free on ps+ last month.
If it wasn't for the occasional Dangapongpapapaa release, the occasional indie crossbuy dump, and a quirky JRPG here or there the thing would be deader than dead.
There are still anonouncements for new games coming all the time. Corpse Party, EDF and SOA just in the last weeks. There doesn't even need to be anything at E3 proper. It's not dead, as much as everyone likes to believe that.
I understand what you're saying, when played Skyrim I hardly cared about the main quest and I spend mostly of my time modding and exploring the places of the world until I grew bored of all the dungeons filled with draugr and random dragons encounters every time I arrived at a city, it was like the oblivion gates in Oblivion, killed my enjoyment of fthe game after some time.
The environment of Fallout is way more interesting than generic high fantasy. That's one of the appeals of the Fallout games.
YES. MOTHERFUCKING. GWENT.And next two W3 DLCs (will be out next week)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 'Ballad Heroes' Neutral Gwent Card Set
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Fool's Gold
i mean, it is, but the strength of the fallout series has always been writing, quest design and general character systemsThe environment of Fallout is way more interesting than generic high fantasy. That's one of the appeals of the Fallout games.
mods can't really fix a bad game, that's just all there is to it
i won't complain about skyrim because it's not my kind of game but considering fallout is my favorite series and fo3 is complete shit in so many aspects that were 100% fixed in new vegas thanks to having ppl capable of writing interesting dialogue, balancing the game around interesting character systems, designing good quests with multiple ways of being solved and creating a believable universe that deals with varied themes and is capable of being darkly humorous and also very poignant and thought provoking, i duno...
doesn't even make me too upset. like, would be awesome if beth gave the license to a developer capable of doing it justice but ehh, who gives a shit
The environment of Fallout is way more interesting than generic high fantasy. That's one of the appeals of the Fallout games.
The environment of Fallout is way more interesting than generic high fantasy. That's one of the appeals of the Fallout games.
I don't know what any of that is. Unless there is a Sons of Anarchy port coming to Vita.
Try it, it's lots and lots if fun once you got the hang of it.Didn't play gwent once. Ok I did but I cancelled out as soon as I saw the board.
Sons of AnimeIt's just anime trash
"Monster Hunter 5"
I don't believe the list after seeing that
The PS4 footage was captured on a potato though
it's kind of depressing to see your favorite series be transformed into something that looks like a parody of itself and then be praised by everyone, yeahI understand you being mad at Bethesda because it's your favorite series, so I guess I'm look because I only played the first Fallout and New Vegas. :/
New Vegas question: does the game let you play the DLC post-endgame or is there some sort of point of no return where i could screw myself out of playing the DLC? I justand, man, looking at the table of contents for most of the guides out there it's actually pretty tough to figure out approximately where i stand in the main quests and how much i have left.killed Mr House after having upgraded his bots and have put Yes Man in his place, installing myself as the new leader of New Vegas
The PS4 footage was captured on a potato though
no post-game
there's a point of no return that's like HEY THIS STARTS THE LAST MISSION OK?
up until then you can do all the dlc
If you receive an update for DiRT Rally today please do not download it. If your Steam auto updates then please don't run it.
Look's like we've hit our first rock in the road and you could potentially lose your save game.
We'll update you later on our progress
E3 leak. Take it with a buttload of salt. Most of it soudns totally ridiculous.
We already knew that though, where have you been?
New Star Ocean?
cool, thanks. Also, given my spoiler, could you give me an idea of how much of the main quests do i have left? I just want to know where i stand overall in the game.
looks beautiful, lots of cool areas and very colorful which is great considering how shit fo3 specially and also new vegas looked
also like always bethesda seems to have a good grasp of how to make something look "fallouty" without really being it