Fallout with actual colors, heh.
Fallout with actual colors, heh.
you're pretty close to the end of the main story. probably around 80% or so
there's a lot of sidequests in new vegas but once you get there it's pretty close to the end of the game, main story wise
EDIT Already ruined
bethesda obviously has a really good idea of how to make a game look like fallout, but the actual concept of what fallout is escapes them entirely (or they choose to ignore it) so beth just puts the elders scrolls formula in the universe of fallout and calls it a dayWell they are leaning very heavily on the icons established within the series. Rocket ships, pip boy, power armor, Mr. Handy, Vaults. A bunch of things that have been codified as "Fallout".
Any recommendations for must have New Vegas mods? Not looking for anything crazy, just stuff that enhances the base game.
the game has a couple shitty quests and shitty areas but for the most part it's very creative and varied, specially when you take the dlc into accountCrazy, i'm only 16 hours in and I haven't been doing just the main missions, i've been doing the occasional side mission whenever it strikes me. Maybe it's to the game's credit that i've spent this much time with it but it still seems fresh and enjoyable.
I assume there are more colors in Fallout 4 due to being later in the timeline?
Well at least we can be sure there won't be any visual downgrades with F4.
bethesda obviously has a really good idea of how to make a game look like fallout, but the actual concept of what fallout is escapes them entirely (or they choose to ignore it) so beth just puts the elders scrolls formula in the universe of fallout and calls it a day
I'm probably the last person who would defend a beth RPG but good god who are these blind people who are saying that this game looks last gen and that it's fallout 3 HD? The fuck, i want to violently shake them until i am forcibly separated from them by a handful of strong individuals.
I'm probably the last person who would defend a beth RPG but good god who are these blind people who are saying that this game looks last gen and that it's fallout 3 HD? The fuck, i want to violently shake them until i am forcibly separated from them by a handful of strong individuals.
i hate fo3 because it's a really bad fallout game in that it fails at everything that's important for a fallout game, but if you like skyrim or whatever and found fo3 to be what you wanted out of a skyrim-esque post-apoc game then good for youI guess if I had zkylon's experience with the first games, I'd understand.
But I liked 3 and I am hyped for 4
i mean, that's not bad, necessarily?![]()
They are literally just adding images that you would see in a fallout game to their new thing to say "THIS IS FALLOUT". They aren't making something that looks like fallout, they are making a thing and then writing FALLOUT in big bold letters all over the place.
yup, it looks gorgeousI'm probably the last person who would defend a beth RPG but good god who are these blind people who are saying that this game looks last gen and that it's fallout 3 HD? The fuck, i want to violently shake them until i am forcibly separated from them by a handful of strong individuals.
New Star Ocean?
Fallout 4:
Love it being set in the northeast and Boston in particular.
Do not love that it appears to still be using gamebryo.
Will smash.
Will bang.
Will smag.
The hell does "smag" mean.
I guess that Fallout 4 is done in idTech 5 (looks like that) so no modding i guess.
The hell does "smag" mean.
I guess that Fallout 4 is done in idTech 5 (looks like that) so no modding i guess.
While the trailer does look nice, I don't think Bethesda would be crazy enough to make that large of a sacrifice. Modding is what helps keep their games going on PC, and if they wanted to be Patient Zero for paid mods on Steam, you can bet one of their top priorities for FO4 is moddability.
If that's idTech5 then it's doing an amazing gamebryo impression.
Well it looks like RAGE and i think that Doom is done in idTech 6 (we can notice PBR in that 10 second teaser) so i am pretty sure that Fallout 4 is idTech 5. It makes sense they probably worked for year on Fallout 4 and idTech 6 is relatively new.
I guess that Fallout 4 is done in idTech 5 (looks like that) so no modding i guess.
Quick question.
Buying Mass Effect 2 DLC (bioware points) off of Amazon - can I still use the DLCs for my Steam version of ME2?
I don't see why not. The DLC needed Bioware Social network before the Origin change anyway.
I guess that Fallout 4 is done in idTech 5 (looks like that) so no modding i guess.
E3 leak. Take it with a buttload of salt. Most of it soudns totally ridiculous.
If that's the case then idtech 5 was a trash engine and Bethisda should have never acquired id.Not a chance.
It's gamebryo/creation engine, with an updated renderer.
please don't post stupid obviously fake crap. here is the first of many reasons you can tell it is fake: the person claims to be someone who loads up the teleprompter for e3 conferences. problem alert: the conferences actually are not part of e3, they are independent events organized at many different venues across LA. therefor there is no one person who would have access to multiple shows teleprompters, unless that person had a job at every theatre separately, which would not be the case. here's the second of many reasons you can tell it is fake: most of the items on the list use european-style capitalization (capitalizing the first word of a title, not the rest). this is a habit that is very quickly corrected upon living in the US, so it is doubtful the person that wrote the list lives in the US. this is without even looking at the content of the list, which is chock full of nonsense.
generally if you are going to post a rumour, do so because you're willing to be responsible for it if it doesn't end up true. if you don't believe it, don't post it.
Well it looks like RAGE and i think that Doom is done in idTech 6 (we can notice PBR in that 10 second teaser) so i am pretty sure that Fallout 4 is idTech 5. It makes sense they probably worked for year on Fallout 4 and idTech 6 is relatively new.
i hate fo3 because it's a really bad fallout game in that it fails at everything that's important for a fallout game, but if you like skyrim or whatever and found fo3 to be what you wanted out of a skyrim-esque post-apoc game then good for you