my geralt was pretty much into screwing with everyone
all that lovey dovey stuff doesn't fit the white wolf
There's never enough cute anime skins, all games should have cute anime skins !
i mean just saying
there's one moba that has like the cute anime skins and like a billion players and makes like a billion moneys every month
while the other mobas slowly die and moba number two even has its players pay their pros because of how awful their business is going. and like moba number two doesn't even have a single cute anime skin. not even one
i dont think so
i dont name any names to avoid hurting ppl
Sorry zky, that probably was a bad joke (about sleep), but it was meant just as a joke, trust me.
As for lists of reasons, I think you know those well yourself, like summer sale is coming I need some cash, let's refund some games, or there is a new game I would like to play, I can get refund on this game I finished and so on. It's painfully obvious and I don't feel like arguing just because of argument.
you can only refund something you bought two weeks ago and that you barely even played, which basically prevent those two scenarios from happening, at least in their majority
i'm asking for examples because it's not painfully obvious
You know why most hackings and ddoses happen, don't you? because people can and there are loopholes. That's true for everything, literally everything. Aren't we all abusing the hell of price mistakes? And if we consider stamgaf being a better part of humanity just think to what lengths the rest goes?
What I'm saying, leaving wide alley for people to abuse things is just stupid.
1) neogaf does not represent the majority of the steam userbase. as an example, fallout 4 is one the top sellers list at full price. i have a pretty good number of friends on steam and only one has bought it (and that one is a dumbo), cos ppl here only buy things on discounts and don't even preorder all that much. the majority of ppl on steam tho, they just went "fallout 4 is cool, i'll just buy it!". rare things like exploiting holes in a system or price errors or whatever require ppl to be really up to date with those opportunities which isn't the majority of ppl
2) there's not a wide alley for abusing things, i duno why you have that impression.
the two week thing ensures i can't return old games i bought like max payne 3, the two hour thing means i cannot like finish most games and return them and whatever system they have in place that tracks if you're abusing refunds will prevent you from abusing it enough times to really make a negative impact.
And consider another thing, if abuse is wide spread devs will try to make their games to last more than two hours by any means necessary, and they might do that by slowing games, adding awkward pauses and if you liked well enough some one hour long indie game, you most likely won't like the same game lasting 3-4 hours just because. have you thought about that?
if abuse is wide spread then valve can just make the changes necessary to counteract that abuse by say, lock out selling a game's cards until you have played the minimum two hours, or make it so there's a max number of refunds you can do per year, or tighten up their exploit-detection system, or make it so it's an hour instead of two, etc.