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STEAM | March 2015 - Have you seen MRORANGE?

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Did you read? There is no actual refund going on.

But did you read the actual law?

The law(s) in question is Consumer Rights Directive or Consumer Contracts Regulations, I see both pop up talking about the same thing and they go hand in hand I think.

It's a pretty bad law when it comes to digital stuff anyway, you have a 14 day cooling off period... but you can't use the digital goods as the retailer is not meant to supply it to you until after 14 days. Unless you give your express consent for them to do so, which is this.
as bad as my experience with windows 8 was, at least it's not as bad as vista. what a shitshow holy shit.

Dr Dogg

I'll take this challenge
my checklist for a good OS, in perfect world

Has to be as small and unobtrusive as it is possible - fails
Has to have module structure and initial install has to be as barebones as it is possible, enough for running software and system itself, all flashy stuff and unnecessary clatter has to be downloadable content - fails
it shouldn't assume that user is a very little advanced monkey - fails

my checklist disagrees with you ;)

Audit Mode and System Prep can sort all of your little worries out :p. A simple unattended xml file gives you lots and lots of control of how you want your system set up.

Fuck Volvo, that's fucking horrible, if you install the game or download it then you forfeit the refund period. So for instance if you buy a game, and it's crap and not supported and it won't run on your computer because it only works on Windows XP you are screwed.

GOG and Origin do actual refunds, this is just the usual Volvo crap, I hate Volvo a little more every passing day >.<
Mouse acceleration was broken with 8.1 Update 1 but that's fixed. I am not aware of any other remaining serious problems that were a result of these updates.

well I definitely know there is an existing problem with FIFA World that requires you to run in compatibility mode, so that's one obscure problem right there I know about. Not gonna upgrade and try and find out more problems.

edit: it's obscure because no one plays fifa world. hehe.


Did you read the catch? Buying waives your right for the refund.

But did you read the other catch? According to EU law, unless you waive that right, digital services cannot (or can choose not to. not sure) provide you with the digital service / goods you have purchased until the 14 days of refund rights are over.

Now that's some BS


Wait so from that thread.. You can only get a refund within 14 days if you dong install the game?

Apparently. This is good for the idiots with buyer's remorse, the other idiots who got drunk ( I confess to being an idiot), not the poor sops who bought broken games.


Fuck Volvo, that's fucking horrible, if you install the game or download it then you forfeit the refund period. So for instance if you buy a game, and it's crap and not supported and it won't run on your computer because it only works on Windows XP you are screwed.

GOG and Origin do actual refunds, this is just the usual Volvo crap, I hate Volvo a little more every passing day >.<

That's the thing, you only need to purchase to forfeit the refund period (reading that thread). Which is why I don't understand why that thread is titled the way it is. I mean, you can't ask a refund for something you didn't purchase, and purchasing something waives that refund window.


Did you read the catch? Buying waives your right for the refund.

It did so before, wording was just changed.


jshackels you need to make an Enhanced Steam thingie that gives you the lowest request price of a card on your same inventory





it's pretty obvious so im guessing its hard/impossible to implement

I did userscript for this awhile back: https://gist.github.com/nikop/a80168b747a9693b9175/raw/steam_market.user.js


I get the whole "disable updates" thing, or at least, automatic ones. How often do you see a new update completely fucking up people's installs? Even once is enough to make you wary.

Dr Dogg

Fuck Volvo, that's fucking horrible, if you install the game or download it then you forfeit the refund period. So for instance if you buy a game, and it's crap and not supported and it won't run on your computer because it only works on Windows XP you are screwed.

GOG and Origin do actual refunds, this is just the usual Volvo crap, I hate Volvo a little more every passing day >.<

Eh not really to be fair it's horribly worded all round (then again what legalese isn't).

Here's the score, Distance Selling Regulations which came into effect in 2000 were aimed at giving the consumer the same protection of a purchase they would have bought in a store and could hold in their hands to make a purchase and gave you 7 days to return an item bought blind over distance (ie internet shopping, catalogues and such like). Of course it didn't really account for software let alone digital downloads and was more for physical goods that if they turned up and were not to you're liking because all you saw was a picture of it you had a cooling off period to return the item. This was superseded last year by the Consumer Contracts Regulations which does explicitly mention digital items like music, movies, ebooks and software. This also has an addition regards to you're right to cancel for downloads. Basically you can cancel you order at anytime within the 14 day period provided you haven't downloaded it and the guidance states that you must agree to waive your rights to a refund upon downloading said item.

So in short refunds are 14 days from point of delivery but only if you haven't downloaded/installed said item. See it as you can't try before you buy or install and beat a game and then get your money back. Though the upon purchase waiver seems to go against this but hey it could be a cock up or could be Valve trying it on but that doesn't change legislation so will be interesting to see how this works in actual practice and said support horror stories.

Now if the product is faulty that is a whole other ball game but considering near 130 year UK legislation being in place regards to products not fit for purpose and the customer being entitled to a refund Valve has continually ignored this unless you really pushed their support, even with direct quotes of legislation. If this doesn't end with 'but you waived your rights to a refund' support tickets on faulty goods I'll be bloody surprised.
you kidding, right?
you know that there are bugs fixed years after win release? They never released fully finished OS in my knowledge.

I had a customer complaining about windows updates past week, according to her it was useless and were just messing with her productivity because the laptop could take some time to turn off while installing the updates. /facepalm


Honestly, I'm more worried with 14 days return no ask policy from EUtopia. More law on Steam usually mount less fun Steam become.
They start being stringent, we lost cross region trading.

God knows what counter measuere they will put when 14 days refund policy become mandatory. Always ON policy? No card before 14 days? Automatic compulsory hardware data collection?

I'd rather people can think for themselves (a tall order, I know). I prefer my Steam have less law tbh. But what do I know. ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯
I had to fresh install my OS this preceding February and Windows 8.1 has been a pleasant experience, mostly. Before that, I was running Windows 7.

It boots up faster for me and I find nothing about it to be irritating at all. In fact, most programs load up faster too.

The only downside is the window & start thing, but otherwise it has been good. Every game I have works so I have no issue on the games front too. Oh, the need to enter my password was annoying at first, but I got used to it so it doesn't bother me anymore.


I had to fresh install my OS this preceding February and Windows 8.1 has been a pleasant experience, mostly. Before that, I was running Windows 7.

It boots up faster for me and I find nothing about it to be irritating at all. In fact, most programs load up faster too.

The only downside is the window & start thing, but otherwise it has been good. Every game I have works so I have no issue on the games front too. Oh, the need to enter my password was annoying at first, but I got used to it so it doesn't bother me anymore.

There are ways to disable that if you'd like. Just search for it.


Honestly, I'm more worried with 14 days return no ask policy from EUtopia. More law on Steam usually mount less fun Steam become.
They start being stringent, we lost cross region trading.

God knows what counter measuere they will put when 14 days refund policy become mandatory. Always ON policy? No card before 14 days? Automatic compulsory hardware data collection?

I'd rather people can think for themselves (a tall order, I know). I prefer my Steam have less law tbh. But what do I know. ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯

I really need to work, but man, I can't let it slide.
So you say people shouldn't expect refunds because volvo is some vengeful spirit? Seriously? If you were to buy a machine gun that blows in your hands, you wouldn't want some compensation?
What's so different about video games that people are constantly this apologetic and spineless?


I'll take this challenge
my checklist for a good OS, in perfect world

Has to be as small and unobtrusive as it is possible - fails
Has to have module structure and initial install has to be as barebones as it is possible, enough for running software and system itself, all flashy stuff and unnecessary clatter has to be downloadable content - fails
Has to be fast - somewhat checks
Has to be compatible with most of software and games - somewhat checks
Has to have 0 commercialization of any kind - fails big time.
it shouldn't assume that user is a very little advanced monkey - fails

my checklist disagrees with you ;)

forgot most important thing (><)

has to be bug free - epic fail


Just out of interest, what OS ticks most of those boxes for you? Some Unix variants probably tick many of those boxes but completely fail on some of them like software and game support (unless by software support you mean couple of specific programs you need and nothing else).


Majority of this Windows talk has me firmly face palming.

Updates are good and necessary people. Win 8.1 is better than win 8 by a landslide. Win 8.1 is a better gaming OS than Win 7.


I get the whole "disable updates" thing, or at least, automatic ones. How often do you see a new update completely fucking up people's installs? Even once is enough to make you wary.

Admittedly MS' quality control was somewhat lacking in recent times and they had to pull two or three updates. But looking back at 30 years of PC use starting with DOS and Win3.11 I overall had so little issues compared to the benefits that I don't really care. A good backup strategy, which everyone should have no matter what, helps too.
Honestly, I'm more worried with 14 days return no ask policy from EUtopia. More law on Steam usually mount less fun Steam become.
They start being stringent, we lost cross region trading.

God knows what counter measuere they will put when 14 days refund policy become mandatory. Always ON policy? No card before 14 days? Automatic compulsory hardware data collection?

I'd rather people can think for themselves (a tall order, I know). I prefer my Steam have less law tbh. But what do I know. ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯

Sounds like a good opportunity. Someone could make a European DD service that offers 14-day full refunds with no questions asked. Surely nobody would abuse that by buying the game, finishing it, and then returning it...right?


It seems that the the Russian copies of Cities Skylines
Cities Skylines, dammit!!!
in GMG are actually ROW copies. Found someone that is selling them for cheap


Just out of interest, what OS ticks most of those boxes for you? Some Unix variants probably tick many of those boxes but completely fail on some of them like software and game support (unless by software support you mean couple of specific programs you need and nothing else).

you are right on all accounts, I'm somewhat fond of Unix based OSes, even if these have very little usefulness outside of tasks that they were created for. I also like some earlier MAC OSes, I simply can't stand any of new ones.


Revelations 2 is seriously good. So good that I've a feeling it might sneak into my top 5 at the end of the year. Just got Barry's final chapter to go, so gonna see if it sticks the landing.


I really need to work, but man, I can't let it slide.
So you say people shouldn't expect refunds because volvo is some vengeful spirit? Seriously? If you were to buy a machine gun that blows in your hands, you wouldn't want some compensation?
What's so different about video games that people are constantly this apologetic and spineless?

Listen. I don't want to convince anyone, that's Valve's PR job. I just want to say that 14-day policy is too wishful to not abused.
Your machine gun analogy is funny, but let's just roll with it. If I sold an Uzi, then someone who bought it blow his hand because he put 7.62×39mm rounds on it. I will return his money and pray for him, because I'm a good guy. But, if gunshop next door don't return his customer money (who also blowing a hand), I won't blame them and calling them greedy fuck.

Just looking at jshackles's posts about people complaining to him because their Intel 950m somehow can't run DayZ should give some pictures about the market condition.

However, just like I said before, I don't know anything. I'm born cynic toward both human and law. I won't say my opinion is the best. I just want to give some perspective. My perspective.

Edit: I'm all for people getting refunded for completely broken product. But let's admit it, PC space is pretty fragmented (and I like it that way), broken in AMD card might run flawlessly on Nvidia. What I hope being compulsory is demo version.
Everyone says that you should try with FlyVPN, but I will tell you something else. FlyVPN doesn't do much better. It is same problem when using it.
Everyone's guides tell us to disable the VPN before completing the purchase. But it doesn't work, the cart gets emptied when pressing the purchase button. But it doesn't get empties when the VPN is still active.
So I have never understood how other can buy locked games when they disable VPN, because it doesn't work.

The solution is to keep the VPN on, which all of you don't recommend, and complete the purchase. After the purchase, just change the password if you feel paranoid.

I quote you again because I think I've found a method that works for the paranoids like me.

Simply enable hola to add the game in the cart and click on paypal. When the page loads, just disable/delete the extension and log in paypal or open the link in another tab. It'll let you pay without using the VPN
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