I'll be honest too - I had left this game for dead. Not for opportunistic reasons, but mostly because I'm out of business.
I'd say that phrasing it as "taken the money" is a bit harsh, because there hasn't really been any. Chaos Ride's sales haven't even covered a twelfth of its development costs yet. To illustrate the point, if you bought the game in a bundle, then I made about 20c on your purchase, before tax.
The lack of sales had become such an issue that a couple of months ago, I had to shut my studio down and get a proper job. Practically speaking, this didn't leave much time to revisit my old indie projects, hence the lack of updates and the lack of a voice on the forums.
But please don't think that my not posting to the forums means that I'm not listening. I've read literally everything anyone has ever written about the game.
I don't know how it appears from the perspective of a consumer, but when you're a developer, managing a community for an unsuccessful game when you haven't the time to adequately address all the issues is like a daily kick in the teeth. Chaos Ride was getting so much hate from the user reviews that, at one point, I tried to have the game taken down from all the stores. IndieGameStand agreed, but Steam and Desura didn't, plus there are still a couple more bundles that I'm under contract to appear in, so the game has to remain online for the foreseeable future.
With this in mind, I made it a point to try and fix everything. I took some time off from work, and wrote an update to address every bug, feature request, and item of user feeedback about the game. I don't get a lot of free time outside of work, so I'd be lying if I said that "Super Mega Ultra Turbo Extreme Edition" was the prelude to many more updates of this magnitude. But I'll fix bugs and iterate where I can, and as you say, I'll make it a point to be more active in the forums.
Either way, people paid for the game, my name is on it, and for either of those reasons it was worth spending the time to make the game better. I hope you enjoy the new version.