Story wise I easily consider Arkham Origins to be stronger than Arkahm City. It's contained, it builds up a lot for that universe, and beyond the DLC extra, nothing of the story felt tacked on (for a comic book style tale) just to pad it out longer than it needed to be. To play first, as the prequel to Arkham Asylum, it works as well to start with even if you "lose abilities" if you are then playing the other games.
Game wise, and glitches aside, I honestly didn't feel Origins was any worse than City, as they both felt the same to me as I played them back to back just recently. Some minor things here and there, more indoor segments on one vs better boss fights in the former, but overall just very similar. Origins could feel worse by the fact any annoyances I had with City just continued on here, but that would happen if I had gone Origins to City as well.
Though I will give City the edge just because I actually felt like difficulty was more fine tuned here, where was Origins it never felt like it increased other than taking more damage (negated by "spam counter button").
Origins: Blackgate is the worst Arkham game though. Even the mobile phone games hold up better. I regret playing it so much.