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STEAM | March 2016 - This thread is badass

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im probably just getting older

harkens back to the oceanhorn post I made earlier today

as soon as that "old exposition dude" went THERE'S AN ANCIENT EVIL on a cutscene I just fucking groaned and quit the thing minutes after

Yeah, well... I'm gonna go build my own game, with ancient evil and blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the ancient evil!


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Enhanced Steam has been updated to version 8.3. This release includes the following changes:
  • Added a toggle to the market page to hide the list of individual games
  • Added a new feature that allows you to leave several groups at once without having to reload the page
  • Added a button to store pages to open that link in the Steam client
  • Added pricing support for Sila Games, Playfield, and Imperial Games
  • Added an option to disable automatically filtering guides by user language
  • Fixed the market page totals to work with listings placed on hold
  • Fixed a layout issue that caused header links not to show properly in the Steam header
  • Fixed a bug that caused regional price comparisons not to show if the first sub on the page is free
  • Fixed a bug that caused market sales totals not to display correctly
This update is available for Google Chrome and should update itself automatically within the next 60 minutes.

Firefox users, keep an eye on (and vote for) this Mozilla bug as this is holding up Enhanced Steam's progress in porting the new code into Mozilla's new APIs. When this bug is resolved, I can continue working on porting the newer versions of Enhanced Steam to Firefox.

As always, please let me know if you encounter any issues with this release.
Pre-Alpha Gameplay of the System Shock 1 Remake.


That looks fantastic and creepy. Love it :).


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
American folk (with children)... What is Common Core and why are you teaching your kids to subtract this way?

I'm an American folk with children and I've never heard of this. Asked my kids and they had never heard of it either. It just seems like arbitrary extra work to me, not sure if this is a real thing or not but if it is then it hasn't caught on at least in my small sample generational group.
No, I prefer System Shock 2 which is like the 1st but better in every way =/

They keep trying to change the way they teach math in grade school for some reason.

Indeed. I liked SS2 much more too and no way Bioshock with all its episodes comes close to the epicness and complexity of SS2.

I hope SS2 remake will be better than this 1:1 remake of SS1. They should add original gameplay or areas for its remake (and pls anything but Unity for it).



Looks good, though I'd prefer less saturated blues on the walls. I'm usually leading the "games should be more colorful" charge, but spaceship interiors should be less aggressively colored than that.

American folk (with children)... What is Common Core and why are you teaching your kids to subtract this way?

I always thought the "common core" was that thing in every Gradius boss that you have to shoot. :p

Yeah, well... I'm gonna go build my own game, with ancient evil and blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the ancient evil!

Go with ancient evil hookers. And blackjack.
Any game that has too much emphasis on CA MUST add an option to disable/enable it whther on PC or consoles. This CA forced trend must end.


Indeed. I liked SS2 much more too and no way Bioshock with all its episodes comes close to the epicness and complexity of SS2.

I hope SS2 remake will be better than this 1:1 remake of SS1. They should add original gameplay or areas for its remake (and pls anything but Unity for it).

They are already invested in Unity assets and development, so changing engines would be a massive waste of resources.


So much weird news coming from Microsoft these past couple weeks. Its like the Xbox division is going through a mid life crisis. Every bit of news sounds like a cry for help.
Damn, this looks awesome.
American folk (with children)... What is Common Core and why are you teaching your kids to subtract this way?
da heck...
2560x1440 OLED display
Woah, wasn't expecting wireless VR for some time...
the headset uses an AMD FX-8800P processor and Radeon R7 graphics with “AMD’s Graphics Core Next architecture
Console-quality graphics
makes me skeptical of what its graphics power will be without being hooked up to a desktop PC
Excitement boosters on maximal negative thrust


Smart smart or smart 'special'?

Smart smart, as in "gifted." It's abstraction, and isn't based on memorization. It's the better way to do math, especially quickly. It's just different, and scares people.

The harsh reality is most people don't actually need to learn math, especially as young as we teach them. But that's a different issue.


Nice. Sadly it uses Unity (as if it was targetted for mobile audience). I hope System Shock 3 sequel will use UE4 with latest techs.

The System Shock games never used cutting edge tech under the hood, I don't know what engine the first game ran on (probably the Ultima Underworld engine), but the Dark Engine was basically block-y crap when Thief used it, let alone SS2. If they want to keep that spirit, they'll use whatever best fits their needs from a mechanics standpoint, not what pushes rigs the hardest.


It's Unity.

But seriously, at this point who hasn't a Unity game horror story?

Meh, it's totally a case by case thing, most Unity games run well on PC. Writing off Unity as a whole makes no sense.

The gameplay video looks perfectly fine anyway, it's a huge leap over the original, and way more than I expected for what's probably a lower budget project.


im probably just getting older

harkens back to the oceanhorn post I made earlier today

as soon as that "old exposition dude" went THERE'S AN ANCIENT EVIL on a cutscene I just fucking groaned and quit the thing minutes after

You just not old enough yet (everything new is forgotten old post), you'll get over it, I did, I simply don't pay any attention to a story if it doesn't interest me and concentrate on gameplay instead, now if I find gameplay annoying, unsatisfactory or just not fun, that's basically it, it goes to huge Nope pile.
It's much worse with movies btw, as there is nothing else just what you already have seen or hear or read n times before


Mine is pretty and pink
Got to say it feels good to be able to lose myself in videogames again when I come home from school.
After my slump last year where I mostly forced myself to game and ended up hating it instead this really is an improvement.
Been playing danganronpa three days in a row on almost all of my free time and just forgetting about everything else.
Same happened with Stardew Valley last week which I will continue with when I'm finished with danganronpa, alreayd looking forward to it but danganronpa is just too good for me to switch between both at the moment.

I really hope this won't falter too quickly. Actually this whole thing came when I decided to change my mindset a bit after anxiety and depression leading to too many sick days over about a year gave me one hell of a wake-up call.
I decided that I should start focusing on something that I really want ( For me to get into uni and study Applied Physics and Electrical engineering which is a new goal I came up with when I decided for this change) which has completly changed how I both interact with others and look at what I'm supposed to do.
I've stopped saying I'm not enough and started looking at what I have to change in order to reach milestones and with that both my old hapiness is back and my love for games.

So really I do not believe the games was the problem (What I thougth last year) but more about the conditions I had outside of gaming that led to the slump I was in.

Well this post really didn't end up like I planned it to be, hope it's ok anyways.


pretty sure Hitman's online shit is directly affecting game performance

which is ridiculous

and stupid

havent seen such a great game hindered by stuff like this in a while

what a shame denton

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
that's awesome, Spirited! Keep up the good work! :)
Got to say it feels good to be able to lose myself in videogames again when I come home from school.
After my slump last year where I mostly forced myself to game and ended up hating it instead this really is an improvement.
Been playing danganronpa three days in a row on almost all of my free time and just forgetting about everything else.
Same happened with Stardew Valley last week which I will continue with when I'm finished with danganronpa, alreayd looking forward to it but danganronpa is just too good for me to switch between both at the moment.

I really hope this won't falter too quickly. Actually this whole thing came when I decided to change my mindset a bit after anxiety and depression leading to too many sick days over about a year gave me one hell of a wake-up call.
I decided that I should start focusing on something that I really want ( For me to get into uni and study Applied Physics and Electrical engineering which is a new goal I came up with when I decided for this change) which has completly changed how I both interact with others and look at what I'm supposed to do.
I've stopped saying I'm not enough and started looking at what I have to change in order to reach milestones and with that both my old hapiness is back and my love for games.

So really I do not believe the games was the problem (What I thougth last year) but more about the conditions I had outside of gaming that led to the slump I was in.

Well this post really didn't end up like I planned it to be, hope it's ok anyways.
Yeah don't force yourself to play games if you don't want to. Play at your own pace and you will be better for it.


Is that another Watch Dogs winlogon drm bottleneck fiasco type again ?

difference being this game is really really good

not losing my mind over it cause I have other stuff to play and since the game has an episodic format it's not like it's really halting my progress

but that aint no excuse


I'm honestly surprised Valve hasn't changed that behavior over user backlash yet. They specifically said items under $3 wouldn't need to be confirmed so most people assume it's just a bug. Whether it's a bug or not, I suspect it's further cutting down on their support issues (aside from the people who are putting in tickets saying "OMG This sux!") so it's likely here to stay, unfortunately.

The problem with Valve's position is that they don't care about trading, they introduced card trading as a nice social feature, where not getting all cards from the game, we trade with other people to get what we need for what they need socializing in the process, but as any company they don't care much about that because it gives them no money, so it's pretty obvious why they killed card trading like it is nothing.

Now one might think that they lose money by killing a card market and they will lose some.
I don't follow market so closely anymore, so maybe I'm wrong, but money they get from big sales of TF, doto and CS go items are bigger deal to them then what they make of cards and other cheap items, so of course they'll sacrifice part of those sales to protect their bigger income without doing much work or investing too much. That's why I don't see them rolling back, no amount of backslash will change existing situation, especially when community is divided and those who didn't do much card buying/selling or trading don't even care either way.

last but not least, people really don't fight valve as they should, as I said before it's a special situation, first all we invested a lot in games and can't take them if we decide to leave and I must say gamers are probably most complacent group I've seen too, can't say I know why, but that's how it looks to me. There are exceptions, but for the most part we were screwed many times over and there is always a big defence force for every horrible thing we have to endure in modern times. If all consumers were like gamers, we would be living in literal hell and slavery would be a thing still.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I'll say this: it's a dollar, but a dollar often gets you the lowest tier of a bundle.

I didn't enjoy this game. I played it in co-op with a friend who I play most of my co-op games with and have good times, regardless of relative game quality, and I didn't enjoy it.

If you look at the OT for the game, you'll find a lot of people praising many aspects of the gameplay, which is a bit of a shock for me as just about everything people were praising were things I especially hated. Chief among them, and I'm somewhat of a stickler with this one, your character's movement through space.

There are a few design schools when it comes to platforming physics, but I generally reduce them down to this: S/NES-era and PS1-era. S/NES-era is best embodied by many of the best Japanese platforming games that offer tight, responsive controls. PS1-era is represented by European platformers that rely on more forgiving physics to traverse the environment, or what is often pejoratively called "floaty."

With those two on either end of the spectrum, Outland is closer to the PS1-era design philosophy. It isn't as bad as some of the worst offenders, but it lacks the responsiveness I except from my platformers.

Beyond that, I don't think the gameplay gimmick (again, often used as a pejorative, but is not my intent here) is ever really explored in a satisfying way. Once you gain your main abilities, you basically use them in exactly the same way for hours and hours.

Also, the difficulty of the game is not from challenging platforming or skilled combat, but generally recognizing enemy patterns and slowly, slowly whittling down their health. The game is a constant battle of attrition and it's design decisions often mean you'll intentionally die just to get the health boost from a checkpoint. That's just bad design.

However, my opinions are my own here and have been somewhat generalized and intensified in the months since playing it, so your mileage may vary.



Outland just aged badly

it was novel and good for that at the time

it's release on PC just came at a time when many games did what it did, better

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I played Outland literally a few weeks ago for the first time with a friend. I thought it was good, not great, and I played co-op with a friend online, which was a lot of fun.

There are better Metroidvania platformers, but I do think one leg it has on others is the online co-op, which is a lot of fun, and the netplay was good with who I played with.
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