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STEAM | March 2016 - This thread is badass

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If only it were always that simple...

That's not actual probability then. A 90% shot should miss quite often, exactly 1/10 which is a lot.
(Fire Emblem) Yeah it's been the average of two 100 sided dice rolls since 2002 (note: man, that article is out of date). It hasn't really stopped the infamous complaints of "I just spent an hour in the arena maxing a units levels and they just died to a 3% critical hit coming from a 1% hit rate. They were one battle away from retirement..." though (in some way it just makes it more salty since it is even rarer). As for why this came into place I can't help but wonder if it due to following up from Thracia 776 where the where hit rates were never less than 1% or more than 99%. Also healing staffs could miss. The RNG could really love to hate you there and other gameplay features really did make it the Dark Souls(TM) of Fire Emblem.

Reminder that ShinyLoot is going dormant on March 17. If you have games there you want to back up , best to do it before then.
Github thingny if you want quick links for some terminal downloading or something:
Not useful for me as I only had Groupees SHINYLOOT BUNDLE 10 and looking there the only DRM free link that is missing is Victim of Xen...which being an RPGmaker game probably is DRM free anyway.
Wow, Ubi guy revealed the reason why the first Rayman had no arms or legs but floating hands and feet. It wasn't a art choice but due to insufficient computation power for necessary animations on PS1 o_O


SV does a lot of little things -- the interface especially -- that I don't think a HM port would have pulled off. I have a couple casual gamer friends who are suddenly on Steam playing SV daily after not logging on for a couple years... I just don't see them looking at some 3DS port of a HM game and jumping on like they did with this.

That crowd is probably the bulk of the sales, not starved HM fans who probably already play Rune Factory on 3DS. To most SV players this whole concept probably comes off more like a farming-focused take on the crafting genre. An audience that probably played some Terraria, not HM.

as you said SV does many things its own way and it's not that simple. If we were to judge by SV OT, people playing RF4 play it, HM fans play it, people that never played either play it, it's just a good game.
I wanted RF alike on PC for a very long time, you probably could find my posts of years ago about wanting it and waiting for SV and Wild Season. I admit that SV is not RF exactly but it's fun and funny and complex enough to keep me interested.
I have to stress that it's not like Terraria, though.


remember when people were worried that since the PS4 had 8 gigs of ram you would need at least 6 gig videocards to play the console ports
remember when people were worried that since the PS4 had 8 gigs of ram you would need at least 6 gig videocards to play the console ports

i mean it makes little sense, a PC with 16 gigs of ram and a 4 gig video card should, in theory, have zero memory thrashing issues running a currentgen game at 1080p

Though to be fair, most of the games that are having issues with getting a solid 60 at 1080p are also throwing in a bunch of PC exclusive features so it's not a 1:1 comparison.

but also fuck Arkham Knight


I won't buy anything above 250€ price, nvm speed and VRAM
I can play indie games and don't give a damn about those inflated prices.
Even if I joke, seeing where things are going, I'll end up like this most likely anyway

750TI should still be enough to play anything that isn't AAA release well into 2018.
Will defo run all of Visual Novel and RPG Maker games

very funny
you know that my PC is still broken and I play on an oldish laptop now, don't you?
kindly don't make fun of my constant hardware problems


I won't buy anything above 250€ price, nvm speed and VRAM
I can play indie games and don't give a damn about those inflated prices.
Even if I joke, seeing where things are going, I'll end up like this most likely anyway

750TI should still be enough to play anything that isn't AAA release well into 2018.
Will defo run all of Visual Novel and RPG Maker games
remember when people were worried that since the PS4 had 8 gigs of ram you would need at least 6 gig videocards to play the console ports
300-350€ is for me the sweet-spot to get a GPU to play almost everything at ultra and going down to high to end up at a mix of high-med and then upgrade to the new 300-350€ GPU after ~4-5 years.
Looking at the Steam Hardware Survey, I doubt devs will make games most their customers won't be able to play.


300-350€ is for me the sweet-spot to get a GPU to play almost everything at ultra and going down to high to end up at a mix of high-med and then upgrade to the new 300-350€ GPU after ~4-5 years.
Looking at the Steam Hardware Survey, I doubt devs will make games most their customers won't be able to play.

I thought that's what all high budget big devs are already doing, have you checked requirements lately? no, I don't mean minimal specs


wonder what they're adding to the jumble bundle today.

hopefully something good, I don't want them ruin this great bundle.
BTW it sold only 104K, for such a good bundle that could mean only one thing, many people waiting for second week additions to pull the trigger and HB probably understands that.
I thought that's what all high budget big devs are already doing, have you checked requirements lately? no, I don't mean minimal specs
I'm not so sure about that. When you keep in mind a nextgen-only, high-fidelity, visual showcase game like RotTR - which can bring even high-end PCs to its knees - runs really well on a sub-400 PC, I wouldn't give too much mind on system requirements.
Another thing is, there are features which really only the highest end PCs will even be able to use (PCSS, Downsampling, Hair stuff, really good AA). Those features are nice but not essential and probably drive the reqs up.
I think most enthusiast level GPUs (980Ti, 390x) could do some insane things if devs would take them as a baseline when making a game. But obviously that doesn't make much sense financially.


I'm not so sure about that. When you keep in mind a nextgen-only, high-fidelity, visual showcase game like RotTR - which can bring even high-end PCs to its knees - runs really well on a sub-400 PC, I wouldn't give too much mind on system requirements.
Another thing is, there are features which really only the highest end PCs will even be able to use (PCSS, Downsampling, Hair stuff, really good AA). Those features are nice but not essential and probably drive the reqs up.
I think most enthusiast level GPUs (980Ti, 390x) could do some insane things if devs would take them as a baseline when making a game. But obviously that doesn't make much sense financially.

I think we can agree that most of us are enthusiasts here, of the top of my head, what was posted in this thread:
new Hitman runs like shit
JC3 runs like shit
XCOM 2 runs like shit
and let's not forget Arkham Knight
that's a big chunk of modern games that runs like shit for enthusiasts, I'm not sure that less invested groups are happy with how things are.
let's sum up what we've learnt form Stardew Valley success. If you make a good game in underrepresented genre, listen to what your potential buyers want, you don't really need media attention (as Stardew Valley got close to none, especially at the start) or advertising.
It's not what we were led to believe in the last year with indie devs complaining about not getting any sales for their good games, is it?
yeah, I know there are not so many underrepresented genres out there, but still.

How about some Suikoden-like recruit-'em-ups?

SV became popular, because Natsume was too stupid to release their own Harvest Moon on the PC in decades. I am sure people who liked HM on the SNES or N64, but became a PC gamer, wanted to play such a game again and then SV came and people buy it.

If Natsume would have released a Harvest Moon on the PC, it would also be successful I guess.

Hard to say. It would partly depend on the quality of the port and the price. The Wii U has Friends of Mineral Town and More Friends of Mineral Town (the ports of Back to Nature) available for $7 each - and Iikely retaining any bugs the original may have had - and Harvest Moon 64 couldn't even make it to the Wii U because of "technical issues" so its chances of going to Steam are even slimmer. Fans MIGHT be satisfied with later offerings, but those two are largely considered the best ones.
tmnt gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx6e3gxSoJ4

gotta be honest, don't like how its basically a little box with little missons popping up until you complete the stage. maybe itll be fun tho si who knows.

I was hoping for more of an MGR type feel than the vibe I get from what I've seen of Transformers and Korra. However, it seems more like the latter than the former. Add in the forced 4 person team with AI if you're not playing online co-op and my hype has gone down a notch. Switching between Turtles reminds me a lot of switching between elements in Korra, so that's why I had that in the comparison.

Granted, this was the producer playing, and he didn't seem to be great at the game plus it was a "demo" and looked like a tutorial area since it had popups explaining things... so hopefully it'll be better than I'm expecting after watching the video.

This looks like a lot of fun though

Maybe if you're playing co-op, but as it's demo'ed, I'd have to say I disagree.
It quickly degenerates into "where are the last few enemies in this big box?" as Prinny said above. I never find looking for the last few things to trigger the next event, though. Hard to tell how the combo system is going to work as they have a bunch of customization from what the commentary is saying, but they don't show a lot of that off to give you an idea of how deep it actually is.

Also, unrelated, but while I'm quoting you:
I don't think the "add to wishlist" button on a game's community hub is working properly. I just tried it with Danganronpa 2, but when I looked at the store page, it wasn't marked as "on wishlist" and I had to click the "add to wishlist" button again.
now look what you've done, made me all sad

it's too good to happen in this world, maybe in another one

You think it's too ambitious for an indie dev to try? Heck, even if they said "forget the strategy component, let's just make it a recruitin' RPG and build-your-base-up game?"


they probably think it'll sell more now when TC is announced, I sincerely hope that will be the case. I want The Legend of Heroes live on PC forever, even if Falcom abandoned PC development, they might come back some day if it'll become worth.
i don't really see it, but who knows

i dunno why, but it seems like the series didn't quite hit as much as other games like recettear did.

maybe they should really reduce the price on tits 1 or sell tits1+2 bundles or something if they haven't already. try to get tits 1 on most ppl's hands so that ppl play it and get hooked on the story and want to play 2, cos direct sequels are understandably tough sells on their own when they're this "samey".

So, Stardew Valley, if I've never played Harvest Moon like games and not sure how I would like them should I still get Stardew Valley? The positive reception that it has gotten has made me curious.
yeah, probably. it's pretty cheap and it's a good introduction to the genre and it's just a lot of fun

tho nostalgia is one of the important factors i like about it for sure
i don't really see it, but who knows

i dunno why, but it seems like the series didn't quite hit as much as other games like recettear did.

maybe they should really reduce the price on tits 1 or sell tits1+2 bundles or something if they haven't already. try to get tits 1 on most ppl's hands so that ppl play it and get hooked on the story and want to play 2, cos direct sequels are understandably tough sells on their own when they're this "samey".

My reaction when it was revealed was something along the lines of "boy, if SC didn't sell really well, I can't wait to see how TC does. Maybe they can follow the 50% price increase model and sell less to continue the trend." ;)

Can you imagine if TC cost $45 at launch? I'm pretty sure the Trails fanatics in here would buy it, even if they had to work the street corners or sell plasma to raise that kind of dough. ;)



Anyone still clinging to windows 7 for some reason should have completely disabled automatic updates by now.

My reaction when it was revealed was something along the lines of "boy, if SC didn't sell really well, I can't wait to see how TC does. Maybe they can follow the 50% price increase model and sell less to continue the trend." ;)

Can you imagine if TC cost $45 at launch? I'm pretty sure the Trails fanatics in here would buy it, even if they had to work the street corners or sell plasma to raise that kind of dough. ;)

It would almost make sense to price it really high, since "casual" fans will still be working on the first one. I'd think niche gaming fans would be fine paying more for something they weren't even sure would get a release.
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